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12-28-16 pm service
Let my word fill your hearts, not you head, but your heart that when you open your mouth my words come out not yours. Walk, walk very closely to my side and listen very carefully to the things that I am about to share with you that you will know how, how to walk, that you will know what is going to take place, that you will always be prepared and ready to flow in the spirit. You need to walk in the spirit, so when you walk in the spirit you don’t fulfill the lust of the flesh, you need to put your flesh to death so that you can be a spirit man, walking in the spirit and fulfilling my word. For the hour is very short, the time is running out very fast, there is ample time to fulfill everything that I have told you that you are going to do. But you must be walking by my side because I cannot chase after you and down this rabbit hole and down that rabbit hole and down that rabbit hole, for there is not that much time left. Therefore, walk, walk with me.
Beware of the false, for many will come and say that they had a visitation with me, they will give a false word and it will seem strange unto those who have their spiritual eyes and ears open. For it is not from me, do not be caught up in it, but be open to My Spirit and I will lead and guide and direct you. For I have given my word unto my true prophet and he shall bring that word to the rest of the world. For I have come and visited with him and spoken directly unto him, so when others come and say the Lord came and spoke unto me, know that I have not, for I have only spoken unto one at this time, saith the Lord. So do not be deceived, for the enemy desires to deceive many, but be blessed by my word as I give it unto you and as my prophet shares it with you as I have shared it with him. For it will bring about all that I have said that I would do, you shall see it all unfold, saith the Lord, for it is that time and that hour. Prepare yourselves for all that I am about to reveal unto you, saith the Lord.
12-25-16 am service
For it is a great hour, a far greater hour than you even realize, for my church that is, and I will be giving you many instructions, I have made them very plain concerning the things that shall come to pass in two thousand and seventeen. Did you hear that, shall come to pass, shall come to pass? I have many things to say to the world also, but what I have to say to them is not good. For that hour, that hour is upon them also, an hour of great calamities, an hour of judgment, an hour of wrath. Oh the things that shall come to pass because man has not listened. When I told them not to poke the bear in the eye they continued. When I told them not to go back into sin they continued. When they refused the warning such as 911, for one week, for one week they began to turn back and then they continued. They have not followed me, they have not exalted me, they have not known me and therefore another hour is coming, an hour that they will not want. But for my church it shall be a glorious time, for I shall pour out my blessings like never before, I shall bless you coming in, I shall bless you going out and truly you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above and not beneath. For as those things come they shall not hinder you, they shall not stop you, they shall not cause you trouble. But if you do not know me, if you are not walking with me, if you don’t know how to hear my voice, if you don’t know how to hear the Spirits voice, if you don’t know how to move in the spirit and live in the spirit and walk in the spirit they will affect you. It is an hour to get ready, oh ready like you have never been, an hour of great joy, an hour of great peace, an hour, an hour such as you have waited for, the blessed hope that is what my word says, that is the hour, the blessed hope. Walk; walk very close by my side.
For Christmas shall last for my people for a whole year, a glorious hour, a glorious time, a time like you have never expected, but a time that I have prepared for you, just for you, not for the world, but for you. An hour of great, great blessings, an hour when your promises are fulfilled, an hour when you live in the joy that you read about, that you have never been able to have, but it shall be here, if, if, if you are walking by my side, if you are walking close to me. Oh I shall pour out blessings upon you without measure, I shall show you my love like you have never known it before and truly, truly it will be like living in paradise and you won’t have to go any place to find it, for it shall be here for you.
For I tell you that the Son of man shall come in an hour that you expect not, says the Lord. And when he comes will he find you walking in faith or doubt and fear, says the Lord? If you are not in the faith you shall be left behind, says the Lord, for I am not coming for a fearful church, a sinful church, but a church that is set on my word, says the Lord, a church that is right in my word, says the Lord, a church that is going forth in the victory, says the Lord. Are you operating in the faith that I have given unto you, says the Lord? Walk in my faith, walk in My Spirit, walk in my power as never been done before, says the Lord.
The Lord says, be ready for the needs of his people, be ready to set people free, be ready to pray for people to be healed, be ready to tell people about him, be ready because the harvest is ripe. He says be ready when the devil attacks, he says be ready to be on fire for him. He says come this morning, allow him to anoint each and every one of you, allow him to move upon you so you can get close to him. Come and seek him this morning because he loves each and every one of you and he sent his Son to you. So he says, be ready to move with him, be ready to be set free, be ready for any sickness here to be healed. He says his people will be able to raise the dead in the name of Jesus. So be ready to be used by him and come this morning and be filled, to be touched by him and be anointed.
For truly it is time my church for my people to be set on fire like never before, so on fire that regardless of the things that are going on they are in my house, they are seeking my face, they are calling upon my name. For those that do not know me, it is that time my church, it is that time to separate yourselves apart from those that do not follow me and choose not to follow me and go their own way. For you do not want to be caught up with those, for very soon now great destruction shall come and for those who are not walking according to my word some shall get caught up in that, so entangled that they cannot get out, says the Lord. But for those who are walking according to me and according to my word they shall have a time like never before, a time that most have waited their whole lives to see, a time of great blessing, of great rejoicing in my house. But only for those who are walking with me, only those who are seeking my name and calling upon me, saith your Father, only for those who choose to follow me one hundred percent. So won’t you choose me this day, saith your Father, won’t you choose to be set on fire like never before that you can run, that you can run, that you can run and do all that I have called you to do for this day and this hour. For truly it shall be a great hour and I desire for you to be part of that and I desire to use you, but you must walk with me, you must do the things I have told you to do and you must allow me to use you one hundred percent to do my will, not your own, my will, saith the Lord. For truly it will be a great and glorious hour, saith the Lord.
For let revival fires burn within you, it is time, allow the revival fires to be stoked this morning that revival has not died down, for it is time for it to get deeper, the Lord God says to come and allow that fire to get deeper within you today.
For I say to you, etc. in small battles, for you have been through greater ones and you have come out victorious before and you shall come out victorious this time again, but even stronger than you were before. Do not give the enemy an inch, for when you give him an inch he takes a mile, do not back off one iota, for you have a race yet to finish. Give it a hundred and ten percent, give it everything you have got, for you have more than you think you do, you have more than enough. And I will give unto you the strength that you have need of, that strength that you have been lacking I will give it unto you. For you will become stronger and stronger and stronger where these battles won’t even bat an eyelash at you, says the Lord. So do not back off, but continue to run ahead, saith the Lord.
12-21-16 pm service
Prepare your hearts for the things that I have for you, for many, many things I have for you I shall tell you like never before that you can clearly understand and know the things that are coming, for the time is very, very short, you need to know that you can stand. For if you know and you understand you shall be victorious, you shall be the overcomers and I shall be able to fulfill everything that I told you that I would fulfill and you shall walk in great victory, you shall be the overcomers and multitudes shall come unto you. So fear not but draw closer to me, seek my face, seek my face, seek my face.
Prepare your heart so that you can take in all I am going to tell you. For at first it will seem like I am giving you a lot and I am giving you a lot, but it is time to begin to move like never before, it is time for my work to be completed and I shall lay it all out step by step by step. And you shall run and not be weary and you shall do all that I have called you to do, for it is that day and it is that hour. Prepare your hearts now, prepare your hearts now and be ready, be ready, be ready for when I lay it all out before you, saith the Lord.
For truly many things, many things I shall share with you. I do not want you in any part of the darkness, for I have too many false prophets tickling the ears of my people and telling you of all the great things that shall come to pass. They are liars, they are not of me, but I do have great things that I shall share with you and they, and they shall bring you great happiness, great blessings, great rewards. Listen to my prophets.
12-18-16 am service
For it is a very rich hour in spiritual things, a very rich hour when the Holy Ghost shall move with power and might such as you have never seen before in your life. The overcomers are rising up and the Laodicean church is getting deader and deader and deader, the lukewarm have become cold, but the red-hot are getting hotter and hotter and hotter. And they will go forth like a great army and they shall do great and wonderful things that the whole world can see and know that truly there is a God and that he loves them with an everlasting love and that he desires, he desires to bless them, prosper them, heal them and to take them to their home in heaven with him, it is an exciting hour for the church. But not for the world, for the world has made their own plans and the Christians are not following my directions and because they do not follow my directions they do not do as I have said. Great disaster, great disaster shall begin to take place. I have warned and I have warned and I have warned and they still poke the bear with the stick, don’t they know that he can swat them and wipe them out in one moment of time? Are they just trying to hold their position and not give it up because they think they are God, that would not help them? Pray I say, pray.
Oh that the prophet Jeremiah would be listened to or the prophet Ezekiel. For my word declares in there the end time wars, Babylon is destroyed in a twenty four hour period, Russia marching down on Israel, great hailstones falling down and destroying them, China to come in with their horse army, all these things are clearly described there, clearly and they are about to take place. Therefore I say, seek my face, seek my face, seek my face like never before, press in like never before, for if you do not understand now, darkness, darkness shall come and it shall be gross darkness.
The Lord says, if someone is coming to your house do you tidy it up, do you tidy up your house when people come? The Lord God says that he wants to come into your hearts today. Come this morning, tidy up your hearts, get whatever is not of him out today. For it is time to tidy up your heats, be ready for the end times, for the end times are coming. For if you have stuff on your hearts take it out today the Lord God is here. The Lord God say, if you have an addiction today, today is the day to get rid of the addiction, today is the day to be set free from it. The Lord God says, for those who are depressed, today come and be set free from that depression. Those who have anxiety, today come and be set free from anxiety. The Lord God says he is here to heal each and every one of you from your sicknesses, he is here to deliver you, he is here to fill you today to overflowing. So come this morning and allow him to move upon you.
The Lord says bring the children up and pray for them this morning.
12-18-16 pm service
For my word is your promise and as you stand on my word, as speak my word it will go out and fulfill the things that you sent it forth to do. So stand on my word, know my word, speak my word, don’t speak words of doubt, don’t speak words of unbelief, speak my word. For my word is the anointed word, my word has life and it will bring those things to pass. So stand on my word, proclaim my word and you shall live the abundant life.
For as you know my word and fill your heart with my word you become a giant far greater, far greater than Elijah, far greater than those of the Old Testament, you become a giant. Fill your heart with my word.
When you constantly fill yourself with my word, when the enemy comes against you then you are ready to combat him and my word proceeds forth out of your mouth and the enemy flees. So you can see the importance and the understanding of knowing my word and being in my word that you are ready. For when the enemy does attack you can speak forth my word and he has to flee for he has no power and authority over you and you can be that giant and you can do all that I have called you to do my children. For truly it is that time and it is that hour and you need to be in my word like at no other time before, because the more time you spend in my word the more I can fill you to overflowing, the more I can prepare you, the more of an overcomer you will be. So spend time in my word, spend time in prayer, spend time talking with me and spend time building your spirit man up. For truly you are in a warfare, you have my word and you know that you win in the end. But you still, you must be ready for battle, you must prepare yourself so the enemy cannot come in and destroy you, saith the Lord. So prepare yourself and be ready for the things that are to come, for the enemy desires to stop them, for he knows what my word has said and what I desire to do. So be ready, saith the Lord.
12-4-16 am service
For my word is truth and when you stand on my word all of heaven moves on your behalf, but you need to put away your doubt and worse yet your unbelief. For when you have unbelief you are possessed by a demon and need to be set free, for that unbelief controls you and you cannot receive the beautiful things that I have for you, you cannot walk in the victory that you should be walking in, you cannot be the overcomer. For my word tells you to believe, not to doubt, for doubt is just a lack of knowledge, you don’t know my word and because you do not know my word you doubt. But the unbelief means exactly what it says, you once believed and now you don’t believe. Walk in the victories that I have for you, for the days ahead are very dark, many things are about to take place that you are not even aware of. You have many countries that would love to go to war with you at the moment, but it is not that time yet. But very soon now I will be telling you that in one day, that in one day things shall start to happen that you do not want to see happen, but they will take place because my word says they will take place. And nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing can turn them back because my people are never going to return to me one hundred percent and, therefore, I cannot move on their behalf. For many, like I have said, are walking in unbelief now, unbelief and even though you can show them they will not believe, therefore, they walk away from me and they walk with the devil and they know it not. But many things, many things shall start taking place before April, even now they shall take place, but from April on they shall be far worse than anything you have seen. So prepare yourself, prepare your household to walk in faith with me. Teach your children how to pray, many of them do not know how to pray and when somebody says to them will you pray for me they run away, that should never be. They shall stand like a boulder and they shall speak forth my word and it shall come to pass, is that not what I have told you? Therefore, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, be steadfast, unmoveable only abounding in love, in my love and the Zoe kind of life that you can be the victors.
For my word says a little child shall lead them and throughout the world now many children are walking in the fullness of the spirit and they are speaking forth my word and the only ones that have a problem with it are my adults. Wake up, read my word, know what my word says, for if it is not in my word it is not of me, if it is in my word it is of me, it has been declared, it has been established and it shall go forth and it shall bring the answers that I have sent it forth to do.
For truly only those who have their spiritual eye and ears open can see and know and understand the things are taking place. They see My Spirit moving when others say there is no Spirit moving in this place, but yet it is, they just have turned a deaf ear and blind eye to it. They have closed off their spiritual senses in that sense, saith the Lord. For it is not something that you feel, in that sense, but it is something that you can see, something that you can hear, something that you know is going on in the spirit realm. For if you are not in that place were you see My Spirit moving, where you know without a shadow of a doubt that My Spirit is moving, you need to come and receive from me, saith the Lord. You need to come and have the demons cast out that are holding you back, you need to come and allow me to release upon you the anointing for these days and these hours, the anointing that you have need of, that anointing that breaks every yoke of bondage. For you are in bondage, saith the Lord, you are in bondage and you need to be delivered from that, you need to be delivered from that so that you can be all that I have called you to be for these days and these hours so you can heal the sick, that you can set the captives free, so you can bring in the lost, the lost. For it is that time and it is that hour, it is that hour, saith the Lord, so will you come and be used by me, saith the Lord. Will you come and allow me to touch you like never before, will you come and allow me to do the work in your hearts and lives that needs to be done, saith the Lord? For you are not coming and seeking man, you are not coming and seeking anything, you are coming and seeking me and I, your Father God, am looking for those, looking for those who are coming to seek me, who are coming to seek my face and call upon my name. And it is those that I will move upon there behalf, it is those that I will deliver and heal and set free, it is those who will do exploits, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
The Lord says he wants to fill each and every one of you today, he wants to set you free today, he wants you to come and allow his Spirit to rain upon you today. So come to him and allow him to fill you after you get set free, the Lord God says. So he says come allow him to anoint you today to move forward today for the end times, for the end times are getting closer and closer. It is almost time for my Son to come and take my church back, the Lord God says. So he says come to receive this morning.
12-4-16 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with joy knowing that I am watching over you, that I am protecting you, that I am making provisions that you will be victorious in every area of your life, that you will be ready when that trumpet sounds and you will meet me in the clouds. So fear not the things that are coming upon the face of the earth, don’t fear them, they have to come. Realize that if you look at eternity or even the thousand year reign you have a life far greater than the few years you have here on earth and it shall be a much, much greater life, a life like you have never known. So do not listen to the lies of the enemy, do not allow the enemy to fool you or trick you, but press in, press in closer to me, for I shall show you the way through the wilderness.
For it is my desire for you to truly know my love and you experience the love that I have given unto you, for many do not know my love nor do they even walk in my love because they cannot comprehend the love that I have for them. But it is my desire that you truly know who I am that you walk in the love that I have given unto you that you might give it to others. For there are many hurting who need to know my love, not just any kind of love, my love, the love that forgives all sins. It is that hour and that time where I need you flowing with me like never before. Do not be fearful of the day or the hour that you are living in, but I say unto you, rather put your trust in me knowing that I, Almighty God, have made the way for you, you just have to walk in it. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word, study my word daily that it is within your heart and that when you speak my word comes out of your mouth. For, I say unto you, it is very needful in the days ahead that you truly know my word and that you can stand upon my word that you can know the victory that I have given unto you, that you can experience that victory and that you can be the overcomer that I have said that you are. Therefore, I say unto you, draw close like never before, it is my desire that you truly know who I am and that you truly experience the love that I have given unto you, says the Lord.
Continue to build on the things that you have already built upon in your life. Continue to read my word more, study my word more, pray more, for all these things shall make you a greater warrior, a victor, an overcomer in the days that are ahead. And many things shall take place like I said, four months big change, four months super change, be ready.
For my word is like a highway, says the Lord, and it brings you to where you have to come to, says the Lord. But if you do not speak my word and you do not know my word you are but in the wilderness wandering to and fro not knowing where you are going, says the Lord. Get on my highway, speak my word, for you need to know it, says the Lord, know my word, for in the days to come you my not find my word unless it is in your heart, says the Lord, follow my word.
11-30-16 pm service
Continue to be in prayer, prayer is extremely important, for if you want the things that you know you should have you need to be in prayer. The battle is nowhere near over, many things are taking place that you are unaware of and unless you are in prayer these things will not work. For man cannot do the things that you desire done, but if you pray I can move on your behalf, but that does not mean the evil will stop, because you are in the very end times and the evil will only increase, but yet it can be victorious here and you can be walking in victory and you can be the overcomer, but you have to be in prayer.
Remember I told you that there were things that had to come to pass that could not be changed. There are many things that could be stopped, that could be turned around, that could be that they weren’t so bad if you prayed. So when I speak unto you my people to pray it is for your own benefit and you need to pray about those things earnestly, you need to take them seriously, you need to pray about the things that I tell unto you to pray for. For even in your own behalf you should be praying and seeking my word over your building, for you see another year has passed and nothing has been done because the enemy has been fighting and holding things up. You need to pray earnestly about this, saith your Father, you need to pray earnestly about this so that you can begin to start work on that. For even though you do not see it yet the people are already coming, the people are on their way and where will you house them when they come? For this building will not hold very many and you will need the next building, saith your Father. So pray about these things, pray about these things that the enemy does not hold them up any longer, but that they begin to move forward. So, I say unto you one more time, pray, pray, pray.
11-27-16 am service
Let your spiritual ears be wide open that you may hear and that you may know the things that are about to come to pass. For you need to know these things, saith your Father God, that you may walk in the victories that I have for you, notice I said victories, more than one. For if you don’t know or you don’t pay attention or you don’t listen then you will not know what to do and you will fall into the traps of the enemy, for his traps are very wise. And at times my people, because of the lack of knowledge, they do not know what I have said, and therefore, they walk right into the traps and then somebody has to set them free because normally they do not know how to set themselves free. But many, many terrible things shall come upon the face of the earth, things that man cannot stop, things that they cannot turn around because they are written in my word and they shall come to pass, for the time is running out. But, I say unto you, rejoice in that you know me, that you are saved, that your name is written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life, that you do have life evermore and you can walk in the victories that I have for you. And you can be that victor, that overcomer, that one that goes through victoriously and not the one that does not go through victorious or the one that does not go period because their oil has run out. Keep your oil full, keep your oil full, keep your oil full.
11-27-16 pm service
Do not let the things that are going on in the world concern you, for this week will not be a good week, saith your Father. Keep your eyes on the news and watch the things that are going on, but do not fear, do not worry, for I have said I would carry you through these days victoriously. For the enemy knows he has a short time left, and therefore, he is fighting now harder than ever before and you will see things as they rise up and they will go quiet for a short time and then rise up again, you will see those things, saith the Lord. For from now till the end of the year you will see many things take place and as the new year rings in you shall see more things as the new President is sworn into office, many changes will come that the enemy does not like and so he is going to fight, he is going to fight, he is going to fight. But do not fear for you are the victors you win, saith your Father, and I am carrying you through these days victoriously. So put your trust in me, not in man, for man’s ways and systems will fail, but if you have your trust in me you will be successful, saith the Lord, you will be successful. So do not fear, do not fear, but take hold of my word, take hold of my promises and know that I, your Father God, will take you through these days victoriously, saith the Lord.
11-23-16 pm service
Let your hearts be lifted, let my words fill your heart, let them fill you to overflowing, for it is an hour, an hour of great need. For many things are going in the wrong direction and my people are not praying as I have instructed them to pray, you need to press in even closer to me and walk with me. For I am the only one that can take you through this time, I am the only one that can give you the strength to be victorious; I am the only one that can make you an overcomer. For if you are not walking with me you will not reach your goals, but if you are walking with me you will reach those goals. The hour is very dark, very dark and my people should be recognizing that and seeing the things that are taking place, but they are not. Oh, that they would only open their spiritual eyes and their spiritual ears and press in. For many, many are going to be caught unaware, many are going to be like the five virgins that had no oil in their lamp and then they will wonder why. Press in I say, press in, press in, press in.
11-20-16 am service
For truly I say unto you, the biggest battles are yet to come, but you are victorious and you shall be victorious as you walk with me. For the clock is running out and there are many things that shall come to pass that you do not want to see, but remember you go through those things victoriously if, if you are walking by my side, if your trusting me with all your heart, if you are leaning upon me and not your own understanding, not things that you have been taught, but the things my word teaches you. So walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you, for truly the times ahead are great times, they are victorious times, they are times when all, all the harvest shall come in and you shall rejoice as you are overflowing and there is no room for others. So press in, press in, press in.
For my angels have been given unto you as ministering spirits, and if you learn how they will work for you, they will keep you safe, they will strengthen you, they will battle on your behalf. And if you haven’t learned to do so, you need to learn to do that, for I gave them to you to be ministering spirits for you, not for somebody else, but for you and many of you have never even put one to work yet. Put them to work for you, that is why I gave them to you.
The Lord says he is here to stoke the fires today in your life; he wants to get you more ready for when things happen. So he says the only ones that will come are the ones that are on fire, are you on fire for God today, are you ready to come and be stoked for him today? He wants to stoke those fires within your heart today, so come and receive what he has for you.
For truly I do not just give you empty promises, for every single thing that I have spoken to you is for a time and a purpose and a reason, sometimes you have to wait to see the fulfillment of those things and other things you see instantaneously. But know what my word has said, know what I am speaking to you over and over and over each and every time you come into my house, know what I am saying unto my church. For truly it is of utmost importance, for if you would look at it all you would see how it is lining up all together because of the time that it is now, saith the Lord. And so you will see it come to pass even faster now as that time is getting very close to the time that I shall take my church home and then the wrath shall be poured out for three and a half years, that is what my word says. Know what my word says and you will walk in victory regardless of the things that are going on, regardless of the destruction that is taking place in the rest of the world. You will be safe if you walk according to my word and do the things that I have told you to do, saith the Lord.
11-20-16 pm service canceled: weather - high winds snow whiteouts
11-13-16 am service
Let my word be established in your heart, it is the hour to be in prayer more than at anytime. So because the election is over do not back off in prayer, for man cannot change things only I, your Father God, can change things. The clock has not stopped running, it is still running the same as it has always been running, and at times just as it was in the day of Noah, I shall sound that trumpet and my church shall go and the door shall be closed. So don’t look for a second chance, but prepare yourself and make ready. The time should be much easier because of your choices, but yet the time is short. I will supply all your needs, I will take care of you, I will watch over you and protect you, I will show you all things to come just as I have promised that I would do. And the multitudes shall still come and the buildings shall still go up and you shall rejoice as you see the things that I will yet do even though the time is short, so continue to press in, press in even more so. Know my word, know my voice, know what belongs to you, know what your inheritance is here on earth that you can walk in the fullness of it and be everything that I said that you could be.
As you can clearly see the evil in the world is almost fifty-fifty, my word has shown you that before, so that should not be a surprise. For I have said that two shall be standing in the field and one shall go and one shall remain, that is fifty-fifty, and it has got to that place, that also means that the end is very, very near. So you will still have half of the world that desires to do evil and half of the world that desires to do good, but only about thirty percent are true Christians. There will be a revival, they will come in and you shall rejoice in the presence of all that.
The Lord says come to the altars this morning, sing him praises up on high and release your hurt to him today, release your pain to him today, release your sickness to him today. So come and give whatever your need is today, he is here to heal and deliver and to set every one of you free. So come and praise him this morning.
For truly I love you with an everlasting love, I desire to do all that I have told you that I would do. I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way. I desire to deliver, I desire to heal, I desire to set you free in every area of your life. For truly there is a great work yet to be done, there is a great work that I have called you to accomplish in these days and these hours and I need you my people to be able to do the things that I have called you to do. So won’t you come and receive of me, won’t you come and receive all the things that I have for you, those things that I know that you have need of, those things that you have been asking me for, those things that you have been crying unto me for you? Will you not come and receive them today; will you not come and allow me to do the work that is needed to be done this day? For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to pour out My Spirit upon you and touch you like never before this day. It is my desire because I love you my children, I love you, I love you, so come, come, come and receive all the things that I have for you this day, saith the Lord.
11-13-16 pm service
For it is a great hour even though many do not think so. It is an hour when I am preparing my church to be able to do all things that I have told them that they could do. It is an hour that they can be refreshed in their spirit that their faith can be on fire, that they can be as strong as Jesus was that they can walk with the same anointing, the same peace, the same joy. They can reach out to those round about them and help them, for it is that hour, it is that time, the end is drawing close. Walk therefore as close to me as you possibly can, do not allow yourself to drift to the right or to the left but focus, focus on me and focus on my word. Know my word, get yourself ready, don’t miss, don’t miss the climax, but be ready that I, your Father God, can help you.
For many signs are in the sky, many things I am doing that the world may see and know and understand the hour is very late. But some do not want to look, they enjoy their life on earth far more and they shall miss it. But I say to you, be not like unto them, but press in that I can bless you far more than you have ever been blessed, that I can meet needs and work through you in a powerful way that the world will know that truly you are mine and that you walk by my side and you have the faith, you have the anointing, you have the ability to do all things through me.
For truly I have given you all the things that you need of to be prosperous, to be victorious, to be the overcomer. I have given unto you my power, I have given unto you my authority, I have given unto you my ability and my strength. All you must do is put those things into action and do as I have called you to do, saith the Lord. For truly there are many who I have called and I have gifted and yet they sit inoperable, they do not move when the Spirit moves upon them, but yet there is a work that needs to be done. So remain open unto me, allow me to use you, allow me to open up and stir up the gifts in your life, allow me to bring you off the bench and put you into the game. You see that is my desire, but that must be your desire my church, that must be your desire to be all that I have called you to be. So do not sit back and watch as others are used and are blessed, but rise up and get yourself into the game as well that I can use you like I desire to and then I can bless you like I desire to, I can move upon your behalf the way I desire to. So sit not back, but rise up and do all that I have called you to do, saith the Lord.
For the Lord says, there are but two ways that you can go, the way of worldly lust and pleasures for evermore, says the Lord, for the day that I shut the door upon you or the way of truth and life, says the Lord. Choose life because that is where I shall be, says the Lord, where you shall dwell with me forever, says the Lord. Don’t be distracted upon the things that the world lusts after, but trust in me, says the Lord, I will take you to everlasting life, says the Lord. Keep your eyes on me, says the Lord and you shall truly be free and you shall truly have victory.
11-9-16 pm service
Be encouraged in the Lord for I am on the throne and my name will be lifted up and I will be glorified, for it is that hour and it is that time when my people shall come together like at no other time and they shall lift me up and glorify me. It is an hour to press in like you have never pressed in before, yes, the hour is late and there is much that is needed to be done, there is much that needs to be accomplished. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like you have never pressed in before, get yourself ready for the things that are going to take place, not only in the spiritual realm but in the earthly realm, says the Lord. Be ready, be ready, be ready, be ready.
11-6-16 am service
If those who claim to be Christians and those who are Christians would do as I have told them, then the elections would be good, they would pick the better of the two evils and things would be nicer until you leave here. But they do not listen to me, they have never listened to me, they do as they please and because they do as they please they get themselves into trouble, trouble that really did not need to be, trouble that could have been bypassed and never have come to pass, but that is not the case. For they need to listen to my voice and walk according to my word and do the things that I, their Father God, tell them to do and then and only then will they walk in total victory. They will never fall, they will never fail, they will never be discouraged, they will never be defeated, they will never be down, but rather they do as they want to do and because they do as they want to do they get themselves into trouble and then they cry out to me to bail them out. Time is extremely short, the world is coming to an end, but do you believe that, some of you sitting here would say no if you were honest, but the time is running out. I have warned you, I have told you and they are speaking, oh they are speaking terrible things into existence that do not need to be because my people are not speaking the things into existence that should be. The prophecies that are rolling out there now from those that aren’t prophets are disastrous, they may sound like they are good, but they are disastrous because they are not my will, they are not my plan and because they are not my will and not my plan many things will come that no one would want. Read my word, study my word, know my word and walk in the victory that comes because you do that.
Pray, I have said over and over pray and many are not praying. You say I don’t know how to pray; there are only two ways to pray, the right way and the wrong way. There are two ways to pray the right way, either because you know what I want you to pray or pray in the spirit, for the Spirit will intercede on your behalf, the spirit will pray correctly and then my word shall go out and I can bring it to pass. But if my word is not going out I cannot bring it to pass, we have to go by the written word and if you are not standing or speaking the written word then those that are speaking what is not my word shall come to pass.
Today, tomorrow are days to be in prayer concerning the elections, concerning the people that are going to try to stop them entirely, entirely. They are already demon possessed to the point that they will kill, they will destroy, they will blow up things, they will do anything and everything to stop things. Your area is safe, but be in prayer for those that do not live in your area that could be in areas that could be very, very unsafe, for innocent people, innocent people shall die if you don’t pray, if you don’t seek my face on behalf of them. They are so irate that they will do things that the normal person, even an unsaved person that was normal would not do. For they have been given over to a reprobate mind and they are against me and everything that I stand for and they are trying not only to stop the election, but to stop Christianity, to put an end to it once and for all. For they love evil but not justice, not righteousness, not peace, not joy, not happiness and their actions would be felt for months. Therefore, I say, be in prayer concerning that.
For I say unto you, do not take these things lightly, but begin to be in prayer and continue to be in prayer so that things do not have to come to pass that can be prevented. But only if you pray my people, only if you pray, it is up to you. For I have told you three times you need to be in prayer, it is for a reason, it is for a purpose because things can be averted by your prayers, things that the enemy is desiring to bring for destruction. But they are things that are not in my word and do not have to come to pass at this time yet. Yes, destruction will come, but it is for a later time and not yet, saith the Lord, so be in prayer, be in prayer, be in prayer.
The Lord says today get ready and do a victory march, if you do the victory march whatever the need is give it to him today in the name of Jesus and he will move upon you today. So what you need is do a victory march today and give it to God. After you get done with the victory march come up to the front, everyone, and allow God to move upon you and fill you and touch you from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. So today do a victory march.
11-6-16 pm service
Bathe in my word tonight, let my anointing come upon you in a powerful and mighty way, soak in my presence, let it just fill you to overflowing. For I have great things for you, things that will cause you to be the victors, to be the overcomers, things that will cause you to lead others to me. Others that will receive miracles, others that will receive healing, oh my presence will fill you in such a way that even the common man shall recognize my anointing upon you, shall recognize my presence in you. And you shall speak my word, not your words, for you shall open your mouth and my words shall come out, the words that they have need of. Continue to be in prayer, spend at least fifteen minutes in prayer tonight whether here or whether home, this is a very serious time and you need to be in prayer. Pray, pray in the spirit, pray with your own understand, but pray, for prayer is needed, that is why I have told you over and over, pray, pray, don’t take it lightly, pray.
The Lord says, open up your windows this night, open up your windows, let My Spirit move upon you, says the Lord, let it fill you to overflowing. Don’t let the enemy keep you in a secret place, says the Lord, but let the world know openly who you are in Christ Jesus, let them know who Jesus is, says the Lord. Don’t hide and don’t keep your windows shut but leave them open, says the Lord.
For my word shall never go out and return void but it will do those things that it is sent forth to do, when a man believes it or not, but it will do nothing for them if they do not believe. Therefore, believe my word, believe my word, listen, listen to my word and walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, for truly my word shall come to pass.
For even though you be few in numbers, I still desire to move upon your behalf. I desire to pour out My Spirit upon you to fill you to overflowing each and every time you enter into my house, each and every time you come into my presence, I desire to bless you, I desire to fill you. So regardless of how many are here seated in my house know that I, your Father God, still desires to move upon you. For where two or three are gathered there I am in the midst of you. So open up to me this night, allow me to fill you to overflowing, allow me to do those things in your life that need to be done that you can be the overcomer, that you can be the victor in every area of your life, that you can be the head and not the tail, that you can be above and not beneath. For truly I desire for you to be the overcomer in every area of your life, I desire for you to be victorious in these end days. So allow me, allow My Spirit to touch you like never before, saith the Lord.
11-2-16 pm service
Continue to speak my word, continue to stay in prayer like I have commanded you to stay in prayer, for many have not prayed since that day concerning what I have told them to pray about. The hour is too late, we need to walk in the unity that I have given to you, you need to walk in the fulfillment of all the promises and the words that I have given to you, for the time is extremely short for some things. There shall be great disaster and there shall be things that shall take place that you wouldn’t want to take place because you haven’t prayed. Therefore, I say, continue to pray, continue to press into the fullness of everything that I have for you. Pray for Israel, she will need your prayers at this time, pray concerning the elections, pray that the eyes of the church will be open that they will see and understand the things that are going on, pray, pray, pray.
10-30-16 am service
For one can surely see the turmoil all over the world, for the enemy is working overtime, the antichrist is shifting things prepared and ready to move into his place. Those round about him are also assembling themselves to be in their place underneath him and underneath his teaching and control. For the world is fastly coming to an end, many do not recognize it, many do not know it, but truly it is coming to pass. Therefore, I say, press in closer to me, forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as some do, for you need the things that I have for you, you need the things that your brothers and sisters have for you, you need to be pressing closer to me. For truly I love you with an everlasting love, I desire to bless you coming in and going out, I desire to make you the head, I need to open your spiritual ears that you can hear me. For so many people do not hear my voice and yet my word clearly tells you that they hear my voice and another’s voice they will not follow and yet many of them are following the other voice. Then they say, oh I don’t know how that can be; well I, your Father God, am telling you that is so. Know my voice, follow my voice, hear the things that I, your Father God, say to you. Don’t be dependant upon others to tell you what I am saying, for if they are wrong then you shall go the wrong way. But walk, walk by my side, walk closely that I can tell you, that I can bless you, that I can give unto you the things that I desire, for I have made multi millionaires out of people by following the things that I have told them to do. Be like them, walk by my side.
For as one can see many things are coming to pass, not all of them are good, there are great trials coming, great pressures coming, great disasters coming, but if you are my people you shall be safe. For I have told you time and time again that I will watch over you and keep you safe, I have told you time and time again this was the safest place in the world. I have explained things to you that when others come you can help them, that you can use my word and speak to them. Therefore, know my word, know what I am saying, know what my word says that you can walk in all the fullness of everything that I have for you.
The Lord say to come forth from the dry places that you are sitting in, says the Lord. Rise up and move into the water, says the Lord, move into the water deeply, says the Lord. Learn how to swim in my water, says the Lord, and you shall never suffer defeat, says the Lord, but shall have victory in your lives.
The Lord say, the devil has been trying to throw things at you, stand upon my word today and tell the devil he is defeated in the name of Jesus. The devil is not the winner, but the Lord God is the winner and you are the winners because you have accepted me, so go after the devil in the name of Jesus. The Lord God says today come to the altar, seek him with your faces, cry out to him, allow him to electrify your spirit today, allow him to stoke those fires within you, allow them to burn within you. So come to receive the Lord God today, allow him to move upon you.
The Lord says, my word is sharper than any two-edged sword, so when the devil comes after you use my word and knock him down, for the devil cannot win, for the devil is going to lose. The Lord God says, no matter what the devil throws at you, even if he tries to shoot you, my word will save you. The Lord God says, stand upon my word today within your life and you shall be the winner and you shall win. So tell the devil to go today and stomp upon him and tell the devil you have the victory in your heart and in your life. So tell the devil to go and you shall win.
10-30-16 pm service
For of a truth, truly I am all that you need, for truly if you put all of your trust in me I will never fail you because I love you. I love you with an everlasting love, there may be times when you think that I haven’t met all of your needs, but it is not me, it is not me. And when you realize that then you can press into the place that you can receive the things that I have for you. For truly I desire to meet every single need that you have, I desire to bless you, I desire to exalt you, I desire to heal you, I desire to do all, all that I can for you because I love you.
For you shall see and recognize and realize my love, for when you need me you shall find them there. The jackals will not be able to come against you, the wolves in sheep clothing you shall recognize immediately and I shall be there, yes, I shall always be there in your darkest hour, I will be there. And I will be the light and I shall lead you into victory and you shall be the overcomer.
This shall be the hour of the most wins on the face of the earth that there ever has been or ever will be, for in the end of the book we win. Therefore, even though it is a bad time, even though many things are going the way we don’t want them to go, you will be winning all the time, winning, winning, winning, overcoming, overcoming, overcoming.
For even among the darkest days that the world has ever seen my church will be exalted, my church will thrive, my church will be the place that all will come to because things are taking place there and yet everything else is going on, on the right hand and on the left hand, death and destruction are all around. For truly you get the picture of what I am going to do, saith the Lord. So continue to walk with me, continue to do the things that I have called you to do, for you will be victorious, you will be the overcomers and my church will be lifted up and exalted in these last days, saith the Lord.
10-26-16 pm service
So let your hearts be open this night, saith your Father God, for there are many things that I want to show you, there are many things that I want to do for you. For I love you with an everlasting love and I am always there for you, just remember to call upon my name and I shall answer. Therefore, fear not the things that may happen, the things that may come, but realize it is the end times and you cannot pray these things away nor can you change them, for my word says they shall come to pass and you shall see them. But you can walk in victory, you can be the top, you can be the head, you can be the overcomer, you can be all that I have said that you can be and you need not fear. But trust me; trust me and I shall move mightily on your behalf.
For man brings many things about themselves, their foolishness, they run off at the mouth and they do not consider the things that they are saying. They poke the bear in the eye and poke the bear in the eye and they poke the bear in the eye and they do not realize that the bear can be very vicious, that he can tear them to shreds, that he can kill those that they love, he can kill their sons and their daughters and they never think of this. They only do the stupid things that they think themselves because they don’t inquire of me or ask of me and therefore the things that come are because of their foolishness. Be in prayer concerning that, that they will use their wisdom, that they will use their knowledge, that they will do the things that I say.
10-23-16 am service
Let your hearts be open today that I may minister unto you, for there are many, many needs here, saith your Father God, needs that I have tried to minister to but you have refused to receive and believe. For if you believe not you cannot receive, but it is my desire, it is my desire, it is my will to touch you and heal you and deliver you and set you free. For the hour is very short and you need to be in perfect health during these last days that you can be the overcomer that I have made you to be, that you can be all that I have said that you are, that you can be the top not the tail, above not beneath. For I have made you the overcomer, I have made you a victor, I have made you everything that Jesus was while he was here on earth. It is the hour, it is the time to walk in that victory, to be that overcomer that you may win and not lose. For those that are afraid to move forward and take the things that are for them, they shall be defeated, for they cannot, they cannot overcome the enemy without the power, without the authority, without the ability that I am giving to you freely. Receive those things that I have and become all that I have said that you are.
For truly I desire to heal, I desire to set free, I desire to restore, so when I call you to come, come and receive of those things that you can walk in the fullness of all that I have for you, the fullness of the blessings, the fullness of the joy, the fullness of the peace that I have for you my people. For you see I love you with an everlasting love and I desire for you not to be in bondage, but to be totally set free that you can do all the things that I have called for you to do, saith the Lord. For even though the enemy tries at times I am greater than anything he can throw at you, but you must receive from me, saith the Lord, you must receive from me. So open up yourselves this day and come and receive all the things that I have for you, saith the Lord.
For when you receive the gift of an overcomer, the power, the authority that I have for you, you won’t be one that sits back and shakes their head and wonders why, you will know why. For I am the Lord thy God, I am the one that gives unto you the power, the strength, the ability to be all that I have said that I am. And I can do those things and I will do those things, and if you refuse to receive those things, again I say to you, the enemy will overcome you and he will destroy you. Therefore, receive what I have for you.
10-23-16 pm service
Seek my face with all your heart, be in prayer, great prayer for the next twenty days, many things shall take place between then and now, remember that I told you. I am always here for you, always ready to strengthen you and comfort you and lift you up. For I love you with an everlasting love and my love is always available to you, I have not forsaken you, I have not turned my back upon you, but I am here for you. Put all your trust, all your trust in me, put your trust in me, for that is what shall keep you in these days.
10-19-16 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with great joy, for I have given unto you my word and my promises and I am not a God that lies and, therefore, I will fulfill my word to you, I will do those things that I have said I am going to do. I cannot do what flesh says, but what I say I can do, saith your Father, and I shall do those things. So be not overly concerned about the future, for if you stand and are not moved, if you stand and are not moved you will be amazed at the slaughter that shall take place in the election. But if you allow yourself to be moved then you will receive the things that you do not want, for you have not believed and you have not stood. But, I say to you, stand, don’t listen to man, man is the one that does not want the things that you as a Christian want, therefore, they say the things that they say and they are not truthful. But I am truthful, therefore, stand on my word, stand on my promise and I shall bring those things to pass.
10-16-16 am service
Oh the foolishness of man, for man tries to think of what to do and they counsel
not me, and because they do not counsel me, they do not seek my counsel, they
walk in foolishness. They have poked the Bear one too many times and it comes
from the harlot, the whore who continues to poke, poke, poke, for she has no
knowledge, for she is of the devil and she operates in the same manor the devil
would or the antichrist would. They have poked the Bear one too many times. I
would say, prepare yourself for the things that shall now come, but it shall not
be good. But you shall see the things that I have talked to you about and they
shall come speedily and many will say, well, it is not time for that, that is
because it is man’s knowledge and not mine, it is sense knowledge, they operate
by sense knowledge and not faith knowledge. They do not know my word, they do
not know me, I am not their Father and they are not my children, but I speak to
my children and I warn them. Many bad things shall now come, but I have told
you, you are safe, do not be foolish and do something foolish, for you are
safe. For I watch over you, I protect you, I keep you safe, I am with you, all
you need to do is call upon my name and I will move mightily upon your behalf.
So do not allow the things that shall come trouble your heart, for these things
have to be, you cannot pray them away, these things have to be. But you shall
be safe and you shall go through it victoriously, and when the world looks upon
you and sees how you are walking in victory they shall flock to you, they shall
come by day, they shall come by night, they shall come twenty-four hours a day,
I have told you that before and now it is that time because of the foolishness,
oh the foolishness. Oh the things that they desire, for they would love to
bring in the troops, they would love to stop the election, they would love to do
this and they would love to do that. But maybe that is good, for too many are
looking upon the election as the ones that would win are gods, they are not me,
they are not me, for I do not do the things that they do not nor do I condone
the things that they do. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare yourself, set your
house in order, seek my face like never before, call upon my name, hear from me,
don’t wait until you hear the things that are happening. Call upon me now,
saith your Father God, seek my face while it is yet day, for darkness comes
quickly, darkness comes quickly. Therefore, I say, call upon my name, seek my
face and I shall answer you.
For even though one fights and tries to retain the power that he already has he
is not the antichrist but many now shall tell you he is the antichrist but he is
not the antichrist I have told you that before. For I have told you who the
antichrist is, I have told you who the false prophet is, I have told you the
things that shall come and therefore you don’t need man’s wisdom or man’s
knowledge or what man thinks that he is going to do. For here in your country,
the country that I have blessed there are many that don’t know me but they will
fight, they will fight, they will fight, this shall not be a strong country in
their eyes but it shall be a strong country in my eyes and I your Father God
shall fight. And therefore I have told you, you shall be safe until I take you
out of here, that does not mean you go home and sit down and do nothing, you
need to look at your own life and meditate upon your own life. I said set your
house in order, prepare yourself, prepare your children that there is no fear
running lose in your house, for you shall be safe, you are in a safe place, you
have a legion of angels to protect you, you are right where I desire for you to
be. Therefore I say unto you, fear not for fear is not of me, for I have given
you faith, faith that will move a mountain, faith that will destroy anything you
call upon to be destroyed. Therefore, trust me, trust me.
The Lord God says he is here today to heal every sickness, every disease,
anything that is bothering you this week, he says open up the altar and come to
his OR today, come to his emergency room. For the Lord God says he is here to
heal each and every one of you, for the sickness must bow in front of him today
in the name of Jesus. He says come and be healed, for there is a thyroid
problem in this room, there are people that are weak and weary this week they
are tired. The Lord God says he can heal you, there are people with cancer, he
says today is your day of healing. There are people with hemorrhoid problems
and today is the day for them to be gone. Whatever your sickness, there are
fifty more sickness in this room that need to be healed that the devil is trying
to put on you. The Lord God says he is going to heal each and every one of
them. If you have teeth problems he says come and let him fix your teeth today,
for those cavities have to bow to him today.
For truly this is my word that I have spoken unto you, for I desire to move in a
mighty and powerful way upon your behalf. But I cannot do that if you will not
come and receive the things that I have for you, if you will not come to my
altar and allow me to pour out My Spirit upon you, that Spirit that is going to
fill you to overflowing for these days ahead. For do you not see the trouble on
the horizon, do you not see my word as it is going to come to pass very quickly
now? Very quickly, you are walking in those very days and those very hours, so
also my word that I have spoken unto you will come to pass very quickly. Very
quickly shall this place be filled to overflowing as they come for the things
that I have for them, as I have spoken unto them and I have said come. So come
and receive all the things that I have for you this day my children, for truly I
desire to pour out My Spirit upon you even this very day like never before,
saith the Lord. So come, come, come and receive.
10-16-16 pm service
Continue to seek my face, to call upon my name, continue to listen, listen in
the spirit realm, hear the things that are developing and the things that are
taking place that you can walk in wisdom, that you can walk in knowledge, that
you can walk even as the Lord desires that you walk. For truly you need to walk
in the spirit realm because of the things that are taking place, you need to
walk in the spirit realm. For truly as you walk in the spirit realm then you
hear in the spirit realm, but if you walk in the flesh you only hear the flesh,
you hear the things that you don’t need to hear, you hear the things that are
lies, you hear the things that are not truth. Walk in the spirit realm; know
what my word says, then you can balance the truth from the false, the things
that are coming that I have told you are coming and the things that will never
come. For some things that they say are a lie, they never have been, never will
be, there is nobody living out there in outer space other than I, your Father
God, has created. And if I had created more I would have told you and I have
not told you, therefore, there is nobody out there in space, nobody, no aliens.
Walk in my word, know my word, understand my word, for when you don’t that is
when you get into trouble because you begin to believe those things that are a
lie. But walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, yes, man is
creating other beings, but I didn’t create them, man is creating them.
10-12-16 pm service
For truly it is an hour when my people need to unite together as one, they need to press for the common goal to bring forth the things that they have need of, the things that they desire, not to give up and allow the enemy to do the things that he wants to do. For there is some time yet and your time would be much better spent as one working for my common causes, bringing forth the victory, bringing the harvest in, than not doing the things that I, your Father God, want you to do, not doing the things that my word says, for then you shall have a hard time for the enemy shall have control. And if the enemy has control then there will be defeat on every side and it will be much, much, much harder for you to walk in the victories that I have already given unto you. Therefore, walk in it now, for if you walk in it now you shall have it.
10-9-16 am service
It is time for my church to rise up like never before, for them to see the truth that is before them, for did not I come, haven’t I given unto you life and that more abundantly? It is the time and the hour for my church to rise up and to see who I have said that they are, for I have already made them the overcomer, I have made them more, more than a conqueror, it is time my children to rise up, it is time to get my word into your heart like never before and to truly see yourself as I see you, as I see you, says the Lord. Oh, I say unto you church, rise up, rise up, rise up, it is that hour to be the overcomer not to just become it, but live it, to be it, for I have made you that overcomer. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up church, rise up, rise up, rise up. For do you not know that I have already given you the ability, do you not know that I have given unto you that power, do you not know that I have given unto you the strength? Oh, I say unto you, look to me like never before, look to me, know my word, get into my word, have it within your heart that daily the things that come out of your mouth are the utterances of my word. Oh, I say to you, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up and become all that I have said that you are my children.
For when the wind is moving you cannot see the wind, you can see the results of the wind, you can feel the wind, but you cannot see the wind. That is like My Spirit, you cannot see My Spirit, but you can see the results of My Spirit and when My Spirit is blowing through you there will always be results. If there are no results it is flesh, it is not My Spirit, for My Spirit has been given unto you to be your teacher and your guide to lead you into all truth, to open your understanding that you can be everything that I have made you to be. I have made you to be everything, everything, everything has already been given unto you and yet you are begging for worldly things and not spiritual things. Allow My Spirit to move, allow yourselves to become all that I, your Father God, have created you to be that the multitudes, the multitudes shall come in and the world, the world shall see me and see my power and know that I am the Lord thy God.
For the church is out there not preaching my word, not telling them about my end times, for it truly is the end times, the end times are closer than you think. Stand upon my word each and every one of you today because the end times are here, if you stand upon my word you will be in my fold if you pray and seek me and allow me to move upon you. Tell the devil today you have the victory in each and every part of your life, do not let the devil take anything away from you from your finances to your relationships or anything today, for this is your day to have the victory here. So do a victory march and allow Father God to move upon you and tell the devil to go and stand upon my word.
The Lord says that if there is anyone here that needs to draw strength from me today to come to him.
10-9-16 pm service
Let my word overflow in your heart, let it flow so strongly that it will come out of your mouth and bring forth miracles, signs and wonders. Let the things that I have told you in my word come to pass, let my anointing, not your anointing, but let my anointing be upon you and all the power of my anointing and all the strength and my ability that you can be that overcomer, that you can bring into the fold the harvest that is ripe. For truly the harvest is ripe now, not later, for if you leave it lay there it will rot in the field just like it would in the farmer’s field. The harvest is white now, let the laborers go forth and bring in the harvest, for truly it is ready, it is ready to be reaped, reap the harvest.
For it is an exciting time and you should be feeling the stirring in your spirit, the excitement in your spirit of the things that are going to come to pass, the things that you are going to do, the things that my people are going to do, for what a time, what an exciting time it shall be. For you shall see the miracles, you shall see the signs, you shall see the wonders, you will even see dead raised to life again. You shall see all the things that my word declares unto you. You shall see yourself debt free, that is right, debt free, you shall see all the gifts in operation and you shall not fear anything, for you will know my word and you will stand on my word. You will stand on the things that I, your Father God, have said and you will be another little Jesus and things shall come forth such as you have never thought of, such as you have never believed, for your belief value shall be far greater.
10-5-16 pm service
Let your hearts be open that I may pour my love into you like you have never had before that I can encourage you and lift you up that you may know that we win, we don’t lose, but we are the winners, we are the overcomers and there are many things yet we shall do. For it is harvest time and even on the farm harvest time is the greatest time of the year, what rejoicing there is, what banquets there are. Therefore, you shall rejoice, you shall rejoice, you shall rejoice. Continue to walk very closely by my side, continue to press into the things that I have for you, for it is a great hour, saith your Father.
But not only is the world asleep, but my church as a whole is far more asleep than they should be. For if the thief was to come they wouldn’t recognize him, they wouldn’t know him, they wouldn’t have been pre-warned and yet I have pre- warned everybody. So let your ears be open, let your eyes be open, receive the things that the Spirit is sending forth. For as you walk in the spirit realm there will be many victories, many victories on many sides, many victories that you shall win, many victories that shall come your way and truly the harvest shall be great. For some shall only bring in a few, but many, many shall bring in multitudes and there shall be great rejoicing.
10-2-16 am service
For the time is so important, there are so many things that I need for you to do, there is much work and the harvest is here, but the harvesters, what are they doing? Few are the harvesters, they won’t open their mouth, they don’t hand out a track, they don’t invite people to church, they don’t do anything and they think they are going to reap a reward if they get to heaven. The hour is so late and there is so much work to do, there is enough work for everyone, you can climb quickly to the top. I have all that I need on the bottom, it is those on the top that I need, those that can go forth and do the things that I want them to do, those that can be the giants in these last days, those that can be the overcomers, those that can be the victors, I have much need for them. So why don’t you just come a little closer, why don’t you listen more carefully, why don’t you do those things that I say unto you, for the time is very short? Don’t be one of those that comes in at the midnight hour.
There are more guns that have already sounded in the midnight hour, there are twelve all totaled and over half of them, and over half of them have already sounded. The hour is very late, the world is going to continue to get more wicked, there are going to be more killings, there are going to be more attacks, there are going to be more earthquakes, there are going to be more volcanoes, there is going to be more of everything. The signs are so clear a blind man couldn’t miss them, so why do my people miss them? Draw closer, draw closer, draw closer.
The Lord says, come unto him this morning for the devil is going to throw anything he can at you from the children to your finances and car trouble, the devil is going to try to throw everything at you. The Lord God says, come unto him for he will supply all your needs in his glory, he says he will take care of you, come unto him this morning and seek him with all your heart at the altar and tell him all your worries and release it to him this morning. So come and receive from God today.
Why have you come to church today, have you come here in your needs, there are people that have been sick this week, there are people who have been stressed out this week, there are people who have had trouble with their finances, will you give them to me today or will you keep them? The Lord God says, coming to church won’t save you he says, but if you accept me that will save you, if you give me your burdens they will be taken away today. The Lord God says, come unto me and give me your needs.
For I say unto you, I would not have called you closer if you were where I desired you to be, says the Lord. But many are too far off, too far off for the days that are ahead, says the Lord. You need to draw closer to me, I called out unto you, says the Lord, to come closer, to come closer, to come closer. Come closer, says the Lord.
10-2-16 pm service
For it is a great hour, a powerful hour, an hour when the Holy Ghost shall move with all, all of his power, he shall move with all of his might. He shall lead you and guide you and direct you and cause you to walk in the fullness of the things that truly I have for you. Now don’t be fearful of some things that people are saying, they shall come to pass, but not in the timing that they have laid out before you. For I have told you point one, and if you don’t know what point one is, don’t jump to point two before point one takes place. For point two will not start point one, but point one will start point two. So as you know the things that I tell you, then you can totally understand the things that shall come to pass, but many things shall come to pass. The time, the time is important, so make sure you know the timing, for truly it is time, saith your Father.
For when I wrote my word I started in the book of Genesis, I did not start in Matthew. For if you don’t understand Genesis you will not understand Matthew, it is that simple and yet to man it seems to be not that simple. But if you will allow the Holy Ghost to be your teacher and your guide he, he will lead you into all truth.
Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, know what it says and know what it does not say. For that will help you greatly as the enemy tries to deceive many in these days and these hours. For many times he uses my words, but he twists them around slightly and makes them say something different, and when you hear those things and the Holy Spirit quickens to your memory that isn’t just quite right, that is me helping you because you have gotten into the word and studied it and you know my word and you have it in your heart. So get into my word, know my word, for it will help you greatly in these days and these hours if you know my word and if your hearing and listening to my voice. For remember, my word says my sheep know my voice and the voice of another’s they will not follow. So when you hear those words that don’t sound quite right listen to My Spirit and I will lead you and guide and direct you, saith the Lord.
9-25-16 am service
For truly it is a great and glorious hour, an hour for my church an hour for my people who are following after me a hundred percent, a great and glorious hour my people, for truly I have set aside this day and this hour for this time. And yet you have heard, you have heard it spoken of the prophets, you have heard it spoken of in my word and now you are starting to see the reality of these days and these hours, the things that are taking place in Charlotte and have taken place in other places shall continue. You will see other cities have the same problem because it is that time and it is that hour, it is that last hour, saith the Lord, it is that last hour. Very quickly now you shall see the destruction of Babylon and the earthquake on the West Coast and the earthquake down the middle even as I have told you. But do not be concerned about those things, for with those things shall bring in the multitudes that I have said that would come. For truly the revival is here and the revival is spreading across the world and as the multitudes begin to come in you will grow even greater and greater and greater and you will see at times when people are slain under the power of God for hours and hours and they weep and cry at the altar because of the presence of God, you shall see those things my people. So do not slack off, but continue to run with me, continue to do all the things that I have for you. For truly it is a great and glorious hour and I desire to bless you, I desire to pour out my blessings upon you like never before, I desire to move upon your behalf, I desire that you walk in perfect health. So, I say unto you, when I call out to you, when I speak unto you to come and receive do not sit and wait and wish and wish, well Lord that you would heal me, but when I call upon you come and receive those things so you can go forth and do all that I have called you to do in these days and these hour. For I have a great and mighty work that needs to be done and I have great things in store for those who will do all that I have called for them to do, saith the Lord.
The Lord wants to know, will you walk with him this morning, will you walk around this sanctuary with him and allow him to fill you to the top this morning from the bottom to the top? He wants to fill each and every one of you as you walk. Walk around five times the Lord God says, he says he wants to touch each and every one of you and as he fills you he is going to heal each and every one of you that have a sickness and if he fills you he is going to set you free from anything that you need to be set free from. And he said at the end have them play the horn, to have them hit the drums and allow my prophetic word to fill this room and the world.
As you have played the horn the demons are falling and as you played the drums it is time for the harvest to be woken up, it is time for the harvest to come in, it is time for the harvest to be saved, it is time for my word to go out and not to return void, the Lord God says. For it is time for the harvest to come in, for it is time to build.
For this is an era and a new day that you are walking in (etc. child crying covered word) negativity, rise up in my word, it is my word that will destroy him and put him down. My word only, says the Lord, speak my word only and you will truly walk in the victory that I have said is yours in this hour and this time. For it is a new era, it is a new day, walk in the newness of the power and the anointing and the ability that I have given unto you. For it is a new thing that I am doing, for it is the hour and time that I have spoken to you about in my word, for my rain is being poured out upon you without measure. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the newness, walk in the newness of the life that I have given unto you. Walk in the newness of the anointing, walk in the newness of the power that I have given unto you. Yet, I say, arm yourself with my word, arm yourself with my word, for even though it is a new day and hour the enemy shall still fight, but as long and you are guarded in my word with your heart, you will never fall to the right or to the left, but you will stand strong like you have never stood before. Therefore, I say unto you, arm yourself with my word like never before and walk in the newness of the power and ability and the strength that I have given unto you.
9-25-16 pm service
Let your hearts be open this night that I can minister unto you that I can lift you up, that I can encourage you, that I can build you strong, that I can give you wisdom and knowledge that you may flow in my word, that you may understand my word, that you may walk in my word. For truly it is the hour to be walking in the word, to be knowing the word, to understand the word and not be fooled by the enemy. For truly the enemy is going about fooling many, many have been given over to a reprobate mind, many are falling away and don’t even know it. For they have other things on their mind than me and the enemy loves that, for the enemy can distract them, he can take them away, he can steal them and they don’t even know it. But I say unto you, walk closer to me, come closer to me, walk very closely to me that I can help you in your time of need, that I can be there when you call out to my name that I can fight your battles for you, that I can give you those things that you have need of. Truly there are many things, many things, saith your Father God, that you have need of and I desire to give them to you. Come closer much closer.
For there is a gentle breeze blowing across the dead bones, they do not know it yet, but it is moving because of many things that you have done, you have caused it to move. And soon they shall begin to come alive and as they begin to come alive they will press into the fullness of the things that I have for them and they will begin to run. And even though they look like they are dead right now, when they begin to run, they shall run fast, they shall be quick, they shall go forth and do the things that I, their Father God, tells them to do. So do not grow discouraged yourselves, do not back off yourself, but it is time for you to press in even harder right now that their fire will catch on fire much quicker and as it does you will have a roaring fire.
9-21-16 pm service
For it is a great hour, a powerful hour, an hour when I am doing great and mighty things for my children, for my church, I am blessing them, I am anointing them with an anointing that they have never had before that they can go forth and do the things that I desire for them to do. For truly the harvest time is here, and harvest time if you look it up was the greatest hour there was, this is harvest time and truly it shall be a great hour, a powerful hour, a wonderful hour. And many shall come and you shall be amazed, for many of you do not believe they are coming, but you shall see them and they shall come and they shall run, oh they shall run, they shall run, they shall run.
For each and every one of you are different in many ways, for I have created you that way that together you make the church the most beautiful, the sweetest smelling fragrance that anyone has ever smelled. And I move mightily on your behalf when you are united as one, so therefore be united as one.
9-18-16 am service
It is a brand new season for my people, a time of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit like there never has been before, a time of miracles, signs and wonders, a time of rejoicing, for it is harvest time. And if you know anything about harvest time, that was the time to have all your banquets, that was the time for everyone to join together, to finish, to finish the harvest, to bring the harvest in and it is that time my people. For you shall see miracles, signs and wonders like you have never seen in your life, you shall see those that shall go forth to do great and mighty things on my behalf. They shall flock unto you, they shall come from near, they shall come from far, but they shall come just like I said they shall come. Man cannot stop it, only you can stop it, but if you are pressing in, if you are pressing into the fullness of everything that I have for you, there will be no stopping it. It shall come off just as I have said and you shall see it and you shall know that the hour is the midnight hour, it is not before, then it is the midnight hour. And miracles, oh the miracles, miracles, miracles such as you have never seen before that will cause the people to come into the fold, the shakings, the shakings, oh the great shakings that shall take place, that shall wake up even the dead and they shall rise up and come into my house and worship me. For it is that hour, it is a new hour, it is that hour, saith your Father.
Just like in the days of Noah, says the Lord, I commanded him to build my ark, I spoke to him and said that the animals shall come unto him. I am telling you that the people shall come unto you, you build my ark, says the Lord, and my people shall come.
For even the human animals shall come, the ones you call animals, for I shall touch them and they shall be saved, they shall be changed, their whole life shall be changed and they shall come, oh the ones that nobody wants, the ones that nobody desires, I shall bring them in. I shall go into the highways and byways and I shall bring them in, they shall be delivered, they shall be set free and they shall be worshipers like you have never seen worshipers, for they will realize all that they have been forgiven, all that I have done for them and they will love me with all their hearts, they will worship me will all their hearts. And they will go forward, oh they will run, they will run, they will run the race, for the time is short, but they shall come, they shall come.
The Lord God says he wants you come today for his peace, joy and comfort; he wants you to come today to be ready for when the harvest comes. He wants you to come today because this church soon, when we gets the new one built, is going to be packed to the rafters and we are going to have to build again. The Lord God says, it is time to allow him to move upon you, so come and allow him to move upon you like he wants to move upon you, so come to him today and allow him to move.
9-18-16 pm service
Let your spiritual ears be open, look,
if you listen and as you move into these last days it is going to be
imperative, imperative that you know what I have said, that you are doing as I
have told you to do. For you
cannot go through those times victorious, you cannot be the overcomers if you
are not following my word. If you
are following my word you shall be the victors, you shall be the overcomers
and you shall have a glorious, glorious time as the church, doing the things
that I have yet for you to do.
Don’t be like a mouse and when the lion roars you run and hide.
For do you not know, that lion the devil, he has no teeth and though he roars and rages that is all he can do? For there is nothing that he can do that I have not given you power and authority over him to stop him, to set him back from where he came from. For I have given unto you that power, I have given unto you that authority and for those who rise up and take that power and authority they will be victors. Their battles will not be as great as others who do not know how to put the enemy underneath their feet. For they cringe when he roars at them and yet he has no bite, but for those who stand strong they will do mighty and valiant things in these days and these hours. They will be the giants that go out and possess the land that is before them, they will not sit back and watch as others receive blessings, but they will be out there doing what I have called them to do, receiving all the things that I have for them. Be like one of those my children do not be afraid to stand against the enemy, but take your power and authority over him and put him in his place, put him under your feet, for truly you are the head and not the tail, you are above and not beneath. So, therefore I say unto you, this night rise into that place and that position that I have given unto you and use my power and authority that I have given unto you. And truly if you do those things you will walk victoriously in these end days, you will reap all of the harvest that I have called you to do, you will receive all of the blessings that I have for you, saith the Lord. For truly, truly, truly you will be a mighty force to reckon with spiritually, saith the Lord.
9-14-16 pm service
Continue to press in closer to me, keep your battle garments on, be in spiritual prayer, be alert spiritually. For many things are taking place right now, things that you may not see, things that you may not be aware of even though you should see them and you should be aware of them because most of the world, even the non Christians, are seeing them, know the signs. Do you know the signs? Many study the weather and yet they study not the signs in my word, therefore they do not know those things that are coming, how, how are they going to be able to keep their families safe? If they know my word, if they stand on my word things shall be beautiful, there shall be victory, victory on the right hand, victory on the left hand, for they shall speak forth my word. They will know it, it will be settled in their heart, not just like somebody that just speaks forth words that they may hear, words that they may have memorized, but words from their heart, words from their heart. For the time and the hour is very late, many things are taking place daily, many dangers are arising every single day and you need to know these things that you can walk in the victory that I have given unto you. For I have recorded in my word the very plans for victory that you will be the overcomer, that you will be the victor.
9-11-16 am service
Let your heart be filled with my word, let my word control the thoughts of your life, let my word proceed out of your mouth and call in those things that should be that are not. Think upon my word and not upon the negative things of the world, not upon the negative things that are happening, but upon my word. For your trust, your total trust has to be in me, for I told you last week there were many changes, your trust, your confidence has to be totally upon me. If you are going through this time in total victory, if you are going to be the overcomers they you have got to believe my word. You can’t read my word, speak my word and say, well, maybe it is so, those are going to go to hell unless they change. Speak my word, know my word, believe my word, stand on my word, for it is my word that shall carry you through this time, it is the Holy Ghost moving in your heart bringing out my word, so store my word, store my word in your heart that when you open your mouth my words come out. If your mind is renewed that would be automatic, but so many have never renewed their minds they are still motivated and controlled by sense knowledge, let my word control you. For my word brings health, it brings healing, it brings joy, it brings peace, it brings miracles, signs and wonders, it will do, it will do what it is sent forth to do. When I speak my word be obedient, for when you are not then you are walking in disobedience, have you not read that in my word? Then you need to study my word, study, I didn’t say read, I said study, to show yourself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the word of truth.
Remember today you have the victory, Jesus died on the cross for each and every one of you so you can have the victory. So do a victory march and tell the devil you have the victory in your life, tell the devil to get under your feet today, the Lord God says. The Lord God says do a victory march then come up and seek him with all your heart and allow him to move upon you, allow him to be on your team today, allow him to renew you, allow him to revive you, allow him to restore you.
9-11-16 pm service
Expect a great time for my people, expect great things, for I love you with an everlasting love and I have made promises unto you that definitely will be fulfilled. So as you walk with me you shall see that success, but as you look at the world you shall see the downhill battle that they are going very rapidly. It cannot be turned around, a lot of people think that I can turn it around, but I can’t, I can’t, it has gone too far, they have mocked me, they have mocked my word, they have killed my people therefore I have to move like I have told you I have to move. I have given you ample time to read my word and to look into my word so you can see what I have said unto you. If you just stay in the New Testament you would be better off, for then you would know the things that I have said, but you need to think, you need to think, understand my word, understand my word. For those that understand my word shall have the greatest time they have ever had in their life.
For the mouth of the river can be tiny, but as it continues down its way it begins to grow bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and that is what you shall begin to see, the church getting bigger and bigger and bigger. The antichrist and those that follow him getting bigger and bigger and bigger, but the church shall be the overcomers in the very end.
I have told you many times before that my river flows from my altar and all who would enter the river would receive from me, but if you do not come in you cannot receive the fullness of the things that I have for you. For truly I desire to bless you in a mighty and powerful way, I desire to move upon your behalf, I desire for you to receive all those promises that I have for you, that I have spoken to you about and even some that I have not told you about yet, I desire for you to receive all those things. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to move upon your behalf. Yes, destruction will come, but I will keep you safe from those things as I have promised you, if you follow my word, if you follow my instructions, if you ask me before going out of your two hundred mile area. I shall keep you safe, I shall move upon your behalf and at times I will even lead you to others that you might share with them, that you might lead them into the safety of the fold that I can protect them, that I can watch over them. So come and receive all the things that I have for you my children, for if you will come I will pour it out, saith the Lord.
9-7-16 pm service
Harken unto my words and listen, listen carefully, saith your Father, for many things are about to happen now, many things. The eighth day shall quickly arise as soon as they establish the doorway to Baal in New York City, watch for that on the nineteenth. Also remember nine-eleven, keep your spiritual eyes and ears open, for that is coming to pass also and many things shall take place as you begin to see these things. For not only shall Babylon fall on the east coast, you will have the great earthquake on the west coast and that will produce the one down through the middle on the fault. Listen carefully; these things are about to happen. Then after that shall be the revival that I have talked to you about, there is much work for you to do, for you don’t have enough room in this building to contain all the people that I shall bring into you. You need to get ready; you need to get ready, for truly these things shall come to pass.
9-4-16 am service
For it is a great hour for my church, the most glorious hour that I have ever created for the church that they can walk in all the victories that I have given unto them, that they can walk in the promises that belong to them. As they study my word, as they draw closer to me, as they understand how to walk according to my word that they can be all, all that I, your Father God, have said that they could be, oh what a glorious hour. It is not a glorious hour for the world, for the world is growing darker and darker and darker and it will not turn back to the light even though there will be revival, even though there will be revival only the churches that are having revival shall walk in that revival and live in that revival according to my word. Those that are not walking with me now may not walk with me then. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me, walk with me, open your understanding, listen to my word, be obedient, be obedient to my word, when I call you be obedient. For if you are not obedient now how do you expect to be obedient when the antichrist is reigning?
For my signs are being seen round the world, you are seeing the earthquakes, and earthquakes that equal the greatest earthquakes in places that don’t normally have the earthquakes. You are seeing the change in the weather, even snow and hail where you have to get out the snowplows, you are seeing many floods, you are seeing many signs and yet only those that are spiritually awake are recognizing the signs, the others think oh, it is just that time. Never in the history of man have they seen the weather conditions you are seeing now, never, never and yet they are there, they are clear, they are there for you to see and understand that the days are very short. Very soon Babylon shall fall in twenty four hours, very soon there shall be the great earthquake on the west coast, very soon Obama will sign the treaty that divides Israel again and you will see the fault in the middle of the United States open from up to the top of Canada right on down to Louisiana to the ocean, you will see those things, for it is that hour and it is that time. You will begin to see the shortages of the food, you will begin to see the shortages of water, you will begin to see the things that man is confessing with their own mouth. They are calling those things into being instead of calling my word into being, for if you call my word into being then you shall walk in the victory, if you call my word into being then you shall be healed and delivered and set free. If you call my word into being you shall be everything that I, your Father God, have said that you can be, for it is that hour and it is that time. So listen, listen, hear what I have to say unto you this day, saith your Father.
For I sent my Son on the cross for each and every one of you because I love you. Some people don’t even see the love that I have for them, for I love each and every one of you with an everlasting love. I want to see each and every one of you healed, I want to see each and every one of you delivered, I want to see kids come up today and be touched by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord God says. He wants to touch each and every kid today, he said today is the day to heal the people who are sick, he said today come and get healed, he said if you have a disease come and be healed. He says that he knows someone who has disease and needs to be healed to come, pray for them today. He wants to touch each and every one of you today, he said that he is here for you and he is always here for you and he wants to move upon you like never before. He says come and receive today because he loves you with everlasting love, come with your heart open.
He said he wants to heal anyone who has a broken heart today. Anyone who has a broken heart he wants to heal it today.
9-4-16 pm service
For as you go forth in the power and the might of my word you shall see miracles on every side of you, there shall be nothing that you shall not be able to do. For you shall be flowing in the fullness of my power, in the fullness of my ability and you shall be filled with my joy to overflowing that you can minister to those that are in need, that you can lift them up, that you can cheer them, that you can tell them the things that I, their Father God, desires for them to do. And they shall run in the race that you are running in, and those that can’t run, oh, they need my strength, they need my power and they need my ability that they can run, that they can run, that they can run. For it is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father God, it is that hour and it is that time. Do not look at what man says when they tell you the time is not yet, for the time is here, the time is now. Therefore, I say unto you, be excited, be ready, be ready, be ready.
For if you thought you saw the miracles, the signs and the wonders before, wait until you see what I am about to do, wait until you see my power released like you have never seen it before, even the dead raising, graves opening up. For truly it is that time and it is that hour and the world needs to know that truly I am God and there is absolutely nothing that I cannot do and I have made promises and I will fulfill my promises. I will do those things that I have said that I would do, and all, all that walk with me will be able to do those, only those that are dead, only those that are going to hell unless they repent cannot do those things. But my children shall do those things, my children shall walk in the power, my children shall walk in my ability, and oh, oh, all that I shall do that the world may come in quickly, may come in quickly into the fold.
Let my power, let my ability, let my anointing fall upon you right now, saith your Father God. Be filled to overflowing, be ready to run, be ready to go forth and do the things that I tell you to do. For truly the hour is here, the hour you have been waiting for, an hour like you have never seen before and it shall be a glorious hour. For I shall receive the glory, I shall receive the honor and then, and then, and then all the signs that I have talked about shall come upon you, but many multitudes shall flow in here, many multitudes shall flow in here, many multitudes shall flow in here and you shall meet every need that they have.
For truly you say, Lord, I have heard you say this again and again and we have yet to see these things come to pass. But, I say unto you, even as I said unto my servant when I told him to proclaim that an abundance of rain was coming and he sent forth his servant and he did not see anything. So he sent him again seven more times until he could see the cloud forming in the sky. So, I say unto you my people, tonight even though you can’t see it yet it is there just over the horizon and very soon now you shall even hear the very footsteps of those off in the distances, the multitudes that begin to flood in here. For if you had your spiritual eyes and ears open you would see and know very clearly that there is not much time yet and my word must come to pass. My word that has been spoken forth, it shall come to pass. So do not be concerned with the things that you see in the natural, but open up your spiritual eyes and see what I am doing, see how I am moving upon the hearts and very soon now you shall see those multitudes come. Very soon now you shall see that money, that money that I have spoken to you about, even the four hundred million that you shall receive to do all that I called you to do for these days and these hours. It shall come and it will not be long yet, so do not slack off, but press forward, press forward. For truly the enemy desires to come at you if you slack off, for it you even slack the slightest he is going to hit you. But continue to run with me, continue to do all that I have called you to do and you will see all the things that I have told you about come to pass. For very soon now you see, you will see, you will see, saith the Lord.
8-31-16 pm service
Look to me for I am all that you have need of, for it is my word that shall bring you deliverance. Get into my word like never before, realize who you are in me, you are above and not beneath, know what I have in store for this hour and this time. It is a time to press in like you have never pressed in before, get in my word like you have never been in my word before, spend that time praying before me, not only in the Spirit, but also just unto me, praying the word that you desire, that you seek, those things that you desire. etc.. etc. bad tape
8-28-16 am service
For it is a glorious hour for the church to walk in my word, to walk in my promises, to walk in the things that I, their Father God, have told them that are theirs, that they can have. For it is that hour when all things shall come to pass and nothing, nothing shall be left behind for those that walk very closely by my side, that know my word, that know my promises. But not so for the world, saith your Father, for it shall become a very dark time now, far darker than what you have already seen. For what you saw before was just the beginning, it was an appetizer in a sense of what you are going to see now. So be not moved, be not moved by what you see, but realize that my wrath will not be poured out upon you and I shall take you through this time victoriously. Even though the stock market will crash, even though the mark of the beast shall come, even though you shall see Babylon destroyed in twenty-four hours, and you shall see the other earthquake on the west coast, you shall see the one in the middle and that shall come unto you soon, just as soon as they divide my land again, saith your Father God, you shall see that. For it is that hour and it is that time and it shall come to pass, but let it not trouble you, for you will be the overcomers, you will be the victors, you will go through this victoriously.
For the world has become very evil and they desire the evil more than they desire those things that are righteous and they desire to walk the way of the evil. You can even see it in the elections, they are willing to accept the evil and reject that which would be good. This is a sign that you have crossed the line, that there is no turning back, that my judgment must come upon the face of the earth, that the whole world, the whole universe all shall be destroyed and there shall be a new heaven and a new earth. And then things shall be totally different, for it shall be the righteous that shall rule and reign. So fear not the things that you are seeing, realize that these are the signs of the end and they shall get worse and worse and worse and you shall see them more openly than ever before, and yet the righteous, the righteous will stand up, the righteous will be heard and multitudes, multitudes shall come into the fold.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our inequities, his chastisement for our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed. The Lord says, whatever you need today come give it to him because he wants to fill each and every one of you from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. So come and receive and give all your needs to him because he is the healer and he is the deliverer and he is the one that can set you free.
For truly my fire is a consuming fire and to be filled with that fire means to consume all the flesh and all the works of the flesh that only the works of the Spirit and those works of me, your Father God, remain. For even as my servant called the fire down and it consumed all the wood, all of the hay, all of the stubble and the offering that he had prepared there and even the very water that was there it consumed it all. Therefore, I say unto you, know this, that my fire is the consuming fire, it can purge out sickness, it can purge out disease, it will send the enemy fleeing. And, oh, to have that fire, the power that comes along with it, the boldness, the abilities to be the overcomer that I have called you for this day and for this hour. Do not be one of those who is just but a coal that is about to go out, but allow me to pour the oil on your fire that it is a consuming raging fire, one that consumes all of the earthly flesh, that My Spirit can radiate from you, saith the Lord, that you can go forth and do all that I have called you to do for these days and these hours. So, I say unto you, be filled to overflowing, be filled to overflowing and allow me to set you on fire like never before, saith the Lord.
The Lord says, there are those sitting here that have problems and you won’t come and give it to him. The Lord says, people here with diseases and you won’t come and give him your sickness. He says come and receive today whatever your need is and he will take care of it, but you have to give it to him.
8-28-16 pm service
So let your hearts be filled with great joy, for great and mighty things I am going to do for you and you shall see them, they shall be visible to others. Your blessings shall begin to fall upon you, your anointing shall grow and grow, those round about will recognize the anointing and come for their miracles and come for their healings, come for their deliverances and the many other things that you will be able to give unto them. For I have told you of some of the things that you shall do as everything begins to be fulfilled on your behalf. So be not fearful of the things that are going to go on in the world, don’t look at them if you can’t stand them, but put your trust in me, for I have told you that I would take you through this time victoriously. So you have nothing to fear, fear is not of me anyway, but press into the fullness, press into the fullness that I can bless you, bless you coming in, bless you going out that you can be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, for I shall do what I have told you I shall do.
For truly there is nothing too great or too small that I, your Father God, cannot do for you. For I love you my children with an everlasting love, I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way. I desire to heal, I desire to deliver, I desire to set free, I desire to bless you coming in and going out, my desire is that you are the overcomer in these days and these hours that you are the victors. So walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, come and receive, come and receive those things that you have need of. For truly I, your Father God, desire to move upon your behalf, so come and receive them, for truly I desire to bless you in these days and these hours. Yes, even though there will be darkness in world, even though there will be destruction in the world, I desire to bless you my people, for I love you with an everlasting love, I love you my children.
For my word is true, would I give you a bone if you asked me for bread? Would I give you sickness if you asked me for healing, do you trust me, do you love me with an everlasting love, is your assurance in my word? For the things that are coming upon the face of the earth you need to put all of your trust, not part of it, all your trust in me. For I have said I will take you through this safely, and if you can’t believe me for a miracle, if you can’t believe me for bread, how can you believe me to take you through what is coming upon you? You haven’t seen it yet, but it is coming and it is coming big time and I love you with an everlasting love and I desire, I desire to make you totally healed and delivered and set free that you can give back to those that come to you. For if they see you with a runny nose how can they believe me to heal their nose?
8-24-16 pm service
Let my word hold true, let it ring loud and clear in your ears, hear the things that I your Father God have to say to you, for truly my words are there for you, so know those words, know those words. For I say one more time do not divide my land or I will divide you and it shall come so quickly that you shall be amazed at the disaster that shall take place. Listen carefully to all the words that I give unto you that you can walk according to my word that you can walk in the fullness of my word that you can be all that I have said that you can be. For truly you are the overcomers you are those that shall be the victors in this last hour, you are those that I shall take out of here when I take my church. Therefore press in, press in, press in, for truly there is great joy ahead for my church.
8-21-16 am service
Let your hearts be open, let your spiritual ears be listening, for there are many things, many things that you need to be aware of, you need to beware of the things that taking place right here in America as well as overseas. For end time signs are clearly displayed that you can see them above and beyond any doubt, that you can even know what hour you are living in, for you can see the signs all round about, the evil, the evil that is taking place, the evil that is overcoming the light, the evil that is filling the world such as never seen before. For truly that is the devil, that is his plan for the hour and people are seeing it, they have been given over to a reprobate mind, they have no idea of the truth and they do not want the truth. They are not willing to be saved, but share the word with them, for that is my job, saith your Father God and I will move upon their hearts mightily, mightily, mightily. But beware of the things that are coming to pass, your insurances are going to go sky-high before elections, before elections, the price of food is going up again, far higher than it is now, many things are going to take place. You will see more killings here in the United States as well as overseas, for they are allowing the enemy to flood into this country without stopping them. Open your spiritual eyes, look, look round about you. There shall be a great change in the public school this year and parents that send their kids there will hang their heads when they see what they are going to teach. Oh, an awakening needs to come, an awakening needs to come.
Woe unto the churches that now have turned their back upon me and have entered into the falling away, woe to the Christians that are lukewarm and not on fire, for they have allowed their fire to die out and even the coals would have a hard time coming alive again. Woe, I say, with all that shall come now, the things you shall see now before the election, for man is putting all their trust, all their confidence in man to change it and man cannot change it only I, your Father God, can change it. So hear what I have to say, listen carefully, for as I show you the things that you need to know that you will walk in the confidence, that you will walk in the assurance, that you will walk in my word, in my word, that you will speak my word, that you will live my word, that you will act my word, that you will stand on my word and not be moved.
For truly man in his great wisdom has said, I can do it in my own power and my own strength, we don’t need God, we don’t need his answers and so they do not seek me, they do not consult me, and therefore, they reap what they sow and they shall reap destruction. For destruction lies on their doorstep and even though they know that it is coming they do not know when, but very soon now in that twenty-four hour period you shall see that destruction come, and not only shall it come the east coast, but it shall come to the west coast and it shall come to the center even as I have told you already. Be prepared for that time, be prepared for that time, for very soon now you shall see those things come to pass, saith the Lord.
8-21-16 pm service
etc. but some are not receiving it, some will never receive it, for their disobedience, they are in rebellion and very few will submit unto me. They will not admit where they are, therefore, I cannot help them even though I desire to help them, I long to help them. But I say unto you, press in, press in, for there is much, much more to be done, there are rewards that shall be laid up in heaven that will be beyond your imagination. They are far more important than any worldly awards, for you cannot take your worldly rewards with you. But know my word, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, for I love you, I love you with an everlasting love.
For there is but one road, but one road that leads to heaven, the way is straight, the way is narrow and I have said in my word few, few there be that find it. But as you get into my word, as you study my word, as you speak forth my word I open your understanding, I give you clear vision, I give you clear knowledge, revelation knowledge the world cannot give you, revelation knowledge man cannot give you, revelation knowledge only I, your Father God, can give you, revelation knowledge. And as you receive my revelation knowledge, clarity, clarity comes with it that you can see and understand the things that I am saying. Your hearing spiritually becomes very, very clear and you hear the things that I am saying, you hear my voice and you follow my voice and another’s voice, another’s voice you will not follow, that is how you know that you are my child. If you are following other voices you need to change that because my children follow my voice. So listen, listen carefully, know the things that I have said and press into the fullness of those things, for as you do, oh the miracles, oh the signs, oh the things that shall take place, the blessings, the blessings that you shall receive and then when you get to heaven more, more, more.
For truly I am pouring out My Spirit on those, those who are open, those who come willing to receive all the things I have for them. For truly I desire to bless you, I desire to fill you to a new level that you have never been filled to before, but you must come, you must come to me, you must come and receive it, for that is the only way that you get it, if you come and receive it, saith the Lord. So do not allow me to pass you by, come and receive all the things that I have for you, for truly I have more things in store for you. But if you don’t receive them why should I give them unto you? But some will receive and they will be blessed and they will rise higher and higher and higher, but others who do not receive they will go lower, they will not be raised higher. So you see my children you must come and receive the things that I have for you. Come and receive that you may be all I have called you to be for these days and these hours so that you can go forth and do all that I have called you to do. For I love you with an everlasting love, I love you my children, come and receive.
8/17/16 PM service
Let your faith be exalted, continue to put it out in front of you at all times. Continue to use it at all times. Continue to move forward, forward. Do not stop. Do not wait. Do not slumber. Do not draw back, but move forward with your faith at all times. For that is the way to excel. That is the way to overcome. That is the way to win, and I have called you to be winners and not losers. I have called you to be the head and not the tail. I have called you to be above and not beneath. And it’s time. It’s time to move forward , move forward, move forward.
I am coming very soon set your houses in order. Set your houses in order. Be ready, be prepared. Be ready to do all that I tell you to do.
8-14-16 am service
Let your hearts be open, let your spirit be awake listening, hearing, acting, for I have told you many things shall come to pass. Have you noticed this week we have had many, many bad things and they are still going on and next week shall be just as bad if not worse. For truly you are in the last days and there is much danger out there if you are not walking in the spirit realm but if you are walking in the spirit realm you shall be the victors, you shall be the overcomers. But between now and school time you will see things like you have never, never seen before. Is your school ready to receive hundreds of children it very well could be because many are going to leave the public schools because of what is going to go on, you need to be prepared and ready. For I have many things for you to do in order for you to get to the place where I want you to be multitudes have to come in, multitudes. Be not fearful know that you are the overcomers know that you are going to have the victory, know, know for truly I have told you, I have warned you, I have spoken to you. Yet many times you do not listen and when I do speak you think I am wrong, if I am wrong then who is right? I am the truth, I am the light, I am the way, there is not another one so somebody whether they are spirit filled or not tells you there is realize that they have already fallen away, a reprobate mind is taking a hold, beware. Mark then that cause division among you, mark them, for that will be to your benefit, for then you will be able to walk in peace like I have said you can walk in, all the trouble will be on the outside and there will be peace on the inside. So be very careful, do the things that I tell you and you will walk in victory.
For the three little pigs were not afraid of the wolf until he came and huffed and puffed and blew their house in. Then they had to run to the brother that had a good grounding, for only those with the good grounding could stand.
For the Lord says, I am opening up hearts of Cortland, I am opening up hearts of Tompkins County there are going to be multitudes and multitudes ready to be told about me, ready to be told about my salvation, the Lord God says. He says go ye unto the world and tell them about me, the Lord God says. The Lord says he wants to give you more fire today, more fire for him today. He says come and receive of him, he says today is the day of salvation you need him, he says for the world is going to get worse, you are going to see the death tolls rise, you are going to see the schools get worse, you are going to see killings in schools, the Lord God says. But come into my protection he says for I will protect my people. So come unto me to be protected.
For the ways of man have become more evil than at anytime on the face of the earth, anytime. The demon spirits are extremely active and they are entering into those that have not a covering over them. There is a falling away still going on that other things are far more important than church, far more important than me. Those people are already starting to have a reprobate mind and there will be a total change in them, a change like we have not seen before but that is the time, that is the time that we are living in, that is the time right now. Do you know what time it is, have you been reading the book of Revelation, have you been reading Daniel, have you been searching the scriptures like I say or do you sit there in a large vacuum not knowing what is taking place and your mind is not seared but is becoming a reprobate mind? Listen, listen, draw closer to me, get in your word and allow the Holy Spirit to tell you what to read. Not book by book by book, read to learn, read to get wisdom, read that I may talk to you.
For truly I desire to use you in a mighty and powerful way in these days and these hours. I desire for you to bring others onto me through my word, through the things that I shall speak unto them through you. Remember that I told you do not speak your own words and your own thoughts, but allow my Spirit to speak through you and only speak to them what my Spirit says to speak. For it is those words that shall bring conviction, it is those words that shall set the captives free, for man cannot do it in and of his own strength, but it is only I, your Father God, that can set those captives free, saith the Lord. And truly it is that time and it is that hour, so be bold, be bold, be bold and speak forth my word, saith the Lord.
The Lord says, come and receive his fire today, come and receive the fire and come and receive his anointing and let it flow through you, cause he wants to move on you. The Lord God says come and receive his fire because it is moving now, he wants to move on you.
The Lord says there are ten people here today, the Lord says there are ten people here he is talking to come, for there is ten people here he is talking to their heart to come and receive him today, let him move upon them, ten or more people, he says.
Is there anything impossible for me to do? Was I not able to create the whole universe, to make man in my image, to speak the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning? There is nothing that is impossible for me to do.
If you have a need I am more than able to meet that need. If I have been tugging on your heart don’t shake your head but come, for I did not say shake your head, come, come. For I cannot do the things that I need to do in your life if you don’t. I love you, I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to meet every single need that you have, I desire to set you free that means if you have a little hangnail you are not free because you hangnail will control you at times. Come, come unto me and I will do a work in you.
For truly if the heart of my people wax cold and you do not hear the voice of the Lord your God when he is speaking unto you or do you ignore it and sit and allow me to pass you by. For I your Father God want to bless you, I want to move upon your behalf, I want to take you to that new plateau, that higher plateau but I cannot take you there if you do not allow me to. For I will move upon you if you will allow me my children, I will move upon you if you will have me to, if you will receive it. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to bless you like never before, I desire to give you those miracles and those healings that you have need of. Even those people in this very place I am speaking unto you this day that need those miracles and those healings, for I know who you are and I know what you need and I your Father God desire to move upon your behalf. Will you come and receive or will you leave this place the same way that you came? The choice is yours but my offer stands, saith the Lord, for I love you with an everlasting love.
8-14-16 pm service
Let my word fill your heart to overflowing, let my presence be felt and consumed by you this night, let my strength be your strength, my joy be your joy. Walk, walk very closely to me because of the things that are going on in the world, the hour is extremely close, the time is at hand and many do not realize that, they are still looking down the road two years or more and if you wait two years you will be gone and they will still be here. So press in I say, press in, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, for it is extremely important for you. You need to press in.
For as the rain comes those that know how to swim and have prepared themselves they shall be safe, but those that have ignored the warnings, those that have ignored the things that I have said to them, those that have slipped away, oh what a terrible time, what a terrible time, what a terrible time. Why, why I say, for you know my love, you know my care, you know my word and yet you look for another word. You think you can just do your own things and nothing will take place. Repent I say, repent and call upon me with all your heart, not just part of it, but with all your heart, for I will not hear you unless you call upon me with all your heart, unless you draw closer to me and walk very closely by my side, for truly, truly the hour is very late.
Do you remember the ten virgins and how five had brought extra oil and their lamps were full, but the other five let their lamps run out and they had no oil left to refill them? Be filled my children, be filled and do not allow your lamps to go out, do not allow them to run low, but be filled to overflowing, be filled to overflowing so that you are ready, you are ready when that moment comes, saith the Lord. For it is drawing very close to that time now, and as you begin to draw closer to that time you will see things continue to get worse and worse and worse, and how more pressure is brought upon the Christians, that even some turn away because of the pressure, it is there because they do not love me like they say they do. They talk the talk but they do not walk the walk as the saying goes. But continue to be filled to overflowing that I can carry you through each and every week, and then when you come again on Sunday, be filled again that you might be carried through the next week so that you do not get downtrodden, that the enemy does not come against you and get victory, but that you go and you are the victors and you are the overcomes, saith the Lord.
Walk with your spiritual eyes open at all times. Did you hear me, walk with your spiritual eyes open at all times that your spiritual ears be open. Be on duty as a solder would be on duty if he was in war, for truly there is war, spiritual war is going on like never before, demons are more active than ever before, many things are taking place and they can take place anywhere, anywhere. Even when your kids are waiting for the school bus to come you need to be alert, you need to be ready. Don’t be asleep, don’t be asleep, for that is the most dangerous hour there is when you are sleeping. I am not talking about resting in your bed, I am talking about when you are spiritually sleeping, for the enemy can walk right up to you and zap, be awake, be awake.
8-10-16 pm service
etc. it calls those in that I have a desire to see come and receive the promises that I have for them, so it is also for you. For I know you, I knew you before the foundations of the earth and I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have guided you step by step, I have led you and my call is upon you to reach out to those round about you, to draw in the multitudes, the multitudes are there, it is time to bring them in. It is time, saith your Father God, that revival fills this place to overflowing, that you stop dragging your feet and the things that I have told you to do. To step out in boldness, to speak my word, not your words, I don’t want to hear your words, but I want you to speak my word, and as you speak my words you shall see the signs, you shall see the wonders, you shall see the miracles and they will come. Oh, yes, they will come for they are ready, the masses are ready, you just need to ask them, invite them, compel them to come that I can do the work that I have told you that I would do for you. For the days are numbered, do not miss the numbering of my days.
8-7-16 am service
For it is an exciting time, a time of great rejoicing for those who are walking closely by my side. If you are drifting away from my side then the times are hard, very hard and they are going to become harder and harder and harder yet, for you are in the very last days. The clock is ready to strike midnight and my people, my people are like ostriches and have got their head buried in the sand and do not realize nor see nor understand the times that are at hand. Therefore, I say unto you, press closer to me, for I have so many things that I want to do for you, so many things that I want to give you. I want to bless you with my strength, I want to bless you with my anointing, I want to bless you with all the blessings that pertain to life. For I have already given those things to you, but many are going around and saying out of their own mouth well, these things will come. They are here, and as long as you make that confession they will never, never, never come upon you. Speak my word, my word is not negative, my word is positive, positive even when it speaks of judgment it is positive, for that judgment shall come, it shall come in a powerful way, but remember it is not for you, you will be gone before the wrath is poured out, remember that, if you are ready, if you are ready.
For all the blessings have already been given unto you and yet some are trying to get what I have already given to them freely. They have not learned to receive it, they have not learned how to walk in it, and therefore, they are not blessed. But if you will press in, if you will press in then I can bless you.
Allow me this day to move upon your behalf, allow me this day to do a mighty work in your hearts and your lives, allow me this day to fill you to overflowing. For each and every time you come into this place, if you are open, I will fill you that way, that when you leave from this place you will be bubbling over until you return again when I can fill you again. So come and be filled, come and be filled to overflowing, saith the Lord.
This place is like an oasis to you, not only do you come here to get fed, you receive fresh water, you receive fresh teaching, I am always here to heal and touch you. For every day, every day you could need that and I am here to supply that for you that when you leave here not only are you refreshed you are ready to go forth and do the ministry the ministry that I have called you to do. So drink in my water, drink it in, bathe in it, refresh yourself, for I am here to minister unto you.
All one needs to do is open there spiritual eyes, open their spiritual ears, they will hear, they will see and they will know that truly that is me. It is not some false spirit, but it is I, your Father God, reaching out to you trying to love you, trying to encourage you, trying to lift you up, trying to be your God, trying to be your Father the one who supplies for you.
8-7-16 pm service
For my word is quick, it is sharper than any two-edged sword and it can cut out those things that need to be cut out and it can add those things that need to be added that you are, that you are those that shall be my overcomers in this last day. That you can go forth in my power, that you can go forth in my strength, that you can be all, all that I have said that you could be. Do not fear the things that you shall see, do not fear the attacks that are coming again, do not fear them, for you are the victors, do not listen to the negativeness, you know the truth. Therefore, I say, stand in the truth, stand in the truth, be not moved from the truth, for the truth will not only set you free but it will make you the overcomer, it will make you the victor.
Be like the ant, for they are diligent, they are workers and they store up the things that they have need of that in troublesome times they are the victors, they are the victors. Be not slothful, be not despisers of the word, despisers of the truth, but be ye those that walk according to my word, that walk according to my promise, that walk, walk their way right to heaven even as one did in the Bible that all know.
For I say unto you, do not be deceived by the teachings that the false are now putting out there. For I will give you a key, if you cannot find it in my word it is not a secret interpretation I have given unto one but I have given it unto many, saith the Lord. So that is your key, for if you cannot find it in my word it is not of me, saith the Lord. So beware, beware, beware, for many things will be coming out and they will sound very strange and if you are walking according to me, and if you are walking with My Spirit and you have your spiritual eyes on you will see them quickly and you will know them and you will understand that you might be able to help other also so they are not caught in the traps of the enemy. For he is trying to deceive many for he knows that the time is late and he is trying to deceive many. So be aware, be aware, saith the Lord.
For the road of the enemy is a crooked narrow path with many, many obstacles, many hazards, many dead ends, but if you remember, I have said my word is straight and narrow, it is not like that. And yet in today’s society they are teaching the crooked path, they are teaching the path that leads to hell and not the path that leads to heaven.
For the Lord says, as the days get darker and as you open my word and get into my word you shall see clearly the things that are written in my word and your understanding shall increase even more so, says the Lord. For you shall know exactly what is going on, it shall not be a mystery to you, but you shall be able to lead others to the safety of the fold, says the Lord. Get into my word, for these days are coming, says the Lord, that you are going to need my word.
Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing, he is coy, he is smooth, he is a master deceiver, and if you are not prepared, if you do not know what my word says you can easily fall into his trap. Therefore, that is why I told you over and over again you must know my word, you must be able to call upon my word, you must have my strength, my ability, my power, I have given that all to you. You must be prepared, beware I say, beware.
7-31-16 am service
For truly my word shall not go out and return void it will do those things that I have sent it out to do. Therefore, believe my word, stand on my word, hear my word and do my word. For you are living in a time right now not to do my word could be disastrous for you and I would not be able to help you. Therefore, I continually tell you these things because you have removed yourself at times out of my protection, out of my care. Walk by my side, for I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to supply and meet every single need that you have. But you are in the last days, you are not going to be in the last days, you are in the last days and many things are going on and one could be shot standing on a street corner just as easy as not. Therefore, you need to be walking in My Spirit, you need to be listening, you need to be doing the things that I tell you.
If you walk in the spirit you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh.
The Lord says it is still restoration time, he says what ever you need restored come and receive it today, for the embers are hot and the revival fires are flowing today. He said come and receive.
Behold I say unto you, be not like one of those who is neither hot nor cold, for does not my word say I will spit them out of my mouth, for they are a disgrace unto me, saith the Lord. So choose you this day to be hot, to be totally set on fire, to run with me like never before to do the things that I have called you to do. For even though the hour is late my work will be accomplished, saith the Lord and there is a work that I have called you to do for this time and this hour. So do not sit back and watch as others around you are receiving their blessings because they are doing what I have called them and told them to do. But rise up yourself and do what I have called you to do and receive all the things that I have for you in these days and these hours. For I love you with an everlasting love my children and I desire to use you in a mighty and powerful way, but you must be open, you must be willing, you must allow me to do a work in your hearts and your lives that needs to be done. Do not sit there and try and say, well Lord, I need you to do this or Lord I need you to do that, but open up yourselves to me. Allow me to purge out the old and fill it with new that you might be that vessel fit for the Master’s use, saith the Lord. For I love you with and everlasting love, I love you, saith the Lord.
For my people, says the Lord, that are on fire for me have my word written upon their hearts and they speak forth my word. They don’t speak forth the enemies words, they speak forth my words, the words that bring the fire, the words that bring the victory, the words that set the world on fire, says the Lord. Be on fire for my kingdom, say the Lord, and you shall see what I can do.
If you have not been in my word at least once every day this week, says the Lord, you need to come forth and be set on fire this day, says the Lord. You need to come up and restore the fire that I placed within you in the beginning, says the Lord, because your fire is dwindling, your fire is dwindling. Come forward, says the Lord and receive what I have for you today.
7-31-16 pm service
Drink deeply my word tonight, saith your Father, drink it deeply and be not concerned over the numbers, for those that I desire to hear this are here and those that I desire to hear it are watching all over the world tonight. This is my word to them, listen carefully to the word, for the word shall benefit you greatly, it shall cause you to rise even far higher than you all ready are and you will mature even more because of the things that I shall say to you this night. Listen very carefully, listen.
Drink deeply of my water for it shall fill you to overflowing and it shall cause you to be a giant for me.
Etc. promise to those that drink of the living water will never thirst again. For truly I am pouring it out this night my children, I am pouring out My Spirit upon you to fill you to overflowing, to fill you to a new level that you have never been filled to before, to bring you increase in every area of your life spiritually and physically. For truly I desire to bless you my faithful ones, my faithful few, I desire to bless you, saith the Lord. So come and receive, come and receive for it is good.
7-27-16 pm service
Expect many things to continue to happen. You will see more attacks overseas; you will see more attacks right here in America. Keep your eyes on this day and the next day in the convention, for you shall see things take place there that shall shock you. But keep your eyes open, do not let the worldly things tie you down, do not let the worldly things stop you, but press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. For I have so much for you and the time is so short and yet there is enough time to do everything that I have called you to do. So press forward into those things, spend more time in prayer, spend more time reading the word, spend more time watching the words that come out of your mouth. Stop being negative, stop, or I cannot protect you; I cannot help you if you go on being negative. Speak my word, stand on my word, expect the promises, move by faith like you have never moved before. For truly now is the hour, now is the time to move in a mighty way, a powerful way, for I am moving on your behalf and doors are opening and man will not close those doors.
Remember my word, for I have spoken many things that many do not even know, neither do they remember that. Remember my word.
7-24-16 am service
For the hour is a great hour, a powerful hour, a mighty hour for my people, it is just the opposite for the world, but as you draw in closer to me you shall become a world conqueror and you will be able to lead many, many into the fold. You will be able to perform many miracles, many signs, many wonders, but don’t slack off, for if you slack off the enemy gains another stronghold, it is another stronghold that you have to break, another stronghold that you have to put away, another stronghold that keeps you down, that keeps you out of the fullness of the things that I desire to give to you. So press in, press into the fullness, for truly as you watch this week many things shall take place this week. You shall hear things that definitely you do not want, you need to listen, pay attention, even though you don’t like it, you need to know what is going on that you can stand in the spirit realm, that you can defeat the enemy, that you can walk in victory.
Be prepared to stop the enemy, stop the enemy, stop the enemy.
For my anointing is filling this room today, for my anointing is here for each and every one of you, are you going to come and receive it today? My healings are here today, for there are not any stones that I cannot heal, there is not any sickness that I cannot heal, there is not any touch that I cannot touch, the Lord God says. He says he is here to heal each and every one of you, your hearts, your sickness; your diseases can be healed today if you will come to him. The Lord God says, for the time is bad, there are going to be many terrorist attacks, there are going to be many killings, but if you are in the Lord’s house and you are with the Lord God he will protect you, he will keep you safe, but you have to ask him for his protection. Are you asking him for his protection each and every day, are you giving your life to God today, have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior? He says today is the day for salvation, for the harvest is ripe, are you telling people about the miracles, the signs and the wonders? For many people won’t tell people, but for my people that are really full of my fire they will let the world know about me, the Lord God says. So tell the world what is going on, the Lord God says don’t be afraid, but allow him to move upon you today and allow the fire to just burn within you.
For truly I desire to move upon you in a mighty way, I desire to heal, I desire to deliver, I desire to set free, for you should not leave this place in bondage, but you should be totally set free, totally set free, totally set free, saith the Lord. For truly do not leave without allowing me to touch you this day, for truly I desire to pour My Spirit upon you. For I have told you each and every time you come into my house that I desire to move upon your behalf. So will you be open, are you ready to receive the things I have for you, for truly I desire, I desire to do a work in your hearts and in your lives, I desire to mold you and shape you into those vessels, into those vessels fit for the Master’s use, saith the Lord. So come unto me, come unto me and receive all the things that I have for you, saith the Lord.
For the anointing is flowing, for the anointing is flowing heavy. The Lord God says, come and receive the anointing he says.
Come for what I, your Father God, offers you, come.
7-24-16 pm service
For truly my word never goes out and returns void, so when you speak my word expect it to return unto you, expect it to fulfill the things that you have asked me for. For there is nothing, there is absolutely nothing that I will not do for you, for I have given unto you everything that pertains unto life and godliness, that is what my word says to you. Do you believe my word or have you grown cold, are you cold, then you need to draw closer to me that you can get on fire. For this is the time to be on fire, saith your Father God, this is the time to be running to the battle not from the battle, but running to the battle pressing in, going forth doing the things that I, your Father God, said that you could do. Be not fearful, be not fearful but take that spirit of an overcomer and charge, charge, charge.
For I have an alarm set, says the Lord, where will you be, says the Lord, when my alarm goes off, where are you now, says the Lord? For many of my people are not where I have called them to be, says the Lord. Where will you be when my alarm goes off, says the Lord, where will you be?
For truly my children I have called you, I have sent a call out all over the world to my chosen ones, those who have been waiting, I have called unto you, saith the Lord. Are you ready to move, are you ready to go forth and do the things that I have called for you to do? For the hour is very late and many will miss out because they do not answer the call, they put it off and put it off, but one day it will be too late. So, I say unto you, rise up, rise up, step into that place and that position that I have called you to be, saith the Lord, that overcomer, that victor, that mighty warrior. Rise up, rise up and go forth, saith the Lord, for truly the hour is late and there is much work to be done. So go forth, saith the Lord, go forth, saith the Lord, and do all that I have called you to do.
7-20-16 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with great joy, let my peace fill you over and over and over that you can walk daily in that peace, that the Holy Spirit can truly be your comforter and your guide, your teacher, opening your eyes and showing you all things to come. Be not fearful of the things that the enemy is doing, but let your eyes be upon the goal, let your eyes be upon the things that I have told you to do, for it is imperative for you that you do the things that I say unto you that you may walk in the fullness of all my power, all my authority. For your prayers have kept this week safe so far, here anyway in the Republican convention area, continue to pray, continue to pray, continue to speak my word. For truly there are many plans yet, oh many, many plans, but they all can be stopped, they all can be rendered useless. But keep your eyes upon the goal, keep your eyes upon my word, keep your eyes upon the things that I have said. Don’t look at what the world is saying, don’t look at that, for if you look at that you will grow discouraged, you will seem defeated and it won’t be long and the devil will have you in a trap. But keep your eyes upon my word, keep your eyes upon me, walk by my side and truly you shall be the conquerors.
You are the victorious ones, therefore, walk as the victorious ones, walk as the overcoming one. Do not walk as someone who is defeated, for you are not defeated, for I have already given you the victory in every area my children. Therefore, walk as an overcomer because I have already made you that overcomer when I died on the cross, I overcame for you. Therefore, I say unto you, walk as that overcomer, listen not to the lies of the enemy, but listen only to my word, listen to my words. For my words breathe life, they breathe life, so listen only to the things that I speak to you, my word, my word, my word. For it is my word that shall bring victories in every area of your life, says the Lord.
Be strong, be brave, shout the shout of victory.
7-17-16 am service
Let your ears be wide open, hear what I have to say, for many times you do not listen, you do not pay attention, you do not follow my directions, listen. Whenever you are going anyplace that is over a days walk make sure you have made all the preparations with an alternate route to get back to where you started from. Regardless whether you think it is outside your two hundred mile area or not, because there is not one single one of you that can walk home from two hundred miles away in one day. Listen, listen things are now happening as you can see. Stay away from large gatherings, you are safe in my house; you are safe here, for I have given you a legion of angels to protect you here. Watch those large gatherings, be in prayer every day that the convention is going on, pray for Cleveland, not the convention so much, pray for Cleveland and what the enemy would like to do, bind that up, bind that up, expect many large attacks this summer in the United States of America. I cannot be any more clear on that, expect them, expect them overseas and under no circumstance fly overseas. I am not calling anybody to go there, I am not sending anybody to go there, don’t go there, don’t go there. The end is upon you and you need to look and see the things that you should be doing, pay close attention to that. For I have told you things would change here, they would change. If you live near the Babylon that is going to fall I have told you to move at least seventy-five miles from there, at least. That goes for California, that goes for the center fault line, realize that war, war is at hand. Not only with ISIS, but you have got Russia, you have got China, you have got North Korea, wake up, wake up, for I have been telling you these things, it is getting very, very dangerous, very dangerous. Watch out for helicopters, especially if you are in a big stadium like baseball or football or any other event where there are thousands upon thousands of people. They used helicopters to turn back the attack in Turkey to stop them and turn it over to the Muslims one hundred percent. The enemy is at work, the enemy is at work, the safest place you can be is right here on this property, there is no place any more safe than where you are, remember that, that will be extremely important. Pray for kids that go to public school that many, many will decide to go to Christian school and stay away from that, it is not going to be good. This area will be far more safe than other areas. Stay out of Texas, that is not the state that you think that it is, that has the largest terrorist group in the United States, stay out of there, regardless if you plan fifteen ways to go and come, stay out of there, stay out of there. Be aware of the drought that starts way down in the Deep South, Texas all the way up to California, all the way up to New England, all the way up to Vermont, the drought. Your wells are safe here on this land, you are safe here, I cannot express that enough to you. For many are going to do many foolish things, they are going to do what they want to do regardless of what I am saying and I cannot promise you that I can protect you. You say, you are gone, yes, I am gone, but you would be in disobedience, and if you’re in disobedience my word says I cannot, I cannot answer your calls for help, I cannot answer your calls for problems, I can’t answer your calls, walk in obedience, walk in obedience. Many things are going to take place and this building should be packed this morning, but many desire to do the things that they want to do, and as I have said I cannot protect them, for they have not asked me, they have not asked me. But be aware, be aware that truly this is war, the television is telling you that we are at war, do you understand what they are saying, they don’t, because this is a spiritual war, but it will also be a physical war. So be awake, be awake, be prepared to do the things that I have told you, for the demons are more active right now than they have ever been in the history of the universe, not just the world the universe. Not only have they been loosed from the pit, but they are more active, I told you this two years ago. They are running two and fro in parks and houses, in this place and in that place and they are pleading I am carrying the devil in my pocket, we will kill you. Two names they have already given unto you, are you not awake, wake up, wake up, hear what I am saying this day, saith your Father. Many things are going on and you have got to look with spiritual eyes and not natural eyes, you have got to listen with spiritual ears and not natural ears, you have got to go by that feeling that you are feeling, that is telling you don’t go this way but go another way. Listen, listen, be aware, be aware. Don’t be surprised when the electricity goes off and stays off for a month or longer, I have told you to prepare and you should already be prepared for that. I have told you to store food for ninety days and it should already be stored. Wake up, have you planted gardens, are you ready, are you prepared? I love you with an everlasting love, but I am saying to you get ready now.
This is the time, says the Lord, do not slack, sleep or slumber, says the Lord. For the things that are going on round about you are dangerous, says the Lord. Wake up, says the Lord, and look at what is going on round about you that do not get caught up in the snares of the devil, says the Lord. But wake up, I have told you these things in the past words, in the past words I have give to you even ten years ago, says the Lord. I have warned you of these days to come and they are here upon you now. Wake up.
For truly many of you look back and think about how easy things have been for you and how you could just go here and there and didn’t have to worry about those things, but yet I have spoken and I have spoken and I have spoken and I said that changes were coming. Changes that were not for the good, changes that would affect you if you were not walking with me and truly that hour is upon you. So do not think that I will tarry yet another five or ten years, saith the Lord. For truly you are quickly seeing the time and the hour, you are quickly seeing the changes that will soon come, quickly, quickly, quickly. For did not I say suddenly changes would take place and I spoke that suddenly changes would take place here for your benefit, but also suddenly changes have taken place in the world and it is going in the direction that cannot be stopped, saith the Lord. And so at the appointed time and hour I will send my Son to bring home the church so they can be safe here while the wrath can be poured out upon all those who will not accept me. Realize the lateness of the hour, realize the importance of doing the things that I have told you to do, realize the importance of walking in obedience with me, saith the Lord. For only then can I protect you, only then can I move upon your behalf, but I love you with an everlasting love my children. So my heart cries out for you this day, my heart cries out for you this day come into the safety of the fold, come in before it is too late, saith the Lord. For truly the clock is about to strike zero.
For even though you shall see this great revival that has already started, did you hear me, already started. Others are seeing it, others are aware of it, others are moving into the fullness of all that I have said, others, others are excited. But even though there shall be great excitement remember the things that I have already told you. For while you are having revival, and for that revival spreads all over the world, the world at the same time will be in terrible times that will be driving the people to the church, that will be driving the people into the kingdom of God. So do not be fooled and think that it is over, for I would say unto you Mark 11:17, Mark 11:17.
For truly let it be known this day, saith the Lord, that a line has been drawn in the sand and if one is to cross over unto the other side of that line there is death and destruction and a reprobate mind. For truly as the hour has drawn down and even as I have shown you before, the hourglass and how it comes to a point and it gets tighter and tighter as it draws to that end, so also have things drawn tighter and tighter. And, therefore, the things that I have allowed to go on in the past I will not allow any longer because of the day and the hour you are living in. So walk very closely by my side, see that you are not in that area where you have to decide to cross over unto the other side or not. For there will be no coming back, for the enemy will have a hold on you, such a hold that you will not be able to get free yourself. So realize the importance my children, realize the importance of doing all that I have said for you to do. Realize the importance of walking according to my word even this very day as I have spoken it unto you again and again. Walk according to my word, be safe.
For truly I only move upon your behalf in the safety of the fold. I can only move upon your behalf if you are walking according to my word. So do the things I have told unto you to do and you shall see victory, you will not be defeated, you will walk in all the things that I have told you, you would walk in, but you must do what I have told you to do and you must walk according to what is written in my word, says the Lord.
I give you a key, do not be fooled, do not be fooled, for many things shall take place, even miracles, signs and wonders that are not of me, that are not of me and you should know them clearly. If you don’t get into your word and find out what that word reprobate means, for many have already received that reprobate spirit and it is a spirit and that spirit darkens the mind where the mind cannot think for itself any longer. And whoever, whoever, whichever demon is in will control that, they will control that and only those that have true discerning of spirits will be able to cast them out for you, don’t be fooled by the fakes there either, don’t be fooled.
7-17-16 pm service
For as I have said unto you many things now shall come to pass and this was just a very small thing and yet you would think it was a very large thing, but not so. For you will see the terrorists as they rise up, you will see the killings as the blood rolls in the street, you will see buildings as they are blown up, you will see many, many things as they take place now. But fear not, fear not for I am with you and I will take you through this time in great victory, I shall fill your church and the next church to overflowing and you will go to multiple services and people will be coming twenty-four seven. The promises that I spoke to you will now come to pass very rapidly, so be ready, be ready. For many of you will be used full time, full time, for there shall be a great call for people to minister unto them and give unto them words, to anoint them, to pray for them, to heal them, to deliver them, to set them free, it shall come to pass. Therefore, I say unto you, be ready; be ready, for they are coming.
For in times past you see how the enemy has used different types of things to get a hold unto people. Don’t forget he is using the same tactics that he has always used, so at times you can pick up things in places that you thought you could never do that. But beware, beware, walk in the spirit at all times, for if you walk in the spirit you will be able to discern between the good and the evil and where the evil is you will stay away from and only abide where the good is, saith the Lord. So lay those things aside that be not of me and be free from them, saith the Lord, for the enemy can use them to put a strong hold upon you and destroy you in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
Do not fear the hour that you are living in, but walk close to me. Draw close to me like you have never drawn close before, for does not my word say that my sheep hear my voice and another voice they will not follow. If you are walking close to me you will know my voice, I will speak to you and you will hear me. Therefore, I say unto you, do not fear the hour that you are living in, but rather put your trust in me, open your eyes, let them see into the spiritual realm and know the things that are taking place. Know that it is an evil hour, yet know that it is a great hour for those who are serving me, for those who are walking with me it is a great hour of victory, it is a great hour of restoration, it is a great hour to receive and become all that I have for you my children. Therefore, I say unto you, walk not in fear for I have not given you a spirit of fear but I have given you a sound mind. Walk with me like never before, know my word, know what I have said that shall take place in the hour. Yes, the evilness of this hour shall grow greater but my revival fire shall grow even greater and it shall dispel that darkness. Therefore, I say unto you, draw close to me, draw close to me, draw close to me, draw close to me.
Let my word always be first place in your life, let my word be the most important thing that you do day by day. Let my word stand alone, realize that my words, not your word, shall go out and not come back empty, but they shall fulfill what it has been sent forth to do. Let my word, let my word, let my word flow freely from your lips.
Stand strong in my word, for my word shall bring you into great victory, my word shall make you an overcomer, my word will do what nothing else can do.
7-13-16 pm service
For my word is being poured out in such a clear way that all, all people should be able to understand it, especially those that are mine. For there are many things taking place that you don’t even see, things that you don’t understand, yet you should because they are recorded in my word. I have told you that you would see more bloodshed in the streets and you shall and there shall be a greater outpouring of that yet and then there shall be another one even greater than that. And you shall see many calamities, many calamities, for the time is so short and my people keep trying to put it off for another five years or longer, and oh, how wrong they are because they don’t see, they don’t understand, they don’t even look at the things that are taking place today. Are you watching, are you paying attention, are you comparing the things that are happening with my word? Don’t be caught unprepared, but know what my word says.
Do you realize the war between the left and the right of good and bad; of justice and truth, do you understand these things? For evil is trying to take over now and he hasn’t even received his deadly wound yet, but he will.
7-10-16 am service
For as you have noticed, things are moving extremely fast, it is not like the old slow, slow times, for things have speeded up a thousand fold. I told you even during the Camp Meeting you would see the things that you saw this week, there are many other things taking place next week, for it is not over. For the devil is usurping his authority and taking his place slowly, but surely as the antichrist, he is in control of all those who have not been set free. And, therefore, when he is in control things take place, things that only prayer can stop, I have asked you to pray, I have asked you to intercede, but very few do. I have told you the things to come and very few believe that also, and therefore, they are setting themselves up for traps that shall come. But I say press in, press in, come a little closer to me, for I am the one that loves you, I am the one that cares for you, protects you and keeps you safe, I am the one that watches over you. And when you are not walking with me I am unable to do those things, because my word says I cannot, it is not that I don’t want to, I want to. But yield unto me, come unto me, come unto me, change your ways, act like I was coming at any moment, act like you were ready to receive my coming, which many are not. But get yourself ready, for truly my Son shall come and he shall come right on time, he will not be late, but he will be right on time, don’t miss it.
The Lord says today he wants to equip you, he wants you to come and be equipped, he wants you to come and let him put his love within you. He wants you come and be purged today, he wants those sins purged today he says. He says come and receive him so he can get you ready for the end times, come and receive him so that you can be ready when the devil attacks you today. He says come and receive what he has for you this morning, because he wants to mold you with the potter’s wheel today, the Lord God says. He says don’t worry about laying hands upon each other, he says come and receive from the Lord God today, not from man, but from God. He says come and receive and he will move upon you. He says do not worry, for after he is done if you want to pray for the sick go ahead and lay hands upon them, but first come and receive from God.
For the Lord says, the days of restitution have not ended, but they continue on, says the Lord. Come and receive what you have need of says the Lord, take back what the devil took from you says the Lord, for I have restored it unto you. Have you gotten hungry enough, have you got serious enough to come and get it, says the Lord?
For I am the way the truth and the light, no man comes unto me except the s-Spirit draws them. Walk, walk very closely by my side, be obedient, when I call unto you be obedient, for if you are not obedient the day will come when I will not be there for you. For this is the day, this is the day of salvation, this is the day of restitution, this is the day to receive what you haven’t gotten yet. And don’t by any means think that you have everything, as you don’t.
7-10-16 pm service
For my love for you is overwhelming and I desire to treat you just like a good father would treat his children, watching over you and protection you and keeping you safe that you may at all times know that my presence is with you, that the Holy Spirit is with you, that my Son, Jesus, is with you, that you can feel that, that it will overwhelm you at times and encourage you and lift you up. It would challenge you to move forward into higher ground where I have so much more for you if you move up there. If you stay where you are I cannot give you those things, but if you move to the places I desire for you to move to there is absolutely nothing, nothing that is impossible for you to do.
For as my presence fills this place right now you can receive those things that I have been talking to you about, for they are here now.
For truly my people if you are coming to meet with me I desire to pour out My Spirit upon you. For truly these are the days of revival, these are the days when the world will see me move, when miracles, signs and wonders will be commonplace in my true house, saith the Lord, for truly that is the day and the hour you are living in. So come and receive, so come and receive that your joy might be full that you can go forth out of here and take it to others who are in need also, so that you can witness to them wherever you may go. For many people will come with needs and you need to be ready to minister unto them, saith the Lord, you need to be ready. For very soon now this place shall be filled to overflowing and you need to be ready to minister unto them. So come and receive yourself, come and receive, come and receive and be filled to overflowing, saith the Lord.
7-6-16 pm service
Let me just continue to fill you over and over and over with My Spirit. Let me continue to give you knowledge and wisdom that you may operate in the anointing, in the power of the spirit, that you can be all that I have asked of you to be. For truly in these last days you will need that, without that you will be defeated by the enemy, but if you will allow me to continually refill you, to strengthen you, and if you will walk in the spirit and not in the flesh, don’t walk in the flesh, start everyday walking in the spirit and walk throughout the whole day in the spirit and the enemy will not be able to defeat you in any area. For many, many, many things are going to take place now as you can see even here is America in the elections, you see them calling sin ok, you see them doing things that should not be done and saying that is alright. For the reprobate minds cannot see my word, the reprobate minds cannot walk according to my word, they do not judge themselves by my word, they do not know what I have said unto them, therefore, they cannot change and become all that I said that they could be. But fear not, for as you walk with me I shall so equip you that there is no way, no way the enemy can defeat you, there is no way any demon can stop you or slow you down. For you will know who you are and you will walk according to my wisdom, according to my knowledge, according to my power and my ability and you shall be the overcomers.
4-7-16 pm service Camp Meeting 2016
My heavenly account is full to overflowing, my parts room is filled to overflowing, I have everything that you would ever need, I am able to meet any and all needs. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that is impossible for me to do, and when you believe, when you believe, there is nothing impossible for you to do. Therefore, I am here this evening and the Holy Spirit is here this evening and we are moving, we are moving, we are moving and we may light upon you at any moment at any time and bring forth the things that you have need of. For this service, this service shall be the whip cream on top of the dessert.
For the children they shall have a double portion because they are able to handle a double portion far better than the adults. For their mouth gets them in trouble and they say, oh no, I can’t eat that or I would get fat.
For truly I, your Father God, desire to move upon your behalf this very night. Stay open to me, for truly the Camp Meeting is not over yet and I desire to work in your lives so that when you leave out of this place you are totally set free. There is nothing hindering you, there is nothing holding you back. So stay open to me and truly I will move upon you in a mighty and powerful way even this night, saith the Lord.
The Lord says, I have opened the floodgates again and healing is here, strengthening is here, the set free is here. The Lord says for I love each and every one of you, I am here to take those yokes of bondage off you. He says come and receive and don’t be afraid, but open up your heart and really receive it.
7-4-16 afternoon service Camp Meeting 2016
For the gentleness of the Holy Spirit shall sweep over you, but it shall be so powerful that all other services will seem small. Even this morning as that Spirit swept over you so many were set free. Some rebelled, some refused to yield, but the majority the seed was planted and it was planted deep and the Holy Ghost will continue to water it, and water it, and I, Almighty God, will give you the increase. And when you come back next year you will be giants in comparison to what you were when you came this year. As you watch your children that sat under the anointing of this tent you will see changed lives there. Even the parents are going to be amazed, they will think is this my Johnnie, is this my Sue, is this my Alice, is this my Henry, yes, it shall be. But they shall be a new creation; living testimony and a mighty work shall be done because of that.
Do you feel my wind blowing, my wind is blowing for each and every one of you to come and receive, the Lord God says. So come and receive the anointing from the Lord God today.
For truly I desire to move upon your behalf even yet this day my children. So stay open to me, allow me to do what needs to be done, allow me to continue to fill you to overflowing. For you still have two services left, saith the Lord, for this one is not over yet and you have one more yet tonight. So be open, be open, for truly I desire to continue to work in your lives, saith the Lord.
You have rejected me and you have rejected me and you have rejected me, seven times already this day you have rejected me. You are standing on the edge of a deep, deep cliff, one more step and you will hit the bottom and a reprobate mind will spring forth and I will not be able to help you. Do not; do not reject me again, saith your Father.
Be not like a little child, do you not know that disobedience is what, the sin of witchcraft. Read it in my word.
For truly that is my word and I have spoken it unto you, I have given you many warnings, I will warn you no further. So hear the word of the Lord this day and do as I have said to do, saith the Lord.
For I say unto you, let my word go forth for truly it is needed, truly it is needed and my people need to hear my word. So let it spring forth, let my word spring forth and allow me to speak through you, saith the Lord.
For did I not tell you to come and release yourself today? Did I not tell you to let the Spirit come upon you, for you did not? The Lord God says there are two more services, are you going to receive it or are you going to walk away and let the reprobate mind take you? Are you going to allow me to move upon you today and ?? you?
For the Lord says, I love you, how can you reject me and refuse to love me. You say you love me, but yet you deny me by your actions, says the Lord. Come forth and receive healing.
7-4-16 am service Camp Meeting 2016
For my word is sharper than any two-edged sword, it is piercing right now to do a mighty work in all your lives, it is moving powerfully upon you drawing you closer and closer and closer to me that you will become even like a shadow following me, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit going forth to do the work that I have called you to do. To walk, to walk in full authority, to walk with full anointing, to flow, to flow in the gifts and the operation of the spirit, to receive, to receive miracles, to give miracles, to receive healing and to give healing. For freely you have received freely give, for truly you are my army, my end time army and I am raising you up right now, the Holy Ghost is training you right now that you can be the most powerful army the world has ever seen and my name shall be glorified because of it.
This call is going out to the children, come unto me and I shall fill you to overflowing.
For truly thus saith the Lord, if you too my people will open up your hearts this day truly I will fill you to overflowing and there will be miracles and there will be healings and there will be signs and wonders, saith the Lord. But open up yourselves, open up yourselves and receive all the things I have for you this day. For I desire to fill you to overflowing, I desire to fill you to that level you have never been before. But you must open up yourself, you must open up yourselves unto me and allow me to fill you, saith the Lord.
The Lord says, don’t come up here to be prayed for by someone else, but come up here and be prayed for by Jesus today, because he wants to move on you right now.
Thus saith the Lord, Have David pray for the new building for those funds are coming soon.
7-3-16 pm service Camp Meeting 2016
For truly it is the hour of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost moving without any hindrances, moving in all of its power throughout your life raising up my end time army that can flow abundantly in the gifts of the spirit, that the world may see the revelation knowledge that I give unto my church, that revelation knowledge may flow that the world can see truly there is a God. He does have a son named Jesus who came and died for everyone and the Holy Ghost empowers you to flow in the gifts of the spirit, to flow in revelation, to flow in knowledge. For at this moment my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge, but I changed that today, remember? Today, today, was what day, what did I tell you? Oh I tell you I desire to move in this service tonight in ways you have never seen before and the anointing shall be so strong you will recognize what I am doing in the ones that you brought here to minister to all. Be open, be open, for I desire to move and I shall move if you allow me to.
That includes the children as well, as you can see I have already anointed some and they are flowing in the spirit better than the adults. It is time for the adults to wake up, wake up, wake up.
The Lord God says he has opened the floodgates of heaven and the blessings are falling. The Lord God says the blessings are falling, the finances today will be blessed, he will bless people with the finances for cars. He says the ones here that have bondage inside of them, he says today is the day to get that bondage out, he said there is someone here that needs healing tonight that has a weak heart, he said today is the day of healing. There is someone here that has sugar, he says today is the day to for sugar to be lowered. He says come and receive what he has for you, for there are more healings, more deliverances, more people set free tonight, there are going to be mighty blessings, come and receive.
Thus saith the Lord, keep your spiritual ears open, for my ways are far above man’s ways and I’ your Father God’ shall do a mighty work.
7-3-16 afternoon service Camp Meeting 2016
For it is the sweetness of My Spirit that is sweeping over you, a restful, a gentle spirit of love, because I love you so much. And I want you to know that I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe, I shall bless you, I shall anoint you, I shall add to you everything that you have need of that you will never be in want, that you will never be in trouble. For I have spoken to the angels that I have assigned to you the things that they need to do. So do not be afraid of putting your angels to work for you, for they are ministering spirits sent to minister to you, not somebody else, but to you. I have so many things, so many things that I want to do now that you have entered into this time. It is a glorious time, not a fearful time, it is the most needed thing for the church to talk about, because so many are in doubt, so many are in fear, so many that do not understand. For I have promised you that I would never, never pour out my wrath upon you, therefore, you can walk with that confidence, you can walk with that assurance, you can walk because that is my word and my word never goes out and returns void but it always accomplishes those things that I sent it forth to do. And I have released an anointing under this tent regardless who is preaching, who is ministering, I shall be here to bless you.
For even your little children shall begin to prophesy, they shall bring forth messages in tongues and my mature saints will bring you forth the interpretation.
7-3-16 am service Camp Meeting 2016
I desire to fill you more than you desire
to be filled, but if you will let your desire equal my desire, I shall do great
and mighty and wonderful things this day. There
shall not be one thing that I will withhold from you. For if you ask according to my will I have said I shall do
that, it shall be done. So do not
worry about the cares of tomorrow or the cares of the next day, for they shall
come, you shall see more problems throughout the world, bigger terror attacks,
you shall see earthquakes, oh even the big earthquake and you shall see the
division before long from one end of the states to another that you cannot cross
for that fault shall be opened. You
shall see the stock market as it crashes, for I have warned you and yet the
world has mocked me, your President has mocked me, both parties have mocked me
and judgment day is coming fast. Warn
those round about you, let them know, let them know that they need to come unto
me for I’ll allow u-turns, I allow u-turns.
Speak to the ones that have fallen away already, let them know you know
where they are and that they need to quickly turn back.
For when I close that door, when my Son comes and you meet him in the
clouds, not when every eye shall see him, for when every eye shall see him it
will be far, far too late. For you
will be coming back with him to set up his millennial reign, but you shall be
caught up together with him in the clouds, my word is very clear on that.
Don’t let man confuse you when that door shuts, it will be like the day
of Noah, the door shall be shut, the only ones that will come in after that are
the Jewish brothers and sisters that are standing on their covenant with me and
you do not have that covenant. You
have a better covenant, therefore press in, press in, press in.
And even though the devil just laughs it
shall come to pass.
The Lord says there are going to be more
drug busts, there are going to be more killings, there are going to be more
deaths, the Lord God says, but his people, if they ask him, he will save them,
he will protect them. Ask his
protection upon your life for it is time for the awakening; it is time for the
people to wake up and ask Jesus in their life, it is time for the world to know
the Lord God. It is time for the
end times, so it is time for the church to wake up today and preach the real
word of God and not the fake word of God. It
is time to be ready with your whole life, seek God today and come and be filled,
not just half, not just a quarter, come and be filled to the top of your head,
the Lord God says. Come and let it
overflow today, the Lord God says, because he loves each and every one of you
with everlasting love. He says
come, when you come he says don’t leave until he tells you to leave the
altars, so come and be filled today.
He says the river is still flowing today,
but it is not flowing the same as yesterday, for it is flowing deeper, it is
flowing deeper. He says come and
receive it.
For truly this day, saith the Lord, I
will not, I will not hold anything back from you.
For whatever you have need of I have said ask and I will do that, saith
the Lord. Ask according to my word;
ask according to my promises, for truly I am doing it, I am pouring out My
Spirit upon you without measure, and for as much as you are open, I will fill
you. So open up yourselves, open up
yourself completely, allow me to purge out the old and fill it with new.
For truly the times are getting rough, the times are getting tough and
only those that have been filled to overflowing with My Spirit will be
victorious. For truly these are the
days, the hours that you have learned about, that you have heard about, for
truly they are here, they are upon you. But
do not fear the things that are coming, do fear the earthquakes, do not fear the
terrorist attacks, do not fear the terrorist strike that will come in a twenty
four hour period. For truly that is
not for you, but that is for the world to wake them up, for they are sleeping,
they are asleep, and if I did not wake them up, many, many, many would be lost,
they would not make it. So do not
fear, do not fear, but allow me to fill you to overflowing this day, saith the
Remember walk in joy, walk in joy.
7-2-16 pm service Camp Meeting 2016
My fire is always ready to fall upon you, all you have to do is open up and receive, and I shared earlier with you that I desire to pour out My Spirit upon you like you have never had in your life. I want to anoint you in such a way that people will stop and look strangely at you as you pass them in a store, on the street or wherever you run into them. For they will know that truly you have been with me, you have been with me, and my anointing, my anointing has been upon you. Truly that anointing is there now, just walk in the fullness of it, allow it to saturate you, allow it to fill you to overflowing.
For truly it is that anointing that breaks every yoke of bondage, that anointing that sends the enemy fleeing in every direction. For truly that is what I desire my children for you, to walk, for you to be the victorious ones, for you to be the overcomers in these days and these hours that regardless of the things that the enemy throws at you they do not hinder you in anyway, they do not slow you down, they do not stop you from completing my work. For truly there is a great work that needs to be done in these last days and hours. For there is a great harvest that is to be brought in and that harvest is ripe and that harvest is ready. So allow me to fill you to overflowing so you can go forth to do all that I have called you to do. For yet even though the time is short my work shall be completed, my work shall be fulfilled. For truly I have called for it, I have called for this day, I have called for this hour, for truly I love you with an everlasting love, saith the Lord.
For, yes, it is here now, it is here now, it is here now.
Many are still sitting here with needs, pain, congestion, sinus, and yet my word says you are healed by the stripes of Jesus. Therefore, you have not claimed everything that I have given to you and it is all available, it is all available. So get your cares off the world, I can tell you what is going to happen today, tomorrow and the next day, but get your eyes upon me tonight. I want everyone leaving here totally completely healed, open, open, open.
The Lord says he is here and he loves each and every one of you with an everlasting love. He says this is the end times and he needs you ready, you need to be set free, there are people here today that need to be set free, that is why you haven’t gotten your healing yet, because you need to be set free. There are five people the Lord God says that need to be set free from something tonight. The Lord God says he is here to revive, he is here to renew, he is here to restore you tonight to one hundred percent. Are you going to come and receive it, he said don’t be scared, so come and receive what he has for you, for his anointing is flowing and he loves you.
Again, I say the same to you, won’t you come, won’t you come.
7-2-16 afternoon service Campmeeting 2016
For my power is without limits and my power is going to move upon you even more than it has already moved upon you. And I shall fill you to overflowing that you may go from here in my power, in my anointing, in my ability that you can do the things that I, your Father God, have called you to do that nothing, nothing shall be impossible for you. That you can lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed, you can call for a miracle and it shall take place even the blind shall see, the lame shall walk, the deaf shall hear. There shall be nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing for my end time army that they cannot do. They shall do all that my Son, Jesus, did when he walked on the face of the earth. Many will not understand you anymore because of the work that I am doing in you, but the children whose names are written in the book shall come into the kingdom. They shall break off from the things that they are doing, they shall put down their drugs, they shall lay down their affairs and they shall give their hearts one hundred percent to my Son, Jesus Christ, and they shall be an army, an army to reckon with and they shall follow you and listen to you and hear you and they shall be mine, saith your Father God, mine. And revival shall spring throughout all the land and they will know the name of the Lord once more, they will know thus, saith the Lord, they will know the signs, they will know the miracles. And man will not be able to deny them, for I, your Father God, am pouring that spirit out upon you today.
When Jesus died on the cross he died for each and every one of you so that you can have the ability to overcome any obstacle in your life that you can have the victory, if you have Jesus in your life, you have accepted him today, you have that victory. So go, the Lord says, do a victory march, march around inside this tent one side and tell the devil you have the victory in healing, you have the victory in deliverance, you have the victory in your finances, you have victory in your vehicles, you have victory in anything in your life, the Lord God says, today. So tell the devil today you have the victory. As you get done doing your march, the Lord God says he is going to open that river up. So come to the altar and allow that river to flow upon you.
Do quickly what I have said unto you.
For my word is far higher, far above man’s word and I watch over that word to perform it, and as you speak my word, speak it with power, speak it with the anointing. Speak it and it will not go out and return void, for I will cause it to come to pass. Therefore, I say unto you, speak my word, speak my word.
The Lord says do not leave the Camp Meeting with pain, do not leave the Camp Meeting with financial problems, he says do not leave hurting inside you with depression, with anxiety, the Lord says he is here to take it away. So do not leave here with the hurt inside you, the Lord God says, for he is here to take it away.
7-2-16 am service Camp Meeting 2016
Let your spiritual eyes be open, for many things shall come to pass, many things you shall see, for you have not seen the big terrorist attack here in America yet, but you will see it, you will see it. For you shall yet see great and mighty attacks here in the United States, you shall see these things come to pass. You will also see the stock market, if you have got money there get it out, says the Lord, get it out now, for later will be too late. Also you shall see many things taking place overseas like you have never seen before in your life. And the political realm shall get even, even darker now, you shall hear things that you did not know, you will see why the United States is in the place that they are at. You will see how we, the United States, have turned their back upon Almighty God and the judgment, yes, the judgment of God shall fall quickly and you shall see that Babylon fall within twenty-four hours.
The Lord God says he is here to move upon the children this morning, he says open up the altars for the children, he wants to touch each and every child here. He says after that open up the altars for the adults because he wants to touch the adults, that is when we will start calling out things that the Lord God has planed for today. The Lord God says he is ready to move and he is ready to move right now and he is ready to move mightily.
Yes, truly come, for I have great and wonderful and mighty things for you.
7-1-16 pm service Campmeeting 2016
Call upon me and I shall answer you, for as you seek for me I shall be here and I shall move mightily upon your behalf every single service, be not fearful, but just draw closer to me and let your heart, let your heart be open, let your worship go forth and I, your Father God, shall move mightily, yes, the Holy Spirit shall move and Jesus, Jesus shall be here.
The Lord says, the anointing is falling like Niagara Falls; he says today his anointing is going to get stronger each and every service. You are going to see people come off the road; you are going to see more salvations. He says come today and get his anointing, for his anointing is falling like never before, each service is going to get stronger.
For truly there is not one need that needs to go unmet. For truly I, your Father God, have come here to meet with you and for those who have come to meet with me they shall leave this place having received the things that they came for. For truly I, your Father God, have called this time, I have set it aside and I will move upon your behalf, saith the Lord. So come, come expecting, come believing and truly I will move upon your behalf like never before, saith the Lord.
6-26-16 am service
Oh that my people who are called by my name would rise up and become the children that they truly are, that they would walk in the fullness of everything that I have given unto them, that their minds would be renewed that they think and walk and do the things that I, their Father God, said that they could do, that they could be all, be all that I have promised them. For the time is running out and yet there are many things for them to do, the work is not done yet, the laborers are few. Rise up, take your position, go forth into battle and walk, walk in the spirit realm that you may, that you may do everything that I, your Father God, said that you could do.
For the time is changing, says the Lord, and not for the good, but for you who follow me, says the Lord, I have seen the end, I have seen the victory, I have seen you walking in those victories, says the Lord. Take my hand and be victorious, says the Lord.
For my strength is your strength, saith the Lord, my power is your power.
For truly I have equipped you, I have empowered you, I have given you all the things that you have need of to be victorious in these days, to go forth and bring in the harvest, to go forth and do the things that I have called for you to do. For truly the time is short, but there is still time enough to do the work that my work might be completed. So do not sit by and say, well, we missed it Lord, but rise up and go forth and do all that I have called you to do, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour and I need you my children to do all that I have said for you to do, saith the Lord.
For my people are living so far below the level that I have given unto them, for I have given unto them everything, everything that pertains to life, that pertains to happiness, that pertains to joy that you may walk in the fullness of those things, that when the world looks upon you they see me, they see my love, they see my actions, that you heal the sick, that you even raise the dead to life. For truly those are the things that I, Jesus, did when I walked on this earth, therefore, walk, walk even as I walked.
For I have come to heal the sick, to cleanse those that need cleansing, says the Lord. I have come for you today, says the Lord, to give to you what you have need of, says the Lord. So come and receive what I have for you today, says the Lord.
For I have said I would continue to pour out My Spirit upon you, for truly there is a river that runs from this very altar and it has your victory and it has your miracle, it has your healing, it has your finances, it has whatever you have need of and I will continue to pour out My Spirit upon you each and every time you come into my house and meet together with me. So do not sit by and say Lord, when are you going to move, but know that I, your Father God, am already moving. So get into the water, come and receive the things that you have need of, for today is the day I have set aside to meet with you and you have come to meet with me, saith your Father God. Come and receive the things that I have for you, saith the Lord.
6-26-16 pm service
For truly the more that you worship me the more that I will pour out My Spirit upon you, the more I will clothe you with my power, with my might and with my ability. Therefore, I say unto you, worship me, worship me, let me know your love for I love you with an everlasting love.
Every day now and between now and Camp Meeting time spend at least an hour in prayer worshiping me, exalting my name and lifting it up on high. And when you step under that tent my anointing shall be so strong upon you that nothing, nothing shall be impossible for you to do.
For though the preaching shall go forth, says the Lord, my people shall come and receive of me at the altar, says the Lord. For my people shall receive what they have need of, says the Lord, and my word shall be fulfilled.
For truly at times people will not even want to leave the tent for the anointing shall reside there the whole time. For truly I have told you that I was going to move like at no other time. For the things that you are seeing in your services week after week after week will continue on through the tent meetings and continue to get greater. For truly all who come shall be ministered unto, they will not be able to leave without being ministered unto unless they have totally turned a deaf ear, unless they have totally turned themselves off from what I am doing, for truly it shall be an awesome time. So prepare yourselves, do the things I have said to do, for they are very important. For the enemy desires to stop the things that I am doing, but he will not be able to stop them, but he will try. So be ready, be ready, be ready, for truly I am going to move like at no other time, saith the Lord.
I have given you explicit instructions and you have not followed through. You have sat back and you have said let somebody else do it. I am telling you now is the time to follow through on those instructions.
6-19-16 am service
For the Lord is here and he is ready to heal, he is ready to deliver, he is ready to set people free, he said today come and be healed and be set free, come and get fired up for the Camp Meeting today, the Lord God says. He says bring the children up first let them be healed, let them be touched by God because he is ready to move, he is ready to move mightily right now in the name of Jesus.
For truly I am ready to move mightily upon your behalf, I am ready to move in those healings and those miracles. So come receive those things from me, saith the Lord, for truly they are here, they are here for you today and I am ready to move upon your behalf, saith the Lord.
For truly do you not know that I have overcome all of these things, I have overcome sickness, I have overcome disease, I have overcome death, saith the Lord. So that truly you can walk as that overcomer, that you can be that victor, that you can do all the things that I have called and created for you to do. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way. So come and receive, come and receive all the things that I have for you. For truly I will not hold anything back from you my people, for I love you with an everlasting love and I already overcame for you, saith the Lord.
He says do not be afraid, because people do not look at your circumstances, but the Lord is here for you, people do not care what you come for, they care that you are touched by God. So do not hold back because you think people are looking at you, but come and receive today.
The Lord says, if you have hurt in your heart today, if you have pain in your heart or sickness he said come receive, whatever happened in your life, the Lord wants to take it today whether it is from someone dieing in your life, whether it is from a divorce, whether it is from a relationship, the Lord God says today is the day to leave it at the altar.
If you have financial troubles he says come and leave it at the altar and he shall supply your needs.
6-19-16 pm service
For my word is powerful, there is nothing that can hinder or slow down or stop my word, for I have given unto you my word, my word holds the whole universe together, I cannot lie, if I was to lie the universe would fall apart, the stars would fall out of the sky, the sun and the moon would fall out of the sky. For my word is truth, truth that you can stand upon, yea, though the battles may be hard, they may be strong yet my word is truth. This coming week you shall see many things take place in the news that shall shock you, Ramadan is not over yet. Stay alert, listen to My Spirit, hear the things that I say unto you, for truly as you walk according to my word, as you walk according to my promise you shall be the overcomer.
Suffer not the little ones to come unto me for such is the kingdom of heaven.
Wrap yourself within my word, says the Lord, and be safe from those things that are about you, says the Lord, when you envelop yourself and warp yourself within my word it is as a cocoon that keeps you in the safety of my fold, says the Lord. And also equips you with the ability to use the weapons that I have given unto you to defeat the enemy, says the Lord. Be quick, be quick, says the Lord, to use my word.
For those that are faithful shall walk in more blessings than those that are unfaithful, for disobedience is not of me, saith your Father God. Obedience, obedience, obedience, I say.
For truly as you walk according to my word and according to my promises you can receive all the things that I have for you. But if you are not walking with me, if you are not doing the things that I have told you to do, how can I move upon your behalf, how can I bless you, how can I keep you safe? You need to know more than at any time before, it is important that you are walking with me, that you are walking according to my word, that my hedge of protection can be around you. For truly as the days continue to grow darker things in the world will continue to get worse, but I will keep you safe my children that is my word, that is my promise unto you. But you must, you must, you must do the things that I have told you to do, you must walk according to my word and only then will you see all of the victories, all the blessings that I have for you in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
6-15-16 pm service
For my strength is filling you over and over and over that you may be a warrior for me, for I have not given unto you the spirit of fear but of a sound mind. You will be able to discern both good and evil, you will be able to walk according to my word; you will be able to do the things that I, your Father God, have sent you forth to do. Therefore, you will be a victor, you will be an overcomer and you will be able to help others that they also may become overcomers, that they may be my warriors that will fight this end time battle in the spiritual realm, that they may save many, that many may be healed and delivered. And many miracles shall take place because they walk according to my word, they walk according to my promise, they are dedicated one hundred percent to me, and therefore I, their Father God, shall battle for them.
For the strength of my warriors is not in themselves, but in me. For I am their strength, I am their provider, I am the one that leads them into victory, I am the one that guides them. As they walk with me they shall not fail, but they shall be all that I, their Father God, have said they shall be.
6-12-16 am service
Make my word first place in your life, for without a thorough knowledge of my word the enemy will deceive you and there will be a falling away, for many false things are being taught today, a new gospel which is not a gospel at all, but know my word, for you are responsible to know my word. Yes, I have given unto you the five-fold ministry that they may teach you and instruct you to cause you to walk in a way of righteousness, but you yourself need to apply the word that you walk in the full measure of that word. For in the days that are here right now, you are going to hear many things and the devil is going to defeat many people because they don’t know my word. They can spout a word that sounds like my word, but it comes from their head and not their heart, they do not feed upon my word, and therefore, they have no word there, for there is nothing to sow and nothing has been put in. So put my word in your heart, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, know that I, your Father God, shall heal you, I shall deliver you, I shall set you free. You do not need those that claim they can do it, for you need to look to those that can do it, those that don’t talk the talk but they walk the walk, for there is a difference between talking the talk and walking the walk. Know my word, know my word, for great things shall take place throughout the world this coming week, things like you haven’t expected, things far greater than what took place in Florida, far greater, for that is only the beginning. Walk in the spirit realm, then you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, walk in the spirit realm and you will know, you will know what the enemy is going to do because I have given that unto you that you may know, that you may hear his voice, that you may know my voice, that you may know Jesus’ voice, that you go no place without hearing from us first, that you do nothing without hearing from us first, for this is the last hour.
For thus saith the Lord, I have given unto you this area, says the Lord, this area to live and dwell in, says the Lord, this area where I have called you, says the Lord, this area where I have sent you forth to go from here to take it with you, says the Lord. Come to my house, says the Lord, and take it with you, says the Lord.
The Lord says, you have the victory, every part, in every aspect of your life, for there are going to be many storms that come, there are going to be tornadoes, there are going to be hurricanes. The Lord God says he is going to keep his people safe. The Lord God says, do a victory walk today to tell the devil you have the victory in your healing, you have the victory in every aspect of your life, you have the victory in your depression, you have the victory in Campmeeting this year, you have the victory in your cars, you have the victory when the devil attacks you, you have the victory in everything. You need to tell the devil today you have the victory in Jesus name. You need to let the devil know that you are the overcomer today in everything, the Lord God says. He says stand upon his word and tell the devil you have the victory, he says tell the devil you have the victory today and after you do your march to come up to the altar and just let his anointing trickle upon you.
For truly regardless of what the enemy tries to throw your way he cannot stop you, he cannot slow you down, he cannot hold you back if you are standing upon my word, if you are doing the things that I have told you to do. There is nothing, there is nothing, there is nothing that he can bring against you that is going to stop you or slow you down or hold you back. So do not allow him to my children, but rise up in your power and your authority that I have given unto you and truly walk as that victor, walk as that overcomer, walk as that heir and joint heir to the throne of Almighty God. Walk as the one above and not as the one beneath, walk as the head not as the tail. For truly that is who you are and you need to walk like that, you need to talk like that, you need to act like that, saith the Lord. For a victor acts like a victor, an overcomer acts like an overcomer and truly you are both of those things because you are heirs and joint heirs of the throne of Almighty God. So rise up, rise up and take that power, take that authority that I have given unto you and put the enemy in his place, saith the Lord.
For I have given unto you that power, I have given unto you that authority, now rise up and take that power and take that authority and put the enemy in his place once and for all, saith the Lord.
For as the wind blows so is My Spirit blowing in a mighty way. Yea, and it has started here, saith your Father God and it is moving all the way around the world. Multitudes, multitudes are coming into the safety of the fold, more multitudes are getting My Spirit poured out upon them without measure. Miracles, signs, wonders are taking place, I have everything that you have need of. If you have need of it, if you come unto me I shall give it to you, for there is nothing, nothing, nothing that is impossible for me to do. For the door is open, the banqueting table is set, receive those things that I have for you.
Blow the trumpets, he says sound the trumpets out loud that demons in Cortland would fall. The Lord God says, you have the victory; he says come and receive from him.
Yes, now angels I command you to go forth over this area, over this area that is miracle valley that God said it would be. I command you to go forth, I command you to go forth, I command you to go forth, I command the demons to flee, I command the people to come in. I command the miracles; the signs and the wonders to flow like God said it would be for this time and this hour. Now go forth and do the work of the Lord.
6-12-16 pm service
Fill your hearts with my word for that is extremely important in these last days, for many things are taking place and you shall clearly see the downfall of the whole world between now and the end of the election. And if my people do the things that I tell them it shall be good until you go out, but if you choose wrong, it shall be disastrous, it shall be so bad most will go broke, most will go bankrupt, most will have nothing. For they have made the wrong choice just like Israel made the wrong choice. Walk in my word, walk in the promises of my word, for I desire to bless you, I desire to prosper you, I desire to heal you and cause you to be the giants and not the giants that the world is talking about, for you shall be the overcomers and you shall be the victors, you shall be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, for I have given you that, that is yours. Walk, walk according to my word, don’t walk according to the things that some teach you, for many have fallen away already, many have a reprobate mind already, many are already deceived, others are plotting against you, how to catch you, but don’t allow that to happen. Look to my word for your answers not to man, look to my word for your victories not man’s, look to my word to be the overcomer and you shall be.
Great faith shall come forth, great faith shall come forth, great faith shall come forth and you shall win.
For does not my word say unto you that where two or three are gathered together in my name there I am in the midst of you, says the Lord. And great things shall be accomplished when you come together and meet with me, says the Lord, and you shall leave with the victory, says the Lord, and you shall have victory.
6-8-16 pm service
For it is my greatest desire to bless you, to honor you, to uplift you, to make you feel and know your inheritance as my children. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to go before you and open doors, I desire to prosper you, I desire to drive the enemies away that you walk, yes, that you walk in my total comfort, my total peace. For it is my desire, saith your Father God, to be all that my word says unto you that you can be, that you can be all that I have said, that you may know who you are, that you may know your inheritance, that you may live within that budget of your inheritance, not the world’s, not the world’s, but mine, saith your Father God. I desire to protect you from your enemies, I desire to chase your enemies from you and cause you to be the overcomers and the victors. I desire, saith your Father God, to give you all that I have promised you.
6-5-16 am service
For true holiness shall shine, it shall be a bright light unto the world that they may come unto me, that they may know me, that they may seek my face and call upon my name that I can heal them, that I can give them miracles, that I can change their lives, that I can prepare there lives so that they can enter into the kingdom of God. For truly these are the last days and many things are taking place just as I have told you and as you watch and listen and hear you can see the things that are going on. For wickedness is getting more and more and more under control over the believers and the believers are not standing as they should stand, they have backed away. They are not warriors but they are cowards and they cannot be victors until they become a warrior, until they become an overcomer, until they are not afraid to exalt that name of Jesus, until they are not afraid to speak my name for I am Almighty God, they are not afraid to speak the Holy Ghost for it is the Holy Ghost that gives you your wisdom, your knowledge, your strength, it is the Holy Ghost. And truly as you look at the news you can see the violence, you can see the war, you can see the enemy preparing and everything is headed toward the end. The stock market is falling, not because of the hard times, but because the gas price has gone down again. Oh my children look with your spiritual eyes, see, see and hear and know, don’t be doubtful, but know the things that are going on.
For the Lord says, just as the flower in the field buds and opens, says the Lord, open to me that my glory around about you and my fragrance draws them to me, says the Lord. Don’t stay shut up but open, says the Lord, open up to me, says the Lord, draw them in, says the Lord.
The Lord says, where are your tanks, for gas prices fluctuate up and down, but you are with me, if you allow me your tanks within you will be overflowing today. The Lord God wants your tanks overflowing, he says the healings, the deliverances, to be set free are flowing today. He said whatever you need come and call upon his name, in the name of Jesus you shall be healed, set free and delivered. He says he is moving and he wants to touch each and every one of you. He says the harvest is ripe out there, people are sick, there are people who need to be delivered; he says he wants his people to tell the world about him. He says today is the day of salvation, he says if you don’t know him, the Lord Jesus as your savior today, today is the day to ask him in your heart because there isn’t much time left, the Lord God says. So be ready, be ready he says, be ready to move in his Spirit this morning he says. For his Spirit is moving, his Spirit is moving like a racing river. He says come and receive today, he says he wants to touch each and every kid here because he loves them with an everlasting love. So come and receive.
Do not allow yourselves to be beaten down and downtrodden. For truly I have come to lift you up, I have come to give you the things that you have need of in these days and in these hours, you only must receive them, for that is all that you need to do is receive them. For I have already given unto you those things that you have need of. I have already given unto you those healings, those miracles, those deliverances, those finances, whatever it is I have already given it to you. All you need to do is receive it, receive it, receive it, for I have said that I am pouring it out without measure in these days and in these hours. So just come and receive all that I have for you, come and receive that your joy might be full that you can spill out unto other that they too might also receive from me, saith the Lord. For truly I love you with an everlasting love, saith the Lord.
For I am opening the floodgates right now, so come and receive, come and receive.
6-5-16 pm service
I am pouring out My Spirit upon all the earth, I am moving in a mighty, mighty way, I am glorifying my name, I am verifying my word. Therefore I say, draw close, allow My Spirit to move through you like it has never moved through you before, allow the gifts of the spirit to be in operation in your life, they should be in operation in your life. Let the fruit of the spirit be seen, for as you grow and grow and grow so shall the anointing grow, so shall you be and many, many shall flock unto you to receive from you the things that I have for them. Walk so close, walk close until you feel my love, until you can feel my protection, until you can feel my care. Walk closer, for truly I love you.
For I say unto you, let that fire burn like it has never burned before, let it consume all your flesh that only the spirit remains, saith the Lord. Begin to flow in My Spirit like never before, for truly these are the days and the hours that I have spoken about, that I have prophesied about, that you have heard about. These are those days, these are those hours when miracles, signs and wonders shall be seen like at no other time before in history, when I pour out My Spirit upon all flesh that anyone who comes is touched because of My Spirit that is there, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, for I am pouring out My Spirit upon you, saith the Lord, receive all the things that I have for you. For truly they are great, they shall make you the victor, they shall make you the overcomer, they shall bring you to that higher plateau with me, saith the Lord, that plateau that I desire you to be. So continue to enter into all the things that I have for you, for truly they are awesome, saith the Lord.
I can move in my might and my power with many or with few, for there is nothing that hinders me, that stops me, or slows down the things that I am about to do, for I can do it with you or I can do it without you. But you need me, saith your Father, you need my strength, you need my power, you need my ability, you need all that I have and I am more than willing to give it all to you.
The Lord says not to be discouraged, but be encouraged, for my plans for you are mighty in me, says the Lord. Be encouraged this night and look forward to the things that I have for you, says the Lord.
The Lord said I have given unto you the power; I have given you the victory.
6-1-16 pm service
Many warnings have gone out and yet my church pays little attention to what I say anymore and they don’t realize by doing so they move themselves right into agreement with the enemy and he will, he will close a trap upon them. But, I say unto you, be watchful, be alert, listen to the things that I say, for if you listen and do what I tell you, you shall walk in victory, you shall walk as the overcomer, you shall be the overcomer. Miracles, signs and wonders shall come from you, multitudes shall flock unto you and many, many will receive miracles not counting the healings and the other things that I do for them. So grow not slack, do not be fearful, but walk, walk very closely by my side. For many things as I have told you are taking place, judgment is coming, judgment has to come, for they are mocking me now, they have been mocking me for a while and I have come to the place that judgment shall fall. Earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, yes and even the destruction of Babylon in the twenty-four hours, these things shall now come, but fear not when you see them, for I have already given you my word how many days of revival you will have. So prepare for that revival, prepare for the camp meeting, prepare for the camp meeting, prepare for the camp meeting.
Walk in the spirit realm, let your ears be open that you can hear the things the Spirit is trying to tell you, for it shall spare you many hard times if you listen and follow the Spirit. Walk with the Spirit, know the Spirit, enjoy the fellowship of the Spirit, for the world does not have that nor can they have that, nor can those that are not filled with the Holy Ghost have that. Only those that are baptized in the Holy Ghost can walk in the spirit realm. Know that truth, then the enemy cannot fool you.
5-29-16 am service
For truly it is a great and exciting hour, for My Spirit is moving far faster than you have ever seen it move before. Therefore, it is very important that you make sure that you are in my house, that you hear my words, that you know what I, your Father God, has said. For many shall fall behind and as they fall behind the enemy shall take over on their lives and they will not know how to get out unless somebody knows how to set them free. It will be a great hour though, for multitudes, multitudes shall just flow into here and receive the things that they have need of and then return to their countries, their places like I have told you before. For truly it is that hour, many think it is not that hour, but it is that hour and things are moving far faster, far faster than you realize. So continue to draw closer to me, draw closer to me and watch me as I answer your prayers much quicker, as things fall together in your life much quicker as you’re healed and delivered and set free in every area, as you become the overcomers. For truly you are overcomers and you shall be that and you shall walk like the overcomer, you shall act like the overcomer and people will flock unto you to find out how when everybody else is hurting, when everybody else cannot pay their bills and they see you and you are able to move, you are able to even bless them that they can be blessed. You shall see them as they come, they shall come hungry, they shall come hungry and they shall run, and oh, how they shall run and if you don’t run they will go right on by you. For they know, they know the hour is late and the time is short and it is a now time, a now time.
The Lord says, open you your spiritual ears and eyes and keep your eyes upon him and keep your eyes upon what he tells you to do because there are going to be mighty moves of God between now and the Camp Meeting, it is going to be mighty. So at the Camp Meeting there are going to be mighty moves of God, there will be someone who will come that is going to have stage four cancer that is going to be healed in the name of Jesus, the Lord God says. The Lord God says he is going to move mightily, he says if you will stand today or come to the altar, but come and be filled by him today. He wants to fill each and every one of you, he wants to give you his glory, his honor, he wants to touch each and every one of you, so be filled today in the name of Jesus.
For thus saith the Lord, stay close, draw nigh to me, says the Lord. For if you draw nigh to me and stay close to me you shall be fervent, hot and shall continue to grow, says the Lord. But as magma leaves the volcanic pit and moves further away it gradually cools down and will eventually turn to rock, says the Lord. Do not be hardened by falling away, says the Lord, but stay close to me, says the Lord, remain fervent, hot, says the Lord.
For truly this is not just a time of
refreshing that will peter out, but it will continue to grow and grow and grow
until I take my church out of here. For
this is not a move like those you have seen before, for this is the last great
outpouring that I have promised, this is the revival that you have been
waiting for. So allow me to move
upon you like never before, allow me to do the work.
For truly this is a great and mighty hour for my church, for I will not
hold anything back from you, saith the Lord.
So open up to me and allow me to continue to fill you to overflowing,
allow me to bless you and bless you and bless you, allow me to heal you, allow
me to deliver you and set you free. Allow
me to move upon your behalf this day, saith the Lord, for truly that is my
desire, that is my desire for these days and these hours.
For I love you with an everlasting love my children and that is my
desire for you to be totally free, for you to be blessed coming in and coming
out that you can go and minister unto others around you.
For truly there is a great need and I need my ministers to minister
unto those. So won’t you allow me to minister unto you today and fill
you and give you all the things that you have need of for these days and these
hours, saith the Lord?
For truly this shall be the hour of the reprobate mind, for many have been turned over to those reprobate minds already and they are flowing in the wrong way and you will notice them and recognize them. You will see the demon power behind them and you will cast out those demons and set them free, for truly they are on their way to hell unless you set them free. So be open, be open, be open.
5-29-16 pm service
For it is my desire to bless you far
more than you have ever received before, it is my desire that you prosper and
be in good health, it is my desire that you hear my voice and follow my voice
and not another’s. For in these
days here other’s voices will lead you into a pit that you cannot get out
of. Know my voice, for surly my sheep know my voice and they do
not follow another’s voice, they only follow my voice. Walk with me very closely, for many things are going to
happen now, things like you have never seen, even things in the occult, but
realize it is in the figment of peoples imagination, it is not really what it
looks like. Even if you see
somebody floating just speak the word and they will hit the floor. Be not fearful, be not fearful, but the enemy will try to
give fake signs, fake wonders, fake things to cause you to follow him.
For he knows the days are short, he knows that if he can trick you that
you will be in a trap, do not allow him to trap you.
Be wiser than the trapper; be wiser because you know my word, be wiser
because you walk in my word. For
as you walk in my word you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, you will do
the things that I desire for you to do and you will be the overcomers.
For thus says the Lord, be not wise in your own eyes, but know what my will is for you, says the Lord. Know what my will is for you to do each and every day, says the Lord, that way you will have victory, you will have success, says the Lord. Be not wise in your own eyes.
Be wise far beyond your years; be wise in the spirit realm. For a little slope that might not even be seen with the natural eye, if the enemy gets you to start sliding on it, it is like ice and you will go to the bottom. It may not look like a big hill, but it doesn’t need to be a big hill. Walk with me and that will not happen.
5/25/16 pm service
For truly My love for you, grows greater and greater and greater day by day. I bless you daily as you walk with Me. I will also strengthen you, and watch over you, and protect you. I’ll cause you to go through these days ahead, walking in the light and not fearful of the darkness. For you are the overcomers, and darkness is not of you, it is not of My Word, so you need not fear darkness. But the light shall be the light that compels people to come unto you, that you can help them, that you can minister to them, that you can give them directions, that you can give them insight. For truly you are My light. Therefore let you light shine brightly. Walk in the Spirit realm. For as you walk in the Spirit realm, you shall see many wonderful thing. You shall also see the things that the enemy is trying to do and you’ll be able to stop him before he ever gets started. So just draw closer, draw closer, for truly these are the last days.
Keep yourself prepared at all times, walk in the Spirit at all times. Hear My voice, listen to My voice, know what the Spirit is saying unto you. For that shall be very important in these last days that you hear My voice, that you know what the Spirit is saying , that your obedient quickly, and do the things you are told to do, for then you shall be the overcomers.
God is so powerful, He is so mighty, He gives us the power and might, to the glory of God Amen.
5-22-16 am service
Be not fearful of the warfare going on in the spirit realm, for if you are walking in the spirit you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh and you will be an overcomer and my will, will be fulfilled in your life and great and powerful and mighty shall be the moving of My Spirit through you reaching those round about you bringing forth miracles, signs and wonders. So continue to press into the fullness of all that I have for you, for I have much more for you, don’t ever think that you have received everything yet. It is my will that you should have, but you haven’t. Therefore, I have so much more for you, so much more for you that you can become all, all that I said that you could be. Therefore, I say, press in, press in, press in.
For thus saith the Lord, I say unto you that this revival is not set forth by man but by me, saith your Father God. For I have declared it, I have sent it forth and I shall do what I said I shall do. Do not worry, do not fret, for it is my revival, says the Lord, and no man can stop this revival, says the Lord.
The Lord says, don’t let your candle and your light go out, but let it burn and let it burn deep within you. He says if you want to get closer to him today, come and seek him and all his Shekinah glory to actually fall upon you. Come and seek him with all your heart today, for no one is going to pray for you first, but if you want to be touched by God, not by man but by God, come and receive it today, he says. For I might call out things later, but first I want you to come and receive from me, the Lord God says, come and seek him with all your heart.
For remember it is me, saith your Father God, not man. But man and flesh will try to stop me, but they can’t stop me. Don’t worry about the flesh, for when the real fire burns it puts out the false fire and the fire shall burn and I shall do all that I have said that I am going to do. For this is the last hour, there is not another time coming around, there is not another time coming around. You started it, it is flowing around America right now and it will continue to grow. So press in, press in, press in.
The Lord says he is opening up his floodgate right now, come and receive.
There is somebody here that needs a miracle, listen carefully; the Lord has given me great detail on this. It starts across the top of your left shoulder then right in the middle of the top of the left shoulder it comes down on a slight angle covering that whole shoulder piece there. Now if you want a miracle, come and get it. There is also somebody that has been feeling nauseated the last few days and it goes away and comes back and it goes away and comes back and God has got a miracle for you. If that is you please don’t wait, don’t sit there; God is not going to offer it to you again, etc.
5-22-16 pm service
For truly my word is truth and I love you with an everlasting love, for everything that I have ever done is because I have loved you. I have prepared a whole world here, even though they did not walk according to my word, because I loved you, you are my children and no matter how many you are in number I am always there. I am always willing to meet every single need that you have, there is no reason why you should struggle with a need, there is no reason why you should lack, there is no reason, there is no reason under the sun that you should not have the things that you desire. For they have been bought for you by my Son Jesus Christ, they have been bought for you because I love you, you also are my children and you benefit from my love, yes, you can walk in the fullness, remember that no matter where or when or how I am always there in your presence and I am always willing to move on your behalf that you, that you can receive all that I have.
For truly great are the things that I have in store for you my people, for those who are walking with me, for those who have put all their trust and confidence in me. For did not I say that two thousand and sixteen would be a very lean year and yet you haven’t begun to see that just yet, but you very soon now will begin to see that in some areas. But not for you my people, for truly all the things that are coming upon this earth are not for you, saith the Lord, but they are for those who are not awake, who are not walking with me, who have not put all their trust and confidence in me. It is to wake those up that they can come into the safety of the fold before it is too late, but for you my people I have set aside great blessings for these days and these hours. I have given unto you my promise that I would take you through these days victoriously, that regardless of the things that are going on in the world they do not have to affect you if you have put your trust and your confidence in me. So you see my people it is very easy, all you have to do is trust me, trust me one hundred percent and I will move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way and I will do all that I have said that I will do. For you do not need to be concerned about those things in that sense, but trust me, trust me and watch as I continue to move upon your behalf and do things that you thought weren’t even possible. For that is what I want and desire to do in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
5-18-16 pm service
Let your heart be filled with boldness that you may operate in my word to the fullest, that you speak forth the words that I have written in my book. The words that cause you to be the overcomer, the victor, the head and not the tail that you can do the things that I, your Father God, will need you to do in these last days. For the days are hurrying by and there is much work and we need to get all the laborers into the fields and get the harvest. We need to do the things that I, your Father God, have said that you could do and the blessings, oh the blessings that shall fall upon you because you are walking according to my word, you are walking according to my promise and you are doing the things that I, your Father God, have told you to do. So be strong, be strong and walk in my word.
For thus saith the Lord, you stand upon my word and speak forth my word and it is as if you are placing your sword within the grinding wheel, says the Lord, and sharpening that sword and it cuts even more than it did before when you kept it to yourself, says the Lord. With boldness shall you speak, says the Lord, and with boldness shall you defeat all that I have called you to do, says the Lord.
It is of the utmost importance that you know my word in this day and hour that you are living in. For without my word you will not have the weapon to defeat the enemy and the enemy is out there, the enemy is out there. You need to know my word, you need to be able to stand upon my word, you need to be able to speak my word. I desire for you to be victorious, therefore know my word, my word is the weapon that you will need.
For as you believe and speak my word all of heaven moves on your behalf to bring it back because my word says no, no word that goes out is void of power, it shall not return empty. Therefore, mount up with the word, dress with your battle garments, be ready for the time is very late and there shall be warfare, but you shall be victorious.
5-15-16 am service
For it is a great hour, the most exciting hour in church history, for I am pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh, your young men are prophesying your old men are seeing dreams. Miracles, signs and wonders are taking place, oh the joy, the joy, the joy of this revival. It cannot be forced on by man, but if they enter in and if they come unto me with all their heart I’ll move upon them with all my might, with all my strength, with all my power and miracles shall be seen before your eyes. But speak not negative concerning what I, your Father God, am doing, for judgment shall fall quickly upon you even like Ananias and Sapphira. For this is the hour, this is the day, this is the time, and I, your Father God, have proclaimed it for all to hear, for all to see and all to know.
The Lord says, open up the altars, allow people to come and seek him with all their heats, don’t worry about laying hands on them, but allow God to lay his hand upon them, allow them to come and feel the movement, allow them to come and seek him with all their hearts today, the Lord says. And when you are done seeking him then all the boys to come forward and start calling out the sicknesses, the deliverances and the things that need to be set free, the Lord said and then they can put their hands upon them and pray for them, the Lord God says. But allow me to move first, the Lord God says.
For I have come says the Lord to set you free, I have come to deliver you, to take away the bondages that the devil has place upon you, says the Lord. For there are many that need to be set free, still, still more need to be set free, says the Lord. For you know that you need to be set free, says the Lord and you need to come up and receive of me because I am here to take away those yokes of bondages today, says the Lord. Cast your burdens upon me, says the Lord and be set free.
For truly if you do not allow me to set you free you will not be able to move forward in the days ahead. I will not be able to move upon your behalf like I would like to. So open up unto me, allow me to do the work, for I know what needs to be done even more than even you. But come to me and say, Lord, I am giving you my all, take control, use me and guide me for these last days and these last hours that I can be that mighty one that was chosen, saith the Lord. For truly it is a great day and a great hour and I desire to move in a mighty and powerful way. So won’t you allow me to move today, won’t you allow me to create in you a clean new revived spirit that you might be able to run through the last days and not be weary and do all the things that I have called you to do for these days and these hours. For I love you, saith the Lord, with an everlasting love, I love you.
5-15-16 pm service
For truly the work that I am doing is amazing if you could see it, for I am doing a work in your lives now that I haven’t been able to do before because it was not time, but it is now time. And your willingness, your willingness to receive what I have makes it possible for me to move mightily upon your behalf to bring forth those miracles, those signs, those wonders, to give unto you wisdom and knowledge, to cause you to be everything that I said you could be and you shall be it and you shall enjoy it before I take my church out. There is ample amount of time to do all that I am going to do even though the time is very short. So keep yourself ready or you will miss a lot, you may even miss going if you are not ready, but be ready, be ready, be ready.
For this is the time you need to know that I can protect you, says the Lord. This is the time that you need to know that what I said in my word shall stand, says the Lord. Not to waiver to and fro, but to know that I, the Lord your God, will be there for you standing with you and protecting you, says the Lord. So don’t turn aside and do anything without me, says the Lord, for I am your rock, I am your shelter, I am your refuge. Fear no man, says the Lord, but fear me, says God.
5-11-16 pm service
It is with an everlasting love that leads you and guides you, that I give unto you my wisdom and my knowledge, that I open your understanding that you can understand all things. But remember my understanding is in the heavenly realm and not in the earthly, but I can teach you those things also, but my words are far higher, far higher, they are above because I desire that you be above and not beneath, that you are able to do all the things that I said that you could do. For many shall come unto you now and they shall seek a way and they shall seek wisdom and they shall seek knowledge and you shall give it unto them. You shall know the mysteries, but it is not out of your own head, the Holy Spirit will teach you them and those that seek you will go with that wisdom and with that knowledge and carry out my instructions and do the things that I, your Father God, have told them to do. So do not be wrapped up in the ways of the world, but be wrapped up in my word, in my wisdom, in my knowledge.
For my ways are always higher than man’s ways, therefore I say unto you, follow my ways, follow my word, have my word so deep within your heart that at all times my word flows out of that innermost belly, even as my word declares that, in your innermost belly shall flow that living water, allow that living word to come out of you like never before. For do you not know that it is that hour and it is that time for my church to rise up and truly become all that I said that they can be. It is truly the hour to walk with me like never before, walk not in your own ways, but walk after my ways, for my ways are great victory upon victory, upon victory. Therefore I say unto you, know my word, walk in my word like never before, have my word flowing out of your mouth daily that you may grow and grow and grow, and grow. For do you not know that a weight lifter does not become strong by sitting on the bench, but he becomes strong by getting up and lifting and lifting and lifting. So with my word, lift my word, eat my word like never before that you may grow strong, strong and stronger, says the Lord.
The words that I give unto you are life, and as you walk in those words you build more of my life into you, the God kind of life, the zoe kind of life, because you are to represent me and do the things that I, your Father God, could do, there is nothing that is impossible for you. Therefore, do not look at things like they are impossible, but find the way, find the way, for all things are possible to them that believe.
5-8-16 am service
My blessings to all of you, I desire to pour out more blessings upon you than ever before, I desire to move mightily in your lives causing you to fulfill my word, to fulfill the plan I have for you for planet earth. For the days are short, but there is sufficient amount of time to do the things that I have called you to do. Even though you think in your mind there is not enough time, there is time, there is time, confess there is time, not there is no time. For truly I can do all things and I desire to do all things and I desire to bring in the multitudes, I desire to bring in the lost, the sick, the dying, I desire to meet every one of their needs because I love them. Do you love them, bring them in, bring them in, bring them in from near, bring them in from far, bring them in. Let me move upon them in a mighty way like I am moving all over America, for the revival is here and it has been here and it shall continue to grow larger and larger and larger. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, let me your Father God move mightily in your behalf.
For thus saith the Lord, there is a basket standing before you filled with the blessings that I, your Father God, would like to pour out upon you. Will you come forth and receive those blessings, says the Lord? For you cannot sit back and relax, you must move forward with me to receive those blessings, says the Lord. Come forth my church, come forth my church, come forth my church and come and receive those blessings, says the Lord.
He wants to move now, the Lord says, he says don’t worry about ISIS they’re getting ready to strike, but he is going to move, he is going to protect his people. He says let’s go forth and move and do your march like I have said and be ready to be touched, for I want to touch each and every person.
For many shall say why Lord all the marching each and every week, this seems to be going on? But I say there are walls that are still standing and did not my servants march around those walls so those walls could fall down? But many have said I will not, and therefore, your walls will stand, but for those who will your walls will come crumbling down, the gates of heaven will be opened unto you, you shall receive the blessings that I have for you, you shall receive your healings and your miracles, you shall receive those things that you have need of. For truly I have spoken unto you and you have moved when I have said to move. For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to continue to move upon your behalf. Understand that this is the time of revival, for many do not know, but my revival is all over the United States of America and in different parts of the world even stronger than you are seeing here at the moment, because when I said move they moved. So when I say move, move and receive all of the things that I have for you. For truly I have many things in store for you for these hours and these times, but you must do all that I have told you to do. You must go forth and bring the people in, for if no one brings the people in how can I touch them. For I have said go into the highways and the byways and compel them to come, compel them to come. Let them know that if they come I, your Father God, will touch them, for truly it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
The Lord says, the bucket is full, it is full, but it is up to you to be open to receive it, it is up to you to come and receive it. So are you willing to come and receive today or are you going to sit right back and not receive what God has for you? The Lord says, come and receive, come and receive.
5-8-16 pm service
For truly that Holy Ghost power will give you all the power that you have need of. It shall charge you up and cause you to rise and to go forth and to do wonders, to do miracles, signs, to preach the gospel, it is the power that all the disciples had to receive before they could leave Jerusalem and do the work that I had called them to do. You need that in your life today, every day you should be walking in the Holy Spirit, every day you should be praying in the spirit, every day you should be charging yourself up that your battery does not get low that at any moment you can do the things that I desire that you do. Walk in the spirit realm and you will not walk in the flesh, don’t walk in it, and then the flesh will not control you. Walk, walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, walk as I desire that you can walk that I can use you like I desire to use you. For truly I love you with an everlasting love.
For truly if you are one of mine, if you are a child of Almighty God you can tap into that power, you can tap into that ability, you can do things that you couldn’t do in the natural sense, for truly my power is the power and the strength higher above anything that you know of. Know that I, your Father God, have given all of my power over to you, all you have to do is tap into that and you can do that at any moment. For at times I have told you that you would be here going twenty four hours a day and you will not need sleep during that time, for you will be tapped into my power and you will be able to go and go and go and you will not feel tired, for truly I love you with an everlasting love, I desire to move upon your behalf. For many, many, many shall soon come and they will receive the things that they have need of and they will go back to their own places taking My Spirit with them so they too can experience the revival to its fullest extent. So do not lag off, but continue to move ahead, continue to move with me, continue to do all the things that I have told you to do. Do not be concerned about the things taking place in the world, I will tell you about them so that you can be aware, but they do not have to come nigh your dwelling. For even this great fire that burns in the northern part of Canada, even that fire if you stood upon my word would not come nigh your dwelling, but it would go right around you if you stood upon my word. For I have given you great power and authority and if you use that I will move mightily upon your behalf. So do not fear these kinds of things, but stand upon my word, stand upon my promise and know that I am taking you through these days victoriously, saith the Lord.
For the brightness of the days ahead for my children shall be extremely bright, there will be no darkness, for you do not walk in darkness, but you walk in the light. And as you walk in the light I shall show you the things that have hindered you and give unto you the victory that belongs to you, for you are mine and I love you with an everlasting love.
5-4-16 pm service
Let your eyes be upon the word that you may know, that you may understand the things that are coming, for truly even though it looks like things are better, they are far worse than they ever have been. Many things are taking place and only the spiritual and only those that are really watching and looking realize what is taking place. For the rest are just living their life and going their way and doing their thing, and do not, do not see the Trojan horse, do not see what the enemy is planning. Walk, walk in the word, know the word, discover the word like you have never known it before, let the Holy Spirit be your teacher and your guide that you may walk in my wisdom, that you may walk in my knowledge that truly you can be the head and not the tail above and not beneath, for the days are very short.
For the enemy is very sly, he can build a bonfire and people will watch that and pay no attention to the smoke, but the enemy is not in the bonfire, he is in the smoke. He is working behind the scenes and only spiritual eyes can see and understand, to others it looks like everything is fine and yet it is not. Know my word, know my word.
5-1-16 am service
For truly it is a great hour, an hour
that man has never seen before, this is not something that is old, but this is
something that is new, it is the last revival and as you are seeing, it is on
TV, it is all over and truly it is moving more powerfully every day. For I am doing a work in your midst like has not been done
since the day of Pentecost and this one shall be three times greater.
Multitudes shall come in and all, all who want to go forward must come
through here, saith your Father. So
be not down, but begin to put one hundred percent into your work here, are you
doing any work, if not, put your work here, put your work here.
Press into the fullness of everything that I have for you, press in like
never before, press in, press in, press in.
For I desire, I desire to do a work that will be talked about until the
church goes out, I desire to do a work that even the world will talk about, this
is the hour and this is the day, this is the time.
So press in I say, press in.
The Lord says, leave your stubbornness at
the door and open up your hearts, for stubbornness cannot save you, stubbornness
cannot heal you, the stubbornness cannot deliver you, for my Son Jesus is the
only way, the truth, and you need to open your hearts today and allow me to move
upon you, the Lord God says. For it
is going to be a troubled time, the devil is going to try to take you out of the
church, the devil is going to get in your head, but if you stand on my word the
devil cannot touch you. If you
stand on my word I will take you through, the Lord God says. You need to stand on my word, you need to get that
stubbornness out of you today and come and receive what I have for you.
For I want to touch each and every kid today, I want to touch the workers
today, then I want to touch each and every person here if you allow me to, if
you allow me to come upon you, for I want to give you the joy, more joy, more
love, more peace, for I want to allow my anointing, for it is already falling at
the altars. For my anointing as you come is going to get stronger and
stronger and stronger, the Lord God says. He
says do not let the stubbornness hold you today, but be ready to come and
The Lord says, whosoever shall humble
themselves before me so shall be exalted by me, says the Lord.
But if you cannot humble yourself before me you shall not be exalted,
says the Lord. For you must learn
to be as my Son Jesus was and be humble as he was humble, says the Lord.
Humble yourselves, says the Lord.
For truly I desire to move upon your
behalf, but I cannot do so if you do not allow me to, so open up to me, receive
all that I have for you. For if
even you have received in times past I still have new things for you today. So do not sit by and allow me to pass you by, but receive all
that I have for you. For truly this
is a great and glorious hour my children, and I, your Father God, know the
things that you have need of. So do
not miss out on the things that I am doing, for I am pouring out My Spirit upon
you and it shall continue to get greater and greater and greater and greater.
But you must open up yourselves unto me, you must allow me to move upon
your behalf, do not allow me to pass you by, but receive, receive, receive,
receive, receive, saith the Lord.
Etc. and the workers come and receive,
the Lord God says.
Anyone that needs a touch, God said come,
Don’t let the devil hold you back, come and receive, after you have come and received, the Lord wants to touch the workers and the preachers for the Camp Meeting.
5-1-16 pm service
My love for you is so great that you
can’t even begin to understand or phantom how great it is, but I love you with
an everlasting love and I desire to bless you far more than you want to be
blessed, I desire to move mightily on your behalf.
I am like a proud father and any father or mother knows how that feels.
You’re proud of your children and you want to do great and mighty
things on behalf of your children and I desire to do that.
Continue to press into the fullness of everything that I have for you,
don’t slack off, but press, in that way I can bless you coming in, I can bless
you going out, I can make you the head and not the tail, above and not beneath
that you will not have to worry about the bill collectors because they will be
paid. You will not have to worry about anything because I, your
Father God, I shall do that and even more for you.
For truly I have paved the road ahead of
you with victory, there is nothing but victories that lies in your paths,
regardless of what you think you may see, there is nothing but victory before
you, there is nothing but victory before you.
Shout, shout, shout for truly there is nothing but victory before you,
saith the Lord.
For my ways are not your ways but my ways
lead to great victories, your ways, where do they lead?
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for I desire to move in a mighty way and I
desire to do things this night, your Father God says, that you didn’t expect.
Sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto
the Lord all the earth etc. etc..
etc. etc. dance and you sing forth unto me and let the praises rise higher and
let the praises rise higher and let the praises rise higher and see just what I
will do for you, saith the Lord. For
truly it is that time and hour, truly it is that time and hour to praise me, to
praise me, to praise me.
For truly you are in the presence of Almighty God, therefore, you are standing on holy ground and I will not ask for a long period, but for this night remove thou your shoes. For truly you are on holy ground and truly you are in the presence of Almighty God.
4-27-16 pm service
For my word shall never go out and return void as long as you stand on it, as long as you believe it in your heart and confess it with your mouth. For I have told you that my word is true, I have told you that it has all power, has all ability, it is able to do everything that it is sent forth to do. For truly my word is my Son Jesus, for he is the word and as you speak forth my word I move mightily on your behalf for you are my children. So fear not the enemy, fear not what he tries to do to you, but realize that my word is truth. Stand on my word, stand on my word and you shall be the victor.
You shall not be here when the wrath comes, fear not the things that they say, but walk in the spirit realm that the Spirit can warn you, that he can cause you to be alert and see what is coming that it will not come nigh your dwelling.
For this hour and this day that you are living in it is extremely important that you know my voice, my voice and another’s you will not follow. For when you know my voice I will speak to you, I will direct you, I will lead you down the path of victory and safety. Therefore, know my voice, my voice, my voice.
And take your authority that I have given unto you and stand upon my word and truly you shall see those things that you desire to see come to pass. For you can take your authority even against the weather and it will change. You can take your authority against that mountain and it has to move. Know that you are a King’s kid, know that you are an heir and a joint heir of the throne of Almighty God and my authority and my power I have given unto you that you can be victors in these days that things would not come nigh your dwelling that would come other places. So trust in me and stand upon my word and speak forth that word in my authority and watch, as the situation has to change.
4-24-16 am service
Day by day I am renewing you in your strength and your anointing and the power, the power of the Holy Ghost that you may go forth and do the things that I have said that you can do, that miracles, signs and wonders will become commonplace to you. For you shall be my vessel, my worker and you shall go about even as Jesus went about performing miracles, signs and wonders. Oh what a joy, what a joy it shall be now to you, but not to those that do not know me. So do not forget to tell them about me, get them into the safety of the fold, get them in quickly because the time is running out. But prepare yourself, prepare yourself that you will be able to withstand all the attacks that enemy is now sending, for they are coming, they are coming, they are coming, but you, but you can be the victor.
For ISIS might be getting stronger, but ISIS is not as strong as your God. For God says stand upon my word, he will move upon your behalf, so stay strong in him, he said pray for the people that are not here today, he says that he wants to move upon the kids, for if any of the kids are hyperactive, he says today he will help to remove that, he will bring them up. He says that if they have ADHD he will take that, from any disease, anything they have today he says he will remove that from their life today. He says he wants to call upon the kids like never before, he wants to fill them like never before and he knows he will because each kid will come with an open heart. He says he wants to fill the adults today; he wants to fill them to overflowing. But are you hungry enough to come today, the Lord God says?
For are you hungry for more of me and My Spirit, are your hearts and desires set upon what I am going to do for you? Or do you care about more of what is going on in the world and the things that are happening there, where is your focus upon? For truly I desire to move upon you in a mighty and powerful way. I desire to bring you to new heights, I desire to make you the overcomer in every area of your life, but you must have your focus upon me. Put aside the cares of the world, put aside those things that so easily beset you and set your focus upon me and allow me to do a work in you like at no other time before. For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to pour out My Spirit upon you without measure. So open up to me, allow me to do the work that needs to be done, for if you do that you will be the overcomer. For I love you with an everlasting love my children and I desire to move upon you today, saith the Lord.
Can you be humble before me and not haughty, high-minded, thinking that you know everything when you know very little? Are you willing to follow me, are you willing to do the things that I tell you to do, are you willing? Many times my children are not willing and they miss the things that I desire to give to them. They miss my blessings, they miss becoming prosperous, they miss the anointing, for I offer unto them and they do not respond or they do not believe. But I desire in these last days to bless you above and beyond all, all that you can think or imagine, that is what I desire to do. But take the blessings, take them when I give them to you, take them, take them and then don’t, don’t curse them that the curses will come upon you. Walk in my love, walk in my unity, draw closer to me, for if you don’t see the signs in the world today, then you are blind, your blind. Open your spiritual eyes and see what I, your Father God, desires to do for you.
How hungry are your hearts today, have you received me today, have you come and been filled not just halfway, not just quarter way, but full, are you full to overflowing today, the Lord God says? Are you going to come and receive or are you just going to sit there and allow my anointing to pass, the Lord says? For I am here to touch each and every one of you, I am here to move upon people’s marriages, I am here to move upon each and every person, I am here to touch you. Are you going to make your move?
For how often, says the Lord, have my people attempted to do things under there own strength, under their own power, thinking they can do things without me, says the Lord. But I am your Father God and I have written in my word that you can only do the things I have called you to do by my Son Jesus Christ, through my Son Jesus Christ and how would you think that you could do anything but by him, says the Lord. Humble yourselves therefore before me, says the Lord, and allow my Son Jesus Christ to be glorified in you, says the Lord.
4-22-16 pm service
For truly the fires are burning, stoke them, stoke them, put fuel on them, feed them, feed them, for as you do the fires shall continue to grow brighter and brighter and brighter. And where the fire burns bright there is no darkness, for it drives the darkness away, it drives the enemies away, for they like to hide in the darkness that they be not found. So stoke the fires, stoke the fires, stoke the fires.
For the rewards that I have for you yet here on earth are far, far more greater than you are thinking, but if you will continue to press in, if you will continue to do the things that I tell you, you shall bathe in those rewards. They shall fill your life, they shall fill your joy, they shall bring peace and comfort, for all shall know that truly I, your Father God, am blessing you, that you are blessed above and beyond all that man could think of. Fear not; fear not what the enemy is doing, for you shall hear more and more and more about what he is trying to do.
For truly it is my desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way, it is my desire to heal, it is my desire to give miracles, it is my desire to deliver and set free. For truly you have reached a very special time in history, a time when I pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, a time when I pour out my blessings upon my people like never before. A time when more and more children are brought into the kingdom of God than ever before, a great and glorious hour for my church, a great and glorious time for my people. Do not be concerned with the things that are going on round about you, the drought, the forest fires, the hurricanes, the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the fighting here and there. For truly blood shall flow in the streets and things will be very bad in that sense and in the weather also that you have already seen a change in like I have said you would see. Drought shall affect very many places and food shall be scarce, but I have given unto you my word and my promise that I will take you through these days victoriously. I warn you so you know and can warn others, but if you have all of your trust and confidence in me there is nothing that you need to fear, there is nothing that you need to worry about. For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to continue to move upon your behalf. So continue to come with an open heart, continue to expect daily that I am going to bless you, for truly that is my desire for these days and these hours, for I love you with an everlasting love. So do not worry when you go here and there and it just seems like everybody wants to bless you, for some have seen a touch of that, but it will be seen even greater than that my children. For truly I love you, for did not you hear me say that you don’t even know how great the things are that I want to do for you? For if I was to tell you all most would not believe them, but as you do everything that I have told you to do, as you continue to move with me I will continue to move upon you, I will continue to bless you and I will continue to pour My Spirit upon you, saith the Lord.
4-20-16 pm service
For it is a glorious hour, an hour of
great victory for my people, for truly you are walking in the victories that
even you don’t know about and you can be the overcomers as I have said. Do not be fooled or tricked or deceived by the new lies that
are coming forth, for if you study my word carefully you will not find the
things that they say. Oh how man
likes to paint a picture of end time events that are not there, for if all
that tragedy was there even my people would be destroyed.
For man doesn’t consider or weigh that out, my word seems to be hard,
they would rather believe a lie than believe my word and that is so in so many
Know my word, walk in my word, stand in my word, for truly you shall be the victors.
Etc. etc. says the Lord, etc. etc. for my anointing upon my church body has grown to a point where nothing can stand in your way, that nothing can keep you from doing what I have called you to do. But break that; break that burden upon your life now in the name of Jesus. My Son, Jesus, came to break that yoke, so don’t be walking with any yoke, says the Lord, for I have freed you in the name of Jesus.
So do not be entangled again in that yoke of bondage, but get into my word, fix the weak areas, for if you weld the weak areas with my word then it will never break in that area again. Continue to build up your spiritman, for you need to build them up in these days and these hours so that you can stand against the enemy, so that you can stand upon my word. For disaster is coming for the world, for if you have not seen the disaster already this week, you have been asleep, for many things have taken place and it shall continue. But if you have my word in your heart you do not need to worry about these things, for when the enemy comes at you, you can stand against him with my word. But if you speak my word he has to flee, that is what my word says. So continue to get into my word, for truly you are the victors, you are the overcomers, but you need to be in my word more than ever in these days and these hours. For truly your victory is in my word, saith the Lord.
Etc. saith the Lord, etc. etc. about the things in my word, says the Lord, for it is not by my etc. etc. that he will flee, says the Lord, for I have called you to a higher level, says the Lord, you shall be what I have said in my word and you shall be above and not beneath, says the Lord. You are the head and not the tail, says the Lord. So think higher, speak my word in a higher realm than you have ever spoken it before and believe that I am going to move upon you, says the Lord.
4-17-16 am service
For it is a more exciting hour than you realize, for if you knew it wouldn’t be long before you would see the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords your whole outlook on life would change. Your excitement would be even higher than it ever has been, for do you realize exactly what this means? For nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing that you have ever achieved on earth shall be worth the treasures that you have laid away in heaven. There will be no pain, there will be no sickness, there will be no sorrow, for it shall be a great time throughout eternity. Therefore, I say, press in like you have never pressed in before, put off the areas in your life that are slack, they are very slack, for you do nothing with them, for if it is not for me it is all done in vain. But begin to lay your treasures away, begin to press forward, begin to get into my word, for if you do these things, as the time gets worse and worse and worse, and it will, you will be one of those that are walking in victory, you will be one of those that are the overcomers, for you cannot avoid the problems, the troubles and the things that are coming without me, without the Holy Spirit, without Jesus. For we are your comforters, we are your guides and we will lead you into victory. So now will you only have a great, great time here on earth until my Son comes for you, your time in heaven will be a thousand times better. Oh the joy, the joy, the joy, but oh how sad, oh how sad the hour could quickly become if you woke up and realized that my church is gone and you are left behind.
For thus saith the Lord, do not resist the Spirit which lies within you, but yield unto My Spirit, saith the Lord, to do the things that it has called you to do. Fight not My Spirit, says the Lord, but give heed to My Spirit, don’t resist him, do not resist him, for if you resist me, saith the Lord, how will the devil and his demons resist you. They will fight against you because you have not learned to yield to me, for you need to lean to yield to me, says the Lord, that the demons will yield to the power that I have place upon you, saith the Lord. Resist not My Spirit, says the Lord.
For you are a victor today, for you need to tell the devil that you are the victor, the Lord says do a march on one side of the church, one side and tell the devil today you have the victory over him. Tell the devil today you have the victory over him in joy, you have the victory over him in love, you have the victory over everything in your life he says. Do a victory march and tell the devil you are the winner and he is the loser today, for you are the victor. Tell the devil that you are healed in the name of Jesus today; tell the devil that you have been saved by the blood of Jesus today. So go ahead and walk and do the victory march and tell the devil you are the victor and let the altars fill and just let my anointing fall upon you.
4-17-16 pm service
For my love for you is far greater, far greater than you can understand at this time, but I love you and I will watch over you and protect you and keep you safe. You need not fear anything as long as you are my child, as long as you are walking with me, as long as you are doing the things that I have told you to do you are in perfect safety, perfect safety. The enemy has to go through me in order to get to you and he is already a defeated foe not once but twice and again soon a third time. But you can walk, you can walk according to my word, according to my promise, I can bless you, I have promised to open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you don’t have room to contain it. But most of you don’t want it so you never press in and get what I have for you, but it is available to you. Read my word, know my word, understand my word, for as you do doors open for you that you have never known were there and oh the blessings, the rewards, the promises that are there for you.
For truly know that my word goes out and does not return void but it is set forth to do all that I have set it forth to do. But there is a specific time and a specific hour for those things to come into completion. You have stepped into a time when more and more of my word shall be fulfilled, for you shall see things come to pass very quickly. For even the prophecies given of old that you have not seen totally fulfilled yet shall be fulfilled in this day and this hour. So do not fear the things that are taking place, do not fear the earthquakes that you have seen and the ones that you have not seen, for I have told you that they would come. For even man says that they will come, they just know not when, but I, your Father God, know the time and the day and the hour that they shall take place. For it is appointed, it is appointed for this day and this hour for these things to take place. You shall continue to see strange weather patterns as you have and they shall continue to be that way, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord. You shall continue to see ISIS and other terrorists continue to move overseas as you have seen and you will continue to see those things. But do not fear them for I have said, if you are walking with me these things shall not come nigh your dwelling, are you trusting in me one hundred percent, are you trusting that I am keeping you safe? For I have given unto you my word and that word shall be fulfilled if you trust upon it. So trust upon my word, know that I, your Father God, am doing all that I have said that I would do and you will go through these days victoriously, you will be the overcomer and many shall come unto you to receive from me because they will see that you are overcoming the things that are taking place, that you are on top, that you are the head and not the tail. So continue to do all that I have called you to do, for truly this is a great and mighty hour for my church and my word is coming into fulfillment. So do not fear, but trust one hundred percent in me, saith the Lord.
4-13-16 pm service
Let my house be filled with healing, with joy, with strength, let my believers be the overcomers, for truly many things are taking place in these last days and the enemy is working harder than he has ever worked at any time. He has been cast down to earth, and therefore, you sense and feel his power even more so now than you used to feel it and his demon cohorts are with him, but there is no reason to fear. You are the overcomers, I have done for you everything, everything that needs to be done in order for you to walk in total victory, in order for you to be the head and not the tail, above, above and not beneath. Let your faith rise to the place that your heart knows who you are, that you are the overcomer, that you are the victor, that you are everything that I say that you are. For this shall continue until the day I take my church out. So fear not, fear not, fear not, but rise up, rise up, stomp on the enemy, stomp on his head, crush is head, crush his power, crush his ability. For I have given you that power, I have given you that authority; you are all that I say that you are. So fear not, fear not, but rise up, rise up, shake off the dust of the enemy and put on the full armor that you may function in all the fullness that I have for you.
For it is very important that you walk as the head and not the tail, that you walk in the fullness of the power that I have given unto you, that you walk in the fullness of the authority that I have given unto you. For my church needs those that are walking in all their power, all their authority, all their faith in order that others, others can see the victories, others can see that truly my word is true, that I, your Father God, can and will do everything that I have said that I will do. But rise up, rise up and walk as a child of God.
And be not deceived by the tricks of the enemy, for they are the same old tricks he used before, his playbook has not changed. Know what my word has said that many shall come in my name and many shall say here is the Lord or there is the Lord, but know that is not me, saith the Lord. For that is a type of antichrist and the spirit of the antichrist. For many shall run to and fro and say I have seen the Lord, but yet they have not seen me. For does not my word say that many shall come to deceive you? Know the lateness of the hour; know what my word has said, for if you know what my word has said you will not be caught in the traps of the enemy. But for many who do not know what my word has said, they shall be caught in the traps of the enemy. But I have warned you that you could be the overcomer, that you could be the victor, that you could go through these days victoriously. For did not I say that it would be a very evil time for the world, but a great and glorious time for my church, a time when you can bask in the fullness of my presence, a time when I shall pour My Spirit out far greater than at any time in history? For truly those are the days and the hours you are living in and you shall continue to see those things until I have taken my church out of here. But beware, beware, beware, for the enemy lies in wait for those who have not grounded themselves in my word, those who follow after another gospel, a gospel that is not mine. Beware, saith the Lord, beware.
4-10-16 am service
For it is my word spoken out of your mouth that shall bring forth great things, it shall protect you and keep you, and bring what you desire, and when the multitudes come unto you it shall fill their hearts with joy, it shall fill their hearts with peace and it shall give unto them peace. So don’t think of what you are going to say, but what my word says, for it should be my word that is coming out of your mouth, it should be my word that is proclaimed, it should be my word that is exalted. For as you exalt my word I exalt you, as you speak my word miracles take place, as you speak my word wonders take place, as you speak my word there is nothing absolutely nothing that is impossible. So fill your heart with my word that when you open your mouth my word can come forth.
The Lord says be ready because this is a dark and dreary world, but if you keep in my word, if you keep in my word you stay strong, the Lord God will take you through. He says for there are going to be many terrorists attacks, there are going to be many people dying, but for my people they shall be saved, there is going to be more people within the next year saved asking Jesus in their heart, there is going to be more people healed, there is going to be more people delivered, there is going to be more people set free this year than any other year before, the Lord God says. The Lord God says for the children shall be touched today first, for he wants to move upon each and every one of them and strengthen them and bring them to his glory. Then he wants to touch the adults, he wants to strengthen them for this end time revival, for surely this is the end time revival he says. He says for whatever your need is today, come and you shall receive and he shall move upon your behalf. He said if you have a mountain in your life move it today in the name of Jesus.
You shall hear and see great disasters, far greater, far greater than that of the twin towers that shall be small in comparison to what you shall see. The stock market, the stock market shall crumble, the stock market shall crumble, save your money, save your money.
I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way, I desire to fill you to a new level to take you higher than you have ever been before. I desire to use each and every one of you in a mighty and powerful way to be giants for me from the very least even to the greatest of you I desire to use you, saith the Lord. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to pour My Spirit upon you so you can go forth and touch those around you. For truly many shall come with many needs and I shall even use you the children to minister unto them. To minister in salvation, to minister in healing and miracles, to minister in deliverance, for truly I have called you for these days and these hours and I am giving you the things that you need to do what I have called you to do for these days and these hours and I desire to use you in a mighty and powerful way. So do not fear, saith the Lord, but go forth and do all that I have called you to do. For truly it is a great and mighty time, saith the Lord, and I am going to use you in a mighty and powerful way and you shall see how I reveal myself unto each and every one of you individually and I will show you things even greater than you can ever imagine, saith the Lord. For I love you, I love you, I love you.
Your Father God wants to move upon each and every one of you adults today, for I want to strengthen you today for the end times. For I want to take those mountains out of your life today, that are in your life, I want to remove them today, for I want you to be ready and willing to come and receive today. The Lord God loves each and every one of you with a love like never before, he says come and receive his move today, come and receive all he has for you today, whatever you have need of he will move upon today. He said there shall be a need soon for people to pick up people, for there will be people with no cars that will need a ride, so be ready.
4-10-16 pm service
For truly my word shall go out, but it will not return void, therefore, it will do those things that I, your Father God, have sent it forth to do. So be not bashful, but speak forth my word, begin to call in your miracles, begin to call in your healings, begin to call in your deliverance, call them in, saith your Father God, that you may walk as the victors, that you may walk as the overcomers, that you can be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. For many things shall happen, many disasters shall now be seen, they shall show you that truly these are the last days and you need to press into the fullness of everything that I have for you. For the hour, the hour is late, but there is ample time to fulfill all that I have told you to do.
For many watch and wait for the midnight hour, and yet the signs are all around them, no matter where they look the signs are there. Even those that don’t know my Son Jesus are talking about the last days, the end times. Even the news media is telling them and yet they do not move forward, they do not come and receive me as their Father and Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they lag behind while the hour, the hour is here. Don’t wait any longer.
For truly when disaster strikes at your doorstep will you realize the lateness of the hour, will you realize the time or will you say, no, this is just another nine eleven and we have another twenty or thirty years? For the lukewarm look and say, God is not really moving, we have seen this in the past, but no, they have not seen this in the past. For truly this is the beginning of my end time move that I had said would come. Oh, that the people would wake up, that my people would wake up and see exactly what is going on and know the day and the hour they are living in. Wake up, wake up, wake up, disaster is coming, wake up, wake up, disaster is coming and soon thereafter my Son shall come for the church, the church that is ready, not the church that is not ready, not the church that doesn’t have their lamps full, but those who have their lamps full of oil, those who are ready and awaiting my return. Make yourself ready; set your houses in order, for soon, soon, soon I shall come for my church, saith the Lord. Do not be like one of those who was left standing outside the ark after the rain had begun to fall screaming and crying to open the door, but I had closed the door that no man may enter. For they did not listen and harken unto my voice, listen and harken unto my voice my children, for soon, soon, soon the door shall be shut and there will not be a second chance. So come into the safety of the fold now while there is yet time, for soon the door will be closed, saith the Lord.
Where is your foundation, is it upon the solid rock or is it on the sinking sand? For when the storms rage will you be able to stand in that hour and that time or will you be one who is caught in the storms where you find your house crumbling because you have not built yourself upon my word? Where is your foundation, says the Lord, where is your walk with me, examine your own selves, ask yourself the question, where am I Lord? Because it is a close hour my children and I desire that you are walking with me, that you hear my voice, that you know who I am and that you are established in my word. So that when the things that are going to take place in the world come, you are ready spiritually and you will not waiver nor will you fall, but you will stand strong, says the Lord. Therefore, I ask you, where is your foundation built, what is it built upon? Is it built upon me, is it built upon my word, for if it is, you have nothing to worry about, you have nothing to fret because I, Almighty God, will carry you through.
4/6/16 PM Service
For My love for you is far beyond description that man could clearly understand it. For they do not know My love usually, nor do they flow in the fullness of My love. But I love you far more than you know. Therefore I am patient, and I wait and watch as you mature and continue to grow. The more you get in My Word the more you grow, the more even your faith grows, until you can operate in the supernatural such as you never operated in the supernatural before. Oh how I love you. How I desire to bless you, how I desire to take you into the fullness of My Word. For you shall need My strength, my ability, my power, my anointing for the days that are ahead. They are wicked days, wicked days, and those that know My Word and know Me shall walk in the safety, the peace, and the comfort of that Word. But those that don’ t know, those that have not developed their understanding or received a greater anointing, if they struggle now they will struggle much more then. For that alone tells them that they are not ready yet, to get ready while it is yet light. For you are to walk in the light even as I am in the light. And as you walk in the light with me, then you understand, you see things that you never saw before, and you understand things that you never understood before. Therefore you become a powerhouse, not just dynamite, but nitro, nitro. Your power is far more superior than those who have not entered in. Its available to them, but they have other things that are all worldly that they desire to do better. And therefore they do the worldly things not realizing that they are taking up the time they could use with Me to become all they desire. Therefore I say unto you, press in, press in, press in while it is yet day. For soon night cometh.
Are you really looking forward to campmeeting with great excitement, with great expectation? Are you really? Or are you only going in half-hearted. Because many times you miss things because you don’t enter in at everything that you have got, that you don’t empty out your mind and leave the cares of the world behind and come looking, come seeking, come receiving yourself. Don’t just come to give out, but come to receive yourself. For this shall be a year of all years. It shall be a year that you’ll mark down and remember. And if time allowed and we have another one that shall even be better, but don’t put your eggs in another basket. Receive the things that I have for you now.
For I have even said unto you, that if you would come expecting Me to move mightily upon your behalf. If you would come open, you would see mighty things take place. This will be true about your campmeeting. For if you come and are open to receive, you shall receive; but if you come just to come and watch, you will go away the same way that you came. But that is not My desire. For I desire to pour out My spirit upon you in a mighty and powerful way. I desire to pour out My spirit upon you each and every week, each and every service. But you must come ready, you must come open, you must come expecting. Invite those who have needs to come. For truly I will be there to meet their needs, saith the Lord. So prepare, prepare, prepare. Make yourself ready. Put in 100 percent of your effort toward your campmeeting, to be ready like at no other year. Do not wait for another year like I said, but plan for this year now and get ready for now. For truly it shall be a great and mighty time, saith the Lord.
4/3/16 AM Service
For when you exalt my name and lift it on high, I exalt you. If people allow worldly things to hinder them now, how much more, how much more shall these things hinder them as we continue to draw closer to that day that is coming very soon, that day that I have talked to you about, that day that I have warned you about, that day, that day above all days when my son Jesus shall come for you. But until then I shall bless those that exalt Me. I shall pour out my blessings like never before. I shall heal. I shall deliver. I shall set free. And every, every sickness known to man shall be destroyed in your lives. Fear shall depart and not come back, and the peace that only I your father God can give, I shall give it to you. And you shall be exalted yourselves and others will come unto you for you shall be the ones, yes you shall be the ones that have the answer. So fear not, be not discouraged, but realize that I your Father God has everything in control.
For the Lord says, You shall be nice, you shall be kind. For you can defeat the devil with the Word of God, and you don’t do anything mean to you Father in Heaven cause, Jesus is God’s son and God is Jesus’ father and Jesus when He was on earth has been through all of the hardness, and the hurt. He’s gotten wipped. He’s gotten hung on the cross. He got thorns put through His head, cause it called a crown made out of thorns, and He’s been through that, and He has lived. He rose up on the 3rd day. He died on the 1st day, and he was taken to the grave on the 2nd day. And when He rose again, He rose and he saw Peter, and Peter said that He was different, and when He saw what the thing in the Bible had said that not of His bones will be broken, and You should honor your Father and Mother.
And upon that Day that My son Rose from the dead, a fuse was lit, saith the Father God. And when that fuse was lit the devil sought to try to put that fuse out. Until this day it continues to burn, saith the Lord. I and tell you that it’s a short fuse, it’s a short fuse now saith the Lord. But My work shall be fulfilled in that short time. And the devil shall not cut that fuse out, says the Lord, but I your Father God have lit that fuse, and I have lit you to do my work, says the Lord.
For I want to put those revival fires within your heart today. I want to move upon you. Those revival fires are getting deeper and deeper. He says, come today and receive that revival fire, for I want to restore each and every one of you today for whatever you need to be restored. And I want to give you a renewing like never before, the Lord God says. He says, Come and receive today, He wants to move upon each and every one of you, because He loves you.
So I say unto you, Be not dismayed, let not your hearts faint. Do not allow yourselves to be down-trodden. For truly I have given unto you the victory. I have defeated the enemy. And therefore you walk can walk in perfect health, you can walk perfect in every way. You can be perfect because I made the way for you. You do not have to allow the enemy to bring defeat, you do not have to allow the enemy to lie to you and steal from you. For you are children of Almighty God. So stand upon that faith that I have given unto you. For I have given unto everyone a measure of faith. And that faith is enough that you can stand upon it. So stand upon that faith and believe My Word. Believe that I have already done it, saith the Lord. Believe that I have already taken the sickness. Believe that I have already given you the miracle. Believe that I have already given you the finances. Believe that I have already delivered and set you free. And as you stand upon that faith that I have given unto you, you shall drive the enemy off. Speak forth My Word, speak forth My Word, and drive the enemy off for good. For he cannot come back upon you a second time. So do not allow him to come back upon you a second time, but speak forth My Word and drive Him off, saith the Lord.
For truly My children I love you with an everlasting love, there is nothing that I hold back from you, there is nothing that I will not do for you. For I have said if you would come, I would fill you. If you come I will touch you. If you come I would give you those miracles, those healings, those things that you are in need for. Those things that you ask Me on a daily basis, Lord I need You to do this. And yet when I speak unto you to come, you sit and do not move. But yet I am here to move upon your behalf if you will open up to Me and allow Me to do the work in the way that I desire. For many times I work in My ways, and they are not your ways and so you do realize that it is me working until you already missed your opportunity. But truly know this. When I speak unto you and call you out even through the songs, even through the worship, through the prophetic Word, whatever it is, however I call you out, I am speaking directly to you. I your Father God am calling out to you My people, that I may move upon your behalf; that I may give you those healings; that I may work the miracles, signs and wonders that I desire. So do not limit Me, but open up yourselves to Me to do the work. Allow Me to do the work that needs to be done saith the Lord; for truly I love you and I am pouring out My spirit upon you, without measure, without measure, saith the Lord. For truly I love you and I want to fill you to overflowing. I want you to blessed coming in and going out. I want you to be blessed everywhere you go. So allow Me to move upon your lives, allow Me to touch you this day. For truly I love you with an everlasting love
4/3/16 PM service
For every moment of the day I desire to pour a fresh anointing upon you. I desire to bless you. I desire to provide for you and take care of you, and give you the strength that you have need of. To give you the wisdom, to give you the knowledge, to give you the understanding, that you can walk as the victors. For the world is making strange turns at the moment. People that were faithful, now have become unfaithful. Those that were walking close are now walking far away. The do not realize how close the end is and how quickly they can be lost for eternity. But continue to press in; for you are not one of those, so continue to press in. For I love you with an everlasting love, and I desire above all things to prosper you.
For the Lord says, He shall call the children and He will heal them. He knows what they need prayer for, and He just wants all of the children to go up to the altar and get prayed for, because He knows that there are kids here today that have problems that need prayer, that need a miracle.
For thus saith the Lord, the mountains before you have been rent in twain from the top to the bottom saith the Lord. And nothing shall stay in the way of you my children, for you have a clear plain of victory upon your lives today says the Lord. Press in and run in to it, saith the Lord, and have that victory.
For the Lord says in the Bible, You shall honor your father and mother, and you shall do what they say. Your father and mother never lie, and they always will keep a promise when asked, but if it’s a promise that they know isn’t a good promise to keep then you should not keep it. For you should tell your parents the bad secrets that you have been hiding from them, and you should tell them what you have been doing, and you should always tell the truth. I Jesus name amen, glory to God in the highest. He is the King of all Kings. For God has never lied.
For the Lord says, He shall always be nice. For He will never be mean. For He will always be kind to you, he will always care for you, for He loves us more than the birds and He will never love us less than the birds. He loves everybody. For if you are bad and you forgive, God will forgive you. If you don’t forgive than God cannot forgive you, and He will always forgive you if you forgive someone that you was being mean to you, and when they say sorry you say I forgive them. And don’t say I don’t forgive you or the Lord cannot forgive you back. And the Lord God and the Word of God shall stand forever.
For if you do not realize the things that I am doing and how I am moving in your midst, it is because you are not paying attention and seeing what is going on. For if you would look and see how I am moving and doing the things that I desire, not the things that you desire. For you do not know like I know. When you allow me to move and allow me to do the work that is needed to be done, great changes can come. Miracles, signs, and wonders take place; because I am allowed to move freely. And you allow that here, when other places do not. And therefore I am able to move and do a work in your lives like I am not able to do in other places. For truly you are getting very close to the end; and soon My Son will come for the church, the church that is ready, the church that is without spot and wrinkle. And yet before that time comes, a glorious hour, a glorious time for the church. A time when I shall pour out My Spirit even far greater than you are seeing right now, that all who come are touched. For they shall not be able to come and sit through a service and not be ministered unto. For you are only seeing the very beginning of the things that I am going to do for you. For I have told you before, that if you come expecting, if you come ready, I will move upon your behalf. Soon you will see people begin to flood in here, as they have begun to hear about the things that are going on. And they shall come for their miracles. They shall come for their healings. They shall come for their deliverance. And they shall come for the anointing that I have told them about. The anointing that they can only receive from the altar, from the altar that I have placed here, saith the Lord. For truly you shall see these things come to pass. You shall see very soon now as they begin work on your next building, and even before long as you start work on the next one even as I have already told you before. For truly things are beginning to happen, and maybe you don’t see them in the natural, but open up your spiritual eyes and recognize the time and the hour. Know that it has to take place now; that now is the appointed time and hour as I have told you already. So continue to press forward, continue to do all of the things that I have told you to do. Continue to expect me to move in a mighty and powerful way upon your behalf, and truly You will see Me move in all of My might and all of My power, as I continue to pour out my Spirit even more so in the coming days ahead. For My Word says that it shall be three times greater, and you have not seen that yet, but you will. So look for it. Expect it. For surely it will come to pass, saith the Lord
3-30-16 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with my word, for the warfare is on and you need to be walking according to my word and according to my promise, for if you put the man in that I desire for you to put in, you will have good times until you go. If not it shall be hell here on earth and you will think that you have been left behind, but that is not so. Know, know my word, know my promises, know what I, your Father God, has said. For the time is short, the time is short, but you can walk in victory, you can be the victors.
For I have told you before this that this would be the last President, that this would be the last President as you know a President, therefore listen, pay attention, for it is your life it will affect, but it doesn’t need to affect it in a bad sense it can affect it in a good sense. You can be the victors, you can be the overcomers, but hear, hear what I, your Father God, has to say.
For truly my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and I, your Father God, have said that if you lack anything ask and I, your Father God, will give it unto you. And therefore, I am giving wisdom and knowledge when it is asked of me, but may times my people do not ask of me, but they make their own choice and their own decisions, and therefore, they have to pay the consequences and the price for those decisions. Even as in the days of old when the children of Israel said let us, let us choose and they chose and the one that they chose was not the one that I chose and they ended up defeated because of that. So you see my people when you follow after me and follow after my word and when you seek my wisdom, when you seek my counsel you are able to make the right decisions. The decision that will bring you victory, the decision that will make you the overcomer, the decision that will help you and you see how the people decided in the past and they made the wrong decision and they paid the consequence because of that. So seek my face, call upon my name, ask for wisdom, ask for knowledge and I will give unto you that wisdom, I will give unto you that knowledge, I will show you exactly who to vote for, I will show you what to do. For truly if you follow after my ways and my wisdom you shall have victory, saith the Lord.
3-27-16 am service
For truly this is a great day, saith your Father, for these days upon earth are quickly passing away and it will not be long and you will be celebrating Easter in heaven rejoicing with the saints. For I have spoken to you concerning the end time events and many have not believed me, but if the would look at the things that are taking place in world they would quick see that, yes, truly we are in the last days and the days have been numbered and I have given you the number and I have given you the count that you would understand, but not all understand. For even your Camp Meeting this shall be a great year the greatest year you have ever had, but maybe not the following year, there may be none. But let your rejoicing be in what I am doing, let your excitement be in that Jesus Christ raised from the dead and because of that you can walk sinless, that your sins can be forgiven you that you can walk in all the fullness of everything that I have for you, that you can walk in the peace, that you can walk in healing, that you can walk in miracles, that you can walk in signs and wonders, that you may enjoy your inheritance as sons and daughters of my family, your Father God. Rejoice I say, rejoice, rejoice, for your redemption draweth near.
For I love each one of you with an everlasting love, I love you with a love that never leaves because I sent my Son for each and every one of you because I love you and he died for each and every one of you. So I have popped open the cork on my anointing oil today and it shall come forth today, the anointing oil is here and it is in the altar. He said let the kids come first to be touched by God and let us praise him on high, so allow the kids to go so the parents can be free to come and free to praise and to glorify me and free to be touched by me today because I want to move on each and every one of your hearts today. I want to give you my Shekinah glory today; I want you to leave bubbling on high today as the cork is popped open today. So come and receive today and receive all that I have for you. There shall be miracles, there shall be signs and there shall be wonders, so come and see.
For you will begin to see a new hunger as I am filling these young people to overflowing with My Spirit. They shall have a great hunger for my word and for My Spirit. For truly I have called them for this day and this hour, for I shall use even the smallest of them for great things in this time and this hour, saith the Lord. For I have not forgotten about the children as they are very important to me. So watch as they increase in learning, watch as things begin to change as they begin to get into my word and dig deeper and deeper. You shall see a great change even in your own households, for truly I am doing a mighty work in their lives. So watch for it, expect it, for surely you shall see it, saith the Lord.
Let your walk with me become a much closer walk now, for much evil is going on throughout the whole earth and you need to be in the spirit realm. And if you are not in the spirit realm there are many open ditches that the enemy will try to get you to fall into. But if you are walking in the Spirit you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh, but you shall do the things that I have called you to do and you shall respond to them. And because you respond to them the world shall see miracles like they have never seen, they shall see healings like they have never seen. For the blind eyes shall be opened, the deaf ears shall hear, the blind, the blind shall see clearly and cancer shall flee and all the other sicknesses that the devil has placed upon people shall be broken by you. So fear not, fear not, but press in, press in, for I have much for you.
The Lord says put your trust in him today because there are going to be many storms coming, but if you put your trust in him, if you put your all in him he will take you through victorious.
Do not think that I am done moving, saith the Lord, for I desire to touch each and every person that is here today. For truly I have come here to meet with you, have you come to meet with me, have you come here to meet with the Father? For truly I have given unto you all things, I have died for your sins, I have died for your sickness, I have died for your disease and I have rose again that you might have life and that everlasting, saith the Lord. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to move upon you in a mighty and powerful way. It is not my desire that you live with these troubling things, but I have come that you might be free, that you might live that more abundant life that I have made for each and every one of you. So do not hold on to those burdens that are dragging you down, but release them unto me, allow me to heal you, allow me to set you free, allow the miracle to flow today. For truly I have come here to meet with you, saith the Lord, I have come here to meet with you, come and meet with me, saith the Lord.
The lord say there are three people here with back problems, one is in the top part of your back between your shoulders, another is right about in the middle and there is one in the lower, the Lord says he is going to heal you today, he is calling you out so come and receive. There is also one with a rare form of cancer, God says today is your day, I have come here to meet with you, come and meet with me and be set free today. There are two with palsy the Lord say, today is the day come and receive it today, come and receive it today.. etc.. etc and many other things called out etc.. etc..
3-27-16 pm service
For truly I love you, I love you very much, therefore I give unto you words of wisdom, words of knowledge, words that will help you strengthen yourself, encourage yourselves, uplift yourselves. For the battle ahead is great, but when you are walking by my side it is like walking through Jell-O, there is nothing, nothing that can hinder you or slow you down or stop you. But if you don’t know who you are, if you don’t know what I have said, if you don’t know what I have done, there is no way that you can walk in the victories that I have for you. So grab yourself by the nape of the neck and press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Nobody, nobody is wise enough to get there by themselves, but with my help, with the Holy Spirit your teacher and your guide you shall reach that goal with no problem whatsoever and the victory shall be yours, the enemy shall be defeated and you will be the conquerors.
Stand strong be not moved, be not fearful, but realize that I, your Father God, am the one that said I shall take you all the way through, that I will give to you the victory that you would be the overcomers. So exalt yourself not above me, but submit yourself unto me and allow me, allow me to show you the way.
Have those intimate times with me, says the Lord, when I quietly whisper you hear me, you know me because my children hear and know my voice. Have those intimate times with me my children that you have such a relationship with me that when I quietly speak you know it is my voice, you know that it is me speaking to you. It is truly a time to press into and receive the things that I have for you. Remember that you are in a race, do not slack off nor lag behind nor let off on your pace, but I say unto you, continue to run with me like never before, continue to know my word like never before, to have my word within your heart that truly you can walk in this race victoriously being an overcomer as I have said that you are. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me like never before, have those intimate times where when I speak to you quietly and softly you know without a doubt that it is me talking to you, says the Lord.
Shake off the doubt, shake off the unbelief, know that my word will be fulfilled in these days and these hours. For if you are walking in doubt you will quickly fall into a trap of the enemy and that is not what you want to be because many will have a hard time getting out of that place and many will not be able to get out of that place. So do not allow yourself to fall into those traps. But continue to run with me, continue to do all those things that I have called you to do, continue to put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me. Know that I am watching over you to protect you and to keep you safe, but you need to be able to hear my voice so that when danger is near, I can speak to you and you can flee from those areas, even as I spoke unto my people when they fled and they were not destroyed because of that and I am protecting them and keeping them safe until it is safe for them to return to their homes. I will do that for each and every one of you, but you have to be able to hear my voice, you have to be listening when I speak unto you and you have to do the things that I say unto you so that you can be safe, so you can be protected. For these times you do not have to fear, for fear is not of me, but follow after my voice and I will protect you and keep you safe regardless of the things that are going on round about you, so trust me, for I, your Father God, am the only one that can really keep you safe. So trust me and truly I will bring you through these days victoriously. For truly you are the overcomer, you are the victor, saith the Lord.
For which is greater, saith the Lord, the wood or a nail? I say unto you, neither is greater, but I, your Father God, have put the wood and the nail where I suffice it to go, saith the Lord. So you too are not greater, but I, your Father God, place you where I need you, says the Lord. Be in my hands, let me place you, says the Lord.
3-23-16 pm service
For even though the hour looks very dark and you see disaster and you know that there is much, much more to come, my outpouring is even greater than that. For those that are recognizing it, for those that walking and flowing in it, for those that are being touched by it, for those that see and understand my works, oh I tell you the joy that floods there hearts, the strength, the strength that strengthens their body, the power and the anointing that is there for them. For it is far greater than anything the enemy can do and yet you will continue to see these things that the enemy is doing, you will continue to see them. For it is that hour and that time also, but you need not fear that, for you can walk in the victories, you can walk as the overcomers, you can be the head and not the tail. You can be all that I that I, your Father God, have said that you can be. Just believe me, just trust me, just follow me.
For truly you are the victors, you are the overcomers, for I have made a way for you through these days and these hours so that you could be on top, that you do not have to be caught up in the snares of the enemy. But you must do all that I have told you to do, you must not hold back, but you must run, you must run, you must run, for now is the time and the hour to run. For did not I tell you that at the end it would be more like a downhill ride and things would happen very quickly? For truly I am moving upon your behalf in ways that you do not even know yet and things will suddenly change, things will suddenly begin to happen when it seemed like it took years before. Things will suddenly come together as now is that time and it is that hour. So do not be concerned with the things that are taking place in the world, know that I have warned you about what was to come that you would be ready, that you would be aware for when it did take place, that you were in a place where it did not affect you. But know that I, your Father God, am moving upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way. Know that this is the last great revival that you are seeing just the start of, for it will continue to get greater and greater and greater. Continue to come expecting, continue to come believing that I am going to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way. For if you expect me to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way you will see me move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way. So do not slack off, but continue to move forward, continue to do the things that I have called you to do and surely you will be victorious, you will be the overcomer, for that is who I have called you to be in these days and these hours.
Do you not know my word my children, do you not know how much I love you, do you not know how much I want you to succeed, how much I want you to be the victors, the overcomers. Therefore, I say to you, put all of your faith, all of your trust into me, I will fulfill every single promise that I have made to you, every single promise. I will see you through; I will see you through all the way to the end.
3-20-16 am service
Let my word fill your heart that it may bubble and bubble and bubble and bring forth joy and come out of your mouth with that joy speaking into the hearts of those that you testify to, of those you share with that my fire can come upon them that they become on fire that they receive Jesus as their Lord and their Savior, as they get filled with the Holy Ghost, as they lead others into the kingdom of God. For the revival is on, the revival is on, do not slow it down, do not allow it to stop, do not get upset or disturbed by what I, your Father God, am doing. For I shall meet every single need in your life, there is not one need that I will not meet, I will move mightily upon your prayer requests and you shall see answers faster than you have ever seen in your life, you shall be amazed at what I do. Take your negative spirit and bury it in the ground some place, do not allow it to come back, but speak my word, speak my word only, and as you speak my word then I can do the things that I, your Father God, said that I would do and I shall do them, I shall do them. Put your trust in me, put your trust in me and watch and see what I your Father God shall do.
My word, saith the Lord, says to come unto me all ye who are heavy laden and burdened, saith the Lord, for I shall give you rest, saith the Lord. Come unto me and feel that rest and rest in me, saith the Lord, and you can be free today, says the Lord. Come unto me, says the Lord.
The Lord says, bring the children up, put them in a circle, pray for each and every one of them and their leaders and allow them to go and be touched in their classes and bring the people that want to be prayed for. For my doors are open, it is time for depression to go right now in the mighty name of Jesus, it is time for anxiety to go today, it is time to press into the Lord, it is time for my floodgates to open and my anointing to flow, not like a river, but like a storm upon you. I want to move upon you like never before, I want that anointing just to flow within you, I am opening up the potter’s wheel today, I am remolding you to what I want you to be. So come, come and receive, the revival fires are not like the little fires, not like a bonfire, but like a fire within a forest fire, the Lord God says. So come and receive.
For whom I have set free is free indeed. Therefore, do not allow yourself to be entangled again in that yoke of bondage, but throw out those things that so easily beset you and speak forth my word and allow that true freedom to come forth that you might be able to go forth and do all that I have called you to do, saith the Lord. For all you need to do is stand up against the enemy and you shall see that victory, for he cannot bring these things back upon you a second time like I have already spoken. So be free, saith the Lord, be free and do not allow the enemy to come against you anymore, saith the Lord.
3-20-16 pm service
For you are a delight in my eyes and I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to continue to pour my blessings upon you. Not just in a normal sense that people have seen me, but above and beyond that in the supernatural sense meeting and supplying every single need just like I did this morning. I moved in so many different ways upon those that had needs and the needs were met, the miracles took place, the healings took place, the deliverance took place. Oh what a glorious time and you shall see the increase of this as multitudes begin to flock in to receive the things that I, their Father, have for them. I have told them to come, I have spoken unto them, but they are just like you and at times drag their feet. So pray, pray that they will come quickly, pray that the multitudes will flood in, pray that way before camp meeting you shall be packed out in every area and your building shall be going up very fast. Continue to pray, pray for the camp meeting, for I have great things in store for the camp meeting, so be in prayer concerning the camp meeting.
Have you ever seen the mountain with its snow covered top with a little stream that is flowing and as the sun comes closer and closer and closer you have a raging flood going down the mountain and it removes all the obstacles in its way. It cleanses everything in its path and then when it is done it is beautiful, it is beautiful, that is what I am doing, saith your Father.
If you could only see how your exuberance in praise and worship does a lot in pushing back the enemy, wow, if you could see, if you could see, if you could see you would be more exuberant, you would be praising me daily. Not just on Sundays, not just Sunday nights, you would be praising me and worshiping me giving me all the praise and the glory. For are not the host of heaven even cheering you on, not only the angelic beings, but those witnesses who have gone on before and they are saying, push them back, push them back farther, father, push them back, push them back farther, father, push them back, push them back, farther, farther, farther. So push them back farther, farther, father in your own life. So as you push the enemy back you will begin to see a change in your own atmosphere, in your own life, for the victories will come much, much, much sooner. The joy that I have given to you will remain, it won’t be up and down, it will be constant, it will be a great, great joy in your life, the joy of the Lord rising up within you. So continue to praise me in a daily basis, lift up and I will do all I have said that I will do for you.
For I am moving in ways that many do not understand and recognize at first, but that is because most have not seen a true moving of My Spirit. For there have been some here and there over the years, but many places have moved away from allowing the Holy Spirit to operate freely, so that I cannot move upon their behalf in this way. But you have noticed how a change has taken place and how I am pouring out My Spirit upon you each and every week. For I have told you that the time of the last great revival was here and I would continue to move and pour out My Spirit upon you. For do not think that this is strange, for this will be commonplace in my house where My Spirit is allowed to move. For I will move in all of my might and all of my power, and when those who I have spoken to come, they will come and receive what I have for them, they shall take it back and they will see this move of God also in their own homes. For truly I desire to move even greater upon your behalf, so allow me to work in your hearts and in your lives, allow me to do the changes. For truly I am making you into vessels fit for the Master’s use that you can go forth and do all that I have called you to do in these days and these hours. For I have told you I do not need just a few, but I need all, I need all who are here, all who are open, all who are willing. For great shall be the multitudes that come, I said great will be the multitudes that come, for as they start to come they will continue to flood in like a mighty rushing river and it shall not stop, but they will continue to pour in. For truly I have said the buses shall pour in here and for a while you will not have places to park them all, but you will soon. For all my word that I have given unto you shall be fulfilled, all of the things that I have spoken and have told you would see shall come to pass. For understand that now is time and now is the hour to see the fulfillment of the things that I have spoken unto you, even those things that I have spoke unto you over twenty years ago, now is the time, now is the hour. So continue to press forward, continue to do the things that I have spoken unto you to do, continue to allow My Spirit to move freely and you shall continue to see the miracles, you shall continue to see the healings, you shall continue to see deliverance and you will see the people flood in this place, saith the Lord.
The Lord says all that I have and all that I am you have, says the Lord, the question is what are you going to do with it, says the Lord? Are you going to sit down with it and bury it or are you going to get up and multiply it, says the Lord? Get up and run, says the Lord, for I have given you all that I have, run, run, run says the Lord.
3-16-16 pm service
For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I created everything for you. I desired before the foundations of this earth that you would be my children, that I would be your Father, that you would love me with all of your heart. And I am here to bless you, I am here to watch over you and protect you and take care of you, I am here to supply every one of your needs. But walk in unity, walk in unity, for it takes unity just like it did in the upper room for everything to come together that the fullness of my presence can be poured out. So walk in that unity, walk in that love, for if you don’t love your brothers, my word says, you are not mine, I don’t know you. Walk in love, walk in joy, walk in strength, walk in peace, for then you shall walk in the fullness of all that I have for you.
For you know not all that I have for you or how quickly it can all fall together and you will still have time to do the things that I have called you to do, but yet the time is very short, but not everyone understands that. For they make it years and years and years away, and that is not so, that is not so, and because of it many, many will be caught unaware, they will not see the fulfillment in their life, for they will find themselves headed towards heaven with all their dreams and desires unfulfilled. Be not like that; be not like that, but rather enjoy your blessings that are here for earth, for you will have far more when you get to heaven.
For truly I am the God that makes the impossible possible, for the things that man cannot comprehend as possible in the natural realm are possible with me and are possible to those who believe. For you have only seen a little bit of what I have begun to do for you, and as it continues to unfold before you, you shall be amazed and say, wow Lord, you were right, everything that you said is coming to pass in your perfect will and timing. So do not be concerned in the natural sense, but continue to move forward and expect me to move mightily upon your behalf. Know that I am fulfilling my word unto you; know that I am keeping you safe in the days ahead, saith the Lord. For if you put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me what things do you need to worry about? For will I not take care of everything, saith the Lord, for I will not leave one thing left undone, but I have made a perfect plan of victory for you my people that you could walk, that you could be the overcomer, for I love you with an everlasting love. So do not be concerned with the cares of this world, but continue to press in to me, continue to press into my word, continue to expect me to move in a mighty and powerful way on your behalf. Not only just here in your church and in your ministry, but also in your personal lives. For truly I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way. So continue to trust in me and know that I am doing all that I have said I would do, saith the Lord.
3-13-16 am service
For truly my presence is here, it is filling this place to overflowing, my anointing, my anointing is falling with great power, for miracles are here, healings are here, deliverance is here, everything that you have need of I, your Father God, have brought to you this day. Yes, I have brought it this day, it is here for you, for I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to meet every single need that you have. So be not fearful, but come unto me, for as you come unto me I shall meet your needs.
He gives his power to his saints, and the weary to him who has no might, he increases the strength, he causes it to multiply and make unto it bounty in the use of faith and be weary the selective, the young man shall stumble and fall exhausted, but those who wait for the Lord who expect, look for him and hope in him shall change and renew their strength, their power and shall lift their wings and mount up as an eagle, mount up to the sun, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become .. The Lord says he wants to fill you guys today, he sees the cries within your hearts, he sees the hurt, he wants to take the hurt today, he wants to move upon each and every one of you. He sees each and every one of your needs, he said come and receive today and he shall move upon you. He says he loves each and every one of you with everlasting love. He wants to show that love that is why he sent his Son to you so that you could get rid of those transgressions, everything he says, just come to him no matter if it is sickness, no matter if you are bound today he said come to him he shall take it. Just receive today, today is the day that the Lord wants to move upon you, for you were called to be his servants, you were called to bring in the lost for him. He said today is the day for him to fill you so you can do that.
Get your minds off the cares of this world, get your minds off your sicknesses, get your minds off your pains, get your minds off your suffering, for I have said unto you if you will come I will meet every single one of those needs, I will heal cancer, I will open eyes, I will heal every sickness known to man. Therefore, I say unto you, come unto me, come.
For truly there is nothing too great that I cannot do, there is nothing too small that I do not care about. For I love you with an everlasting love and I have given unto you my word that if you would come and receive from me I would move mightily upon your behalf. For there is nothing that is greater than me, there is nothing that I cannot do for you, for I love you my children and it is my desire that you walk in total and complete victory, that you are able to be the overcomers in these days and these hours, that you are able to do all the things that I have called for you to do in these days and these hours. So do not sit back and watch as others receive and yet you still need, when I am calling out to you and said if you have a need today receive if from me. For I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way, for if you have come here today to meet with me know that I, your Father God, have come here especially today to meet with each and every one of you. Not just a few here, but I have come to meet with each and every one of you, saith the Lord. So allow me to move upon your behalf, allow me to do those things that you need, saith the Lord. For truly I will move in all my might and all my power and you shall see the miracles, you shall see the healings, you shall see the deliverance if you open yourselves and receive from me, saith the Lord, you will see those things.
For thus saith the Lord, who is not hungry, and I do not sense the hungriness, I do not feel the hungriness, saith the Lord. For have I not come to full you, saith the Lord, for I know your hungriness, I know the sicknesses that you have tried to put on yourselves and the devil has tried to put on yourselves. But give them to me because that is why I came and that is why I left this world to come to the Father that you can be delivered, set free and saved, saith the Lord. Let them be lifted up to me, saith the Lord, give them up, saith the Lord, and you can be free.
He says come with an open heart so you can receive all things that he has for you. Come with an open heart for he wants to move upon you, he wants to take everything today so you can go out and tell the world about him, you can tell them of your miracles, so that you can tell them what he has done for you, so you can tell them about Jesus.
3-13-26 pm service
For I heard a sound from heaven as the archangel spoke unto the four angels of the four corners of the earth behold, behold, revival, revival, revival go forth, go forth, blow upon the people, for revival time is here. Let the anointing fall, let it fall like raindrops; let it settle on every, every seed, let revival come forth.
Again, I say unto you, I am turning up the heat, I am turning that small fire into a roaring raging flame, one that shall spread all over the world. Be open to me and My Spirit so I can continue to fill you to overflowing that you too might be that raging flame that everywhere you go that everything around you catches fire because it is resonating out of you. For is that not how wildfire spreads, as the wind blows upon the embers and as they begin to carry it to other places, so that is how it works spiritually also. As My Spirit blows upon you, as it blows upon you it spreads to those around you who are open and ready and willing to receive from me. It purges out all of the dross so that there is nothing left remaining but a pure vessel fit for the Master’s use. And I am purging you out this night that you can go forth to do all that I have called you to do for these days and these hours. For truly it is that time and hour of revival, for my Son will come soon for a church without spot or wrinkle and yet there is a great harvest that is left to reap before that time. Be open, be willing to receive all that I have for you, allow me to do a work in you like I haven’t done before. Open up yourselves to me and I will purge you this night so that truly you can be a vessel pure fit for the Master’s use. For truly I love you with an everlasting love my children and I desire to continue to pour out My Spirit upon you without measure. And as you continue to receive it, it will continue to flow out, for I am pouring it out upon you this night, saith the Lord, receive it, receive it, receive it.
For thus saith the Lord, you have heard the word, my word has gone forth, and therefore, I have paved the way for the hungry and the thirsty to come, says the Lord. To come and to drink and to eat what I have for them and they can take it back and share with those around them, saith the Lord. For they shall come, they shall come, they shall come, as I have said, they shall come and it shall be fulfilled, says the Lord.
And when they come it will be like reading your Bible, for they shall bring their riches with them as a gift, as a gift unto the Lord Jesus Christ. Gold, silver, paper money, oh the blessings, the blessings, the blessings that shall come with them and you shall see it with your eyes and you shall know, you shall know in your heart, yes, this truly, this is the gift from God that he spoke about. So open your hearts and rejoice, for soon you shall see that.
You see, my children, I love you with an everlasting love, I care about even the littlest of things that may seem like they don’t matter to some, but they matter to others. And I care about all those things, saith the Lord, and I desire to move upon your behalf, I desire to give you the desires of your heart, I desire to bless you over and over and over and over and over, saith the Lord. For I love you with an everlasting love, I love you, I love you, I love you and there is nothing greater than my love. For with my love you can conquer all things, with my love men are brought unto salvation, with my love blood was shed for all of mankind. For there is nothing greater than my love, saith the Lord, and as you show my love unto others they too shall come into the safety of the fold. For even as I have shown my love unto you, you shall show my love unto others and great and mighty are the things that shall be done because of that. So never forget the small things in a sense, for I care just as much about those as I do about the larger things, but I know the desires of your heart and I care about those things also. So do not slack off, but continue to press in, continue to expect me to move in a mighty and powerful way, continue to expect me to pour My Spirit out upon you without measure. For you shall continue to see these things until I take my church out, for the revival is not going to start, the revival has already started and people all over the world are seeing this and very soon the revival shall spread all over the world and all who can will come and receive from me, from this very place, from this very altar as I have called them, I have said come, I have said come and I have said come and they shall come and you will begin to see them as they come, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour.
Just bathe in my presence, just bathe in my presence that I can take out all negativeness, that I can cleanse you that you will only see spiritually, that the negativeness will depart from you and not come back. For the sooner that we get rid of all that, the sooner I can take you to a much higher level.
3-9-16 pm service
For it is my word that goes out and brings forth those things that you send it forth to do. So when you speak my word, when you stand on my word, when you believe in your heart that my word is true then I can move mightily on your behalf, I can bring the answers, I can flood you with blessings, I can protect you and I can do all that my word says that I can do. But you need to be a believer, your heart needs to be filled with my word, you need to know the answers so that when someone asks you, you can give an answer, a right answer, not a guess me answer, not a show me off answer, but that you can speak my word that the Holy Spirit can move through you and minister to them causing them to rise up and become all that I desire that they be.
For truly I love you my children with an everlasting love and I desire for you to experience the fullness of all the things that I have for you in these days and these hours. So do the things that I have told you to do, fulfill the calling that I have given unto you. Do not sit on the sideline and watch as others receive their blessings, because they are doing what I have called them to do, but get up and do what I have called you to do. For truly it is a great and mighty hour and I have many great things in store for you. Do not sit by and watch idly, but get up and get into the game and be a part of the work, this end time work and fulfill the calling that I have for you my children. For truly like I have said before, I need all of you, not just a few, for as the multitudes begin to flood in here it will take everyone. I will not just take a few, for if there were only a few you would not be able to minister to all who come. So be ready, be open, be willing to be used by me, for truly I desire to use you in a mighty powerful way as you step into that position, as you step into that place where I can use you that I can pour out the fullness of my blessings upon you that I have for these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
3-6-16 am service
For the very foundations of the earth shall be shaken, there shall be great rumbling, great lighting, storms such as man has not witnessed, great, great events taking place, the sound of war, spiritual war. For it is that time, saith your Father God, when my servants shall rise up and my servants shall go forth and they shall do great wonders, miracles, signs, wonders such as not been seen and the voice, the voice of one crying out revival, revival, revival. For truly it is here, saith your Father and I have anointed you and called you and I shall move through you and it shall come forth in a great and a mighty way. And the small amounts of money you have already seen flowing in shall triple, shall triple and quadruple and continue to flow and in a far mightier way than you have ever seen before. And your buildings, I said buildings shall come up very quickly and they shall be filled to overflowing, for I, your Father God, am doing a work, a work that is being felt throughout the whole universe. Many meteorites, things are taking place because of the things that are going on, but fear not for they shall not come nigh unto thee, no, they shall not. Oh great, great signs, signs, signs in the heavens, signs in the earth, signs for it is time, it is time, it is time, it is time.
Signs, signs, signs, fear not the signs, but walk in the spirit realm that you can tell the difference between the false and the real. Do not put up with the false, rebuke it, command it to flee in the name of Jesus, but speak forth my word, speak forth my word in the name of Jesus that miracles, signs and wonders shall continue to flow in a far mightier way then you are seeing them. For the hungry shall come, the hungry shall come, those that are even looking for a hangnail to be healed and they will rush and fill your altar while you sit there. Receive the things that I have for you, receive the things that I have for you, receive the things that I have for you.
For thus saith the Lord, this is the hour that all heaven shall be open upon you and upon all those that seek my face, saith the Lord. I will not withhold anything good from you my children, my children now is the time to go forth and do all the things that I have placed in your hearts to do, saith the Lord. For my window of heaven in wide open for my church today says the Lord.
The Lord God says the harvest is ripe, it is time for the lost to see the healings, it is time for the lost to see what I am doing in this church. It is time to tell the world about Jesus, it is time to see the multitudes, not the couple, the multitudes flock here to see the move of the Holy Ghost. It is time for people to be saved, it is time for us to let the glory of, the shekinah glory come upon us and move upon us. If you want God’s glory today come unto the altar and receive it today, let God pour out upon you, let God, let the people of the world see God’s love within you today to show the world that God is true and he does heal and he does do the miracles and he does do the wonders.
Therefore, I say unto you, no longer allow those things that have kept you bound hold you back, for I have set you free and if you are free then you are free indeed and do not be entangled again in a yoke of bondage but go forth and do all I have called you to do. So be free my children be free.
Yes, truly it is time, it is time and as you do all that you can do I will match it a hundred times over, as you move forward I will pour out My Spirit even more so and as you are filled to overflowing and begin to allow it to run out I will fill you even more so and I will continue to move mightily, mightily, mightily, mightily.
.. etc. to receive what he has, to glorify him, to seek his name out loud today, just come and receive him.
3-6-16 pm service
For truly my word never, never goes out and returns void, I know the enemy is laying many attacks against my people, but you are overcomers, you are the victors if you will confess my word and not what the circumstances seem to be, not what is seeming like is happening you will quickly become the overcomer, you will quickly be the victor. For I have given unto you all victories, there is no defeat; there never has been any defeat. Speak my word only, speak my word only, for as you speak my word the victory comes and the enemy flees, for I have said resist the devil and he will flee from you. He knows he is a defeated foe and when he knows that you know that he is a defeated foe, he flees quickly, he does not want combat neither do his demons they flee. So stand on my word, stand on my promise and you shall be the victors.
Is there any mountain too high that I cannot overcome, no, does not my word say, speak unto that mountain and it shall be moved? Know my word my children, for when the enemy is coming against you at times it is hard for you to see, to see the victory that is at hand, to see that you are more than a conqueror. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up, rise up, rise up like never before, know who you are in me, take that mountain, take that mountain, for I have said oh use my word and the mountain must crumble, must crumble at my feet. Know what I have said my children in my word, know that I have given you the power and authority, take that power and authority over the enemy, stand like you have never stood before. For as you stand upon my word you shall see great things come to pass, you shall see things turn around, you shall see as I move upon your behalf. But I say unto you, do not forget the most important thing during this whole entire time; it is but to praise me, but to praise me, but to praise me, but to praise me. For when you praise me you do not give any place for the devil to come in and to steal your joy, but my joy wells up within you and my strength is your strength. Do you not know that as you are praising me that the joy that comes in you, the joy that only I can give gives you the strength to walk, gives you the strength to climb, gives you the strength to do all that I have called you to do in this hour and this time? Therefore, I say unto you, lift up your heads, lift up your heads, lift up your heads, do you not know that I am Almighty God, do you not know that I care for you, do you not know that I hear your every cry, do you not know that I am here to answer you? Therefore, I say unto you, lift up your heads to me, lift up your heads to me and know that there is nothing too hard for me to do. For am I not the God of the impossible, have you forgotten that, do you not know what I can do, says the Lord? Therefore, I say unto you, look to me, look to me, look to me, gain strength from my word, gain strength from my presence. Oh, for I say unto you, in my presence do you not know that changes take place, do you not know how much I pour out unto you that you can walk in the fullness of my word, that you can walk in the fullness of the strength that I have given unto you? Therefore, I say unto you, look to me, look to me, for I am all that you have need of, says the Lord, I am all that you have need of.
For truly do you not know that the praisers went forth first and the victory came thereafter? For truly as your praise goes forth the victory comes, the victories shall continue to come as you continue to praise me and as you continue to drive the enemy off the victory will continue to come and they will come and they will come. For with man many things aren’t possible, but with God nothing is impossible and truly I have told you that these are the days and the hours when I will open the very gates of heaven and pour out My Spirit upon you, pour out my blessings upon you, pour out the miracles, signs and wonders upon you, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour for rejoicing, for truly victory is at hand, saith the Lord.
What is that battle you are facing this night, praise me for the very victory for that thing and you shall see it. Is it finances, praise me for the finances and you shall see it, is it healing, praise me for the healing and shall see it? Is it a miracle, praise me for the miracle and you shall see it. For as the praises arise the miracles shall go forth and you shall see those very things because you are calling them into being as you speak forth my praises, saith the Lord, you are calling those very things into being and truly they shall come and they shall come quickly, saith the Lord.
What are those things that you desire to see not only in your own life but for this church and for this area? What are those things that you desire to see, begin to call them forth, saith the Lord. For there is one who needs healing in their back, rise and begin to praise me and shout forth and you shall see that healing, there is one who needs finances just call those finances, thank me for those finances and you shall see them come in, saith the Lord. There is one who needs deliverance, several need deliverance, rise, raise your hands to me, shout forth my praises and you surely shall be set free this night, saith the Lord. For Satan has kept you bound far too long and he no longer has power over you, but you must praise me, you must rise and praise me, saith the Lord, and truly you shall see those chains as they fall to the floor. You shall feel the weight that is lifted from you and you shall feel a freedom like you have not felt in a long time, saith the Lord. For truly I desire to move in a mighty and powerful way on your behalf this night, but you must praise me, praise me for the victory like you already have it, praise me like you already have it and surely you will have it, saith the Lord.
Praise God for the promotion that you want, that you have not got yet, God says praise me and you will get your answer this week, he said you will get your answer this week, that is what he said. Praise etc. etc. etc.
2-28-16 am service
For truly the revival fires will burn through the northland, for I have told you that and I have spoken unto you on this subject many times, but man tries to do their own thing. But fear not what man tries to do, for it never works, it fails, it falls apart just like Canada, just like Florida, just like Missouri, man’s work fell apart, but mine shall not, saith your Father God. For I shall move in a mighty way, I will continue to move in a mighty way, I will continue to birth miracles, creative miracles, signs, wonders and you shall see things that others have never seen. No, there will not be any false gold dust, no, there won’t be feathers falling from the angel for that was of man, but when they see my signs, when they see my wonders they shall know that this is real, this is not the phony and it shall not suddenly stop. For it shall continue to go on and on and on until my Son Jesus comes for his church, until multitudes have been here, until the place is filled to overflowing, until my work is finished.
The Lord God says, today is your victory day, for many people have been sick this week, but today is a day of victory, today is the day you get those sickness out of you in the name of Jesus. He says if you are sick today just come unto his altar and he will heal you no matter what kind the sickness is, infection, anything, nothing is too hard for him to heal. He said just come unto him today and he will heal you. He said if you are having trouble with anything come to him, if it is spiritual, if it is financial trouble, come unto him today up to his altar and he will touch you today. Don’t be afraid of him, for give it to him today.
Thus saith the Lord, think it not strange when I ask you to do some things that seem strange, but it is for the edifying of my church, it is for the glorifying of me, saith the Lord, when you do these things to bring forth victory in your lives, to bring forth victory to my church, saith the Lord. So go forth and do the things that I have called you to do, says the Lord.
For as you begin to do the things that I have told you to do, then I can move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way, I can bring about all those things that you need, I can do all those things that I desire to do for you. For truly I desire to bless you over and over again, but I cannot do so if you are not doing the things that I have told you to do. For if I have said you need to give you need to give, if I have said you need to shout you need to shout, if I have said you need to pray for them there, to pray for them here, you need to that my children. For I am calling you, I have anointed you, I have given you power and truly it is that time and that hour to bring in that end time harvest and I need you. For you need to be open and ready and willing to be used by me at any moment, for you never know when I will call upon you. But if you are ready, then you can do those things that I need for you to do and then I can continue to bless you, then I can continue to move upon your behalf in all the ways that I desire. But you must do what I have called you to do; you must be ready and willing to do those things, saith the Lord. For truly it is that hour and it is that time and I am calling upon you my children, I am calling upon you this day, are you ready to run with me, are you ready to do the things that I, your Father God, have called you to do? For it is that time and it is that hour and I cannot have you sitting on the sidelines, but I need you in the game, saith the Lord. So are you ready today, are you ready today, saith the Lord, for truly I want to use you.
Send four runners and only four to run around the church three times. Blow the horn to the four winds and let one do a Jewish dance of victory on your next building.
For I say unto you, thus shall you now see, as you have blown across the four winds and you have set forth my Spirit in every direction, you shall truly see how the revival shall spring up all over the world now like it has in the past and those who follow you will send their own to come and receive as I have told them to come and receive. And you shall see quickly as before April comes your new building shall already be started and you shall quickly see it go up and you shall quickly see it filled to overflowing. So do not slack off, but continue to run forward with me, continue to believe that I am doing all that I said that I will do, and truly you will see the victory, you will see the miracles, you will see the revival as I have spoken about that you would see in this time and this hour and it shall continue until my church is taken out of here. And the things that go on in the world in the natural realm will not affect you my people because of the things that I am doing here for you. But warn as many people as you can of the things to come, for truly that they can come in before the time is too late my children, for truly it is that hour and it is that time, saith the Lord.
For truly you had the victory because you did your victory march, but today you just need to press into me and give God the glory today, let him move upon you, today is a start and the finish of the new buildings.
There is somebody here that needs strength, lots of strength, God what’s to give you strength, he doesn’t want you weak, he wants to give you strength. Somebody needs eighty five hundred dollars, and God is going to give you eighty five, don’t go up there unless you need eighty five hundred dollars, but somebody needs eighty five hundred dollars and you know you need it and God is going to give it to you whether it is here or cyber land. So who needs that strength get up there, you need it, somebody has got a stomach ulcer you need to be up there God is going to heal that also, a stomach ulcer. Oh, and somebody is still having back problems, God wants to heal that back problem and there is a lot of people that need hearing, hearing, God wants to touch your ears. Just go get your miracles, go get them. Etc. cancer, cancer and you know you have got it or you are positive, but you haven’t told anybody, but God wants to heal it right now and you will never have to tell anybody etc..
2-28-16 pm service
It is a great hour, an hour such as man has never known and it shall continue to grow and grow and grow and become all, all that my word says that it shall be. Three times greater, oh yes, and even greater than that. Miracles, healings, deliverances, my ability flowing through you reaching out to others, my strength, my power, yes, all that you will ever have need of. And you shall be the overcomers and you shall walk in victory, not just victory just like normal, but I am talking about real victory, victory beyond your thinking, victory beyond your mind. Victory as only I, your Father, can give unto you, victory, victory, victory that you shall shout it from the top of your lungs and you shall see it and know and understand that truly, truly this is it, this has all been worth waiting for, this is what I have desired, but so have I, for I have longed for this hour, I have longed for this time and you have been faithful. Today you have been faithful, you carried out the things that I told you to do, and oh, what a joy to my heart it was. Continue to listen, continue to be obedient, continue to follow those small directions, for they are not small, for they shall move mountains and not only shall they move mountains but they will cause you to be the giant slayer, they will cause you to be a true victor and you shall rejoice, you shall rejoice, you shall rejoice. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, saith your Father God, yes it is, it is. So rejoice in it, rejoice in it, lift your voices and praise me.
So do not be afraid to lift your voices and shout the shout of victory. For if you only knew the victories that were taking place at this very moment, if you only knew the things, how I am working upon your behalf even right now this very hour and time my children, you would not be able to praise me enough, for you yourself would be amazed. But let me tell you what, all heaven is rejoicing and praising with you, as you lift your voices, let it be heard all throughout the world this night, let it be heard on all the four corners of the earth. Let my praises be heard, saith the Lord, let my praises be heard, saith the Lord, let my praises be heard, saith the Lord and I would prophesy unto the four winds and say, carry forth my praises across all the earth that all men might hear the praises of the Lord this night, that all men might glorify the name of the Lord this night, so let my praises go forth, saith the Lord.
For truly I have opened the windows of heaven and I shall pour you out a blessing, a blessing in many areas, the physical, the financial that you may walk in victory and be overcomers that your mind will be open that you can understand and live and walk in the reality of my word. Oh I will tell you great and mighty things are going on right now, heaven is vibrating with my power and it is being sent to you like raindrops falling down upon you. Oh and it shall turn into a mighty shower, a rushing river, the fire of heaven, the fire of heaven shall fall. So think it not that it is hot in here, for it is just starting, it is just starting and it shall increase and increase and increase. Think not it funny or weird the things that you begin to hear, for truly there is a gathering, a gathering round about you, your angels are ready to be dispatched, to be sent, to do the things that you desire them to do. Be not fearful, but realize this is me, this is me your Father and I love you with an everlasting love and I shall show you that love, I shall show you that love.
For you have come to a new threshold, do not look back, says the Lord, but I say unto you, look forward with great expectations for what is in store for you. Do not look back, but I say, look forward, look forward to the things that I, Almighty God, am going to do on your behalf. For you have reached a new level, you have reached that new threshold says the Lord and only greater things are yet to come. Therefore, I say unto you, look not back, but I say unto you, look forward, look forward, look forward, expect great things to take place. For when you do not expect anything, nothing shall take place, but when you expect great things as I have spoken unto you, expect great things will take place, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, continue to run with me, do not lag behind, keep your eyes upon the goal that is set in front of you and receive all that I have for you. For I say unto you, there is only greater anointing, there is only greater power, there is only greater fire, there is only greater things that are yet to come. Therefore, I say unto you, continue to press in like you have never pressed in before that you might receive all that I have for this hour and this time, says the lord.
As we were praising the Lord I saw walls crumbling into dust, the Lord said I am tearing down walls, I am opening new pathways that my word can go forth into areas that it could not before that my work can be accomplished for these days and these hours. For not only have I broken the strongholds here in your area that you have seen for many years, but I am breaking the strongholds all over that have been holding things back. For it is time no longer for them to be held back, but it is time that it goes forth that my work is done, that my will be accomplished while there is yet still time. The Lord also said that he is opening the blind eyes, he is opening the deaf ears, cancer is fleeing, demons are fleeing, you are going to see it this week more than you have seen in the past weeks because we have reached that new level. The Lord says watch, for you will see it this week, you will see how it is escalating and you will see in the coming weeks and months how it will continue to escalate how it will continue to spread like wildfire. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
2-24-16 pm service
For my word and my promises shall not go out and return void, but I, your Father God, shall fulfill every single one of them. I shall walk with you like never before, I shall talk with you like never before, I shall give you understanding such as you have never had that you may walk very closely by my side in the spirit realm that you can be the overcomer, that you can be the head, that you can be all that I have said, that my revival shall continue to grow and grow and grow and grow and grow. Multitudes shall come from near; multitudes shall come from many, many miles, for I have told you this before. But they will come to receive the things that you have and go back into their areas and the revival shall spread around the world and then my Son shall come.
For if you will pay close attention to the things that are going on you would see how people are already talking about the things that I have been doing here. They are talking about that revival that they have been waiting for to start, they are talking about that revival that they knew would happen in Central New York right here at your church, they are talking about it. For they have been looking for it and now you will see many people come in as they begin to hear about the things that are going on. They shall come to receive from me, they shall come for their miracles, they shall come for their healings, they shall come for their deliverance, saith the Lord, they shall come, they shall come, they shall come, they shall come. And very quickly you will pack out this building and by the time the other one is up that will be packed out also and you will be building the third, saith the Lord. So do not, do not worry about the things that are taking place in the world, concentrate on the things that are taking place here, concentrate on what I, your Father God, am doing for you. See how I am moving on your behalf in a mighty and powerful way and go forward and do the things that I have called for you to do, go forward and do all that I have called you to do. For truly it is that time and hour for that last great revival and my great outpouring has begun and yet you are only seeing a little taste of what it shall be when it comes to its fullness and very soon it shall get to that place, but it will continue to grow and grow and grow until it gets to that point, saith the Lord. So be excited about the things that I am doing, come expecting, come ready to be used by me. For truly I will use those who are ready, I will use those who are open, but very soon now I shall need all of you, saith the Lord. I shall not just need a few, but I will need all of you. So open up to me that I can use you, for I need you, saith the Lord, I need you.
But keep your spiritual eyes open, be alert, watch for the familiar spirits, for they gently come to fool people, the religious spirits, they come to fool people. But let your eyes be open, let the discernment that I have given unto you function to its fullness and you shall walk in great victory.
2-21-16 am service
Let My Spirit fill you with boldness, let that Spirit cause you to rise up and speak forth my word, let that Spirit rise up and separate you from the things of the world. Let that Spirit rise up and cause you to walk in holiness, to walk as I, your Father God, have told you to walk, to be all that I have said that you could be. Let it rise up, for truly that revival that you have called out for, that revival that you pleaded for is here. Let it not, let it not, let it not die down, but stoke the coals, stoke the coals that you can have a roaring fire that fire will burn and purge and cleanse out and you will be a vessel of honor, a vessel of gold, a vessel of silver and be profitable to me your Father.
.. etc.. let those fires flare he says, he says bring upon your bondage and he will take it from you, bring upon your sickness and he will take it from you, bring upon your hurt and he will take it from you. The Lord God wants to fill you today to overflowing; he wants to touch you like never before. So bring whatever you need today, he said my prayer warriors will pray for you and touch you today, my Holy Ghost fire will come upon you like never before.
For one cannot just stoke the fire once and think that it will continually keep burning, but you must always keep stoking the fire. You must never let that fire go out, but keep stoking it and as you do so it will continue to get bigger and bigger and bigger. For does not my word say that revival begins here in your own heart, saith the Lord? So do not let that fire go out, but continue to stoke it, continue to pour my word upon it, continue to pour my Holy Ghost oil upon it and you will see that fire continue to roar and roar and roar until all those who are around you are consumed by that fire. So do not let it go out, but continue to stoke the fire, saith the Lord.
Are you going to reach for the flame or are you going to let the flame die the Lord God Says. For if you reach for the flame you trust in me, I will keep moving upon you and you will always see my move upon you. Just keep me in your heart, keep trusting me and anything that you ask shall come to pass. So keep believing today and everything shall come to pass, I don’t care if you have trouble with your finances, the Lord God says he can fix your finances. Trust in him today.
Don’t hold back that which is mine, saith the Lord, for when you hold back which is mine how can I bless you with more, says the Lord? But give forth which I have spoken to you to give, saith the Lord, a one hundred percent, nothing less, a hundred percent of yourselves I desire, says the Lord and then you shall be used abundantly above and beyond anything you possibly ever ask or think, says the Lord. Open your hearts to me, run with me, saith the Lord and don’t look back, don’t look back, don’t look back, but move forward with My Spirit, saith the Lord.
Fear not for I will replace that money double and you will not lack anything, but do not let the devil control you, do not let the devil bring fear into your life. For many great things are going to take place now during these last days, miracles like you have never seen and you shall rejoice in all of them. Do so with joy in your heart and thanksgiving, for I, your Father God, shall take care of you.
Many healings called out by the Spirit of God then this word comes.
I don’t know if this is for somebody here or whether it is for somebody out in cyber land, but it is kind of a hard one to bring, but the Lord said that the fornication stops now, the fornication stops now. Do you think I am blind and I do not see what you are doing, it stops now.
2-21-16 pm service
For truly it is that time and hour for singing and dancing in my house, rejoicing for all the things that I, your Father God, am doing for you. For truly it is a great and mighty hour and I am moving in a mighty and powerful way. So get up and dance a little, get up and shout a little, get up and praise me and drive the enemy off and you shall truly see a great and mighty victory even this night. A victory that you cannot imagine, a victory that your human mind cannot contain. For truly I, your Father God, desires to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way in these days and these hours even this night, saith the Lord. So open up to me, shake the chains of bondage free and be free in me tonight and drive the enemy off, saith the Lord.
For have you put on your seatbelts, have you buckled up, for truly the things that I am going to be doing and continue to be doing shall not only fill you to overflowing it shall spill out into the yard and you will be setting up chairs there because your building is not up like I told you. And you will begin to see things and wonder, well, how could we have done it Lord, by obeying my word, by doing what I told you, by not backing off. Can I not do everything and anything, is there anything that is impossible for me to do? Believe with bigger faith, don’t be like an ant trying to carry a big load, but be like an oxen that you can load down with your faith that you can move the mountain, that you can open the streams, that you can flood the valleys, that you can overflow and overflow and overflow and overflow. For truly this is my desire, for the fire is burning and the more you stoke that fire the bigger that fire shall get. So stoke the fire, do you realize you are coming up on number seven, that means you have formed a new habit, keep that habit going, don’t stop, don’t stop, but run, run, dance, leap, holler, do all the things that I have said to do and truly watch what happens tonight.
For thus saith the Lord, you become that vessel that I can use, I can pour into you daily, saith the Lord, that you can pour out daily to those round about you. For you shall never run dry, you shall never thin, says the Lord. For you shall have everything that you have need of in these days ahead, saith the Lord, just leave the lid off let me be pouring into you and you be pouring out. It will be an even flow, says the Lord, never lacking, never lacking in any area of your life, says the Lord, for it shall always be flowing.
For you shall likened like that dam that was stopped up and finally released and you are released by My Spirit, says the Lord, and that water shall continue to flow, the water of My Spirit shall continue to flow like never before. For when you let go, when you let go of that dam that is causing you to be stopped up, oh it shall be a river that never stops my children, something that breaks through, never ever stops, backs up, it continually flows, flows, flows. And as you allow My Spirit to break down those dams in your life, oh the freedom that you shall have, the freedom in My Spirit like you shall experience like never before, the boldness that you shall have because my river is flowing through you. It is that hour and it is that time my children for those dams to be unstopped and that my river, the river of My Spirit flows through your life freely. It is that hour, it is that time and so shall it be as you yield to My Spirit those things that have bothered you in your life, you will find that you have become so free that they don’t even bother you one bit at all because you have released them unto me and freedom has come. Therefore, I say unto you, as you yield to My Spirit, as you yield to My Spirit great, great things shall be done, says the Lord.
To those that are here tonight, your left shoulder, you feel it right along your shoulder blade and your back, it is a little tight a little stiff when you move it, I can feel that. The Lord says he is healing those that .., somebody has got that come and get it so I can get rid of mine.. seven people had that problem..
2-17-16 pm service
Oh the turmoil, the turmoil, the turmoil, for the world doesn’t know which direction to go, they don’t know what to do. For many things, many things are taking place and they do not understand or comprehend the things or why they are taking place or why they are taking place in such a way that they are. The world is upside down, the stock market is falling there will be a big crash before long and they don’t know what to do, where to go for they are not my people. They do not listen to my people, they do not follow my true prophets, and therefore, they do not know, they do not understand and they do not turn to me. For if they would turn to me and call upon my name I would hear them, not only would I hear them, but I would forgive them and I would make a new creation out of them that they could walk in the spirit realm and understand the things of the spirit. But when they flee, when they refuse to go where they can hear, there is nothing that I can do for them. I love them just as much as anybody else, but they go a wrong direction, they go a wrong direction. Continue to walk close by my side and listen, continue to hear my voice, follow the things that I tell you, for really, really without me, without my word you have nothing and that nothing would lead you nowhere and that nowhere would destroy you. So know me, know my ways, call upon my name, listen, listen to what I have to say.
For man and their corruptness covers up their evil, for they do not know that I see and that I know and that I understand. They think that they have got away with it this long that they will always get away with it, but that is not so, judgment day will come, judgment day will come. They need to repent and turn to me and call upon my name and then and only then shall they be saved.
For truly many things are beginning to take place, you are seeing all the things that are taking place in the world just as I have said they would and truly you will see more things come to pass very quickly as the hour is very late. But you have also seen how I have begun to move upon your behalf, how I have begun to pour out my revival that I have called out for this last hour and time, saith the Lord. Do not be concerned in a sense as to what is going on in the world, but know that I have warned you about these things and have showed you about these things beforehand so that you could walk victoriously, so you could warn others. But know that if you put all of you trust and all of your confidence in me I will carry you through these times victoriously, I will move mightily upon your behalf as you have not seen me move before, regardless of the things that are taking place, regardless of the hurricane, the tornado, the mudslides, the flooding, the adverse weather here and there all messed up even as I have said it would be and even as you have seen it here in your own state, saith the Lord. You shall see more of this stuff and it shall continue to grow worse, things overseas shall continue to get much worse as I have already told you that also. Keep your eyes upon those things and know what is taking place, but do not fear those things, but put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me so that I can move in a mighty and powerful way upon your behalf and take you through these days victoriously. For remember these things taking place in the world are not for you my people they are to warn those and wake those up who are asleep, who are dead, who are not walking the way that they should be. But for my church there is a way of victory, there is a way of escape that I have given you through these days and through these hours that you would be the overcomer, that you would be victorious. So walk in that way, saith the Lord, and do not fear those things, but be ready and know that they are taking place so that you can walk in that total victory that I have called for you to walk in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
And I say one more thing; do not follow the false who are saying that Yellowstone will erupt, for even the scientists will tell you that will not happen. So know that it is false and do not follow after that, but follow after my true prophets that I have called for these days and these hours whose words always come to pass because they are giving forth my word, saith the Lord. So do not follow the false, but follow the truth.
2-14-16 am service
For my word is truth, and as you stand on my truth I, your Father God, shall move mightily on your behalf. All of heaven is being stirred, all the Christians that watch over you, the witnesses, they are rejoicing, for truly revival is sweeping in the land. And I am moving and I am moving and I am moving upon you, I am bringing forth the words that you need to hear, I am speaking to your heart and your soul, I am bringing forth healing and deliverance and I am setting the captive free. Miracles, miracles, oh miracles that shall now come, the miracles that you shall now see, the creative miracles, the creative miracles, oh there shall be many, even the raising or the dead. For I, your Father God, shall move, I shall move with all my might, I shall move with all my ability, yea, and you shall walk, you shall walk in a realm that you have never walked in before. For truly I shall bring in the people, I shall fill it to overflowing and I shall continue to move until the day I take my church out.
For thus saith the Lord, do you want fire, do you want My Spirit, but move in My Spirit, saith the Lord, for when you move in My Spirit my fire fills you, saith the Lord, you become hot, hot, saith the Lord. Move in My Spirit, saith the Lord, be free this day, but you must move, move in My Spirit, move from where you are to where I want you to be, saith the Lord, take that higher calling this day, saith the Lord. Move in all my power and all my might in the name of my Son Jesus Christ this day, go forth, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says, he has a big vase up here, it is full of anointing oil, it is full of his Holy Spirit, he is asking you now if you want that Holy Spirit to drop on you, the anointing oil. He says he has a fresh anointing for you today, but you have to come to him, at his altars. If you want it he said come, you shall be filled.
Render yourself now from the things that you don’t need, saith the Lord, that I can fill you to overflowing and the things that you don’t need are no longer a part of you, but I am filling you, saith the Lord. Be emptied of yourself and be filled with My Spirit, saith the Lord.
Do not allow the things that the enemy tries to do to you distract you from the things that I, your Father God, am doing, for I am moving in all my might and all my power. But speak forth my word against him and he must flee because he has already been defeated. So speak forth my word, do not fear, but speak forth my word boldly and command him to flee in the name of Jesus and quickly he will go, saith the Lord.
For the devil tries to attack, but if you are in my word and you are within my reach and you believe in me and trust in me he cannot win, the Lord God says. So put all your trust in me and let me be your Lord God today and do not have any unbelief he says.
For truly this is deliverance Sunday and I am driving the enemy far back so that he cannot continue to come against you. But you must rise up and you must speak my word boldly against him when he comes at you and you will drive him away and he will not be able to come at you again, saith the Lord.
For truly I shall show you things that will now take place that use to take place in the church of old. Many have not seen these moves of God before, but yea, I shall show them unto you and they shall be powerful and you shall rejoice. You shall see the dead raised, you shall see miracles, creative miracles such as you have never seen before. And oh the anointing, the anointing that I am offering you today, the anointing, the anointing, it is here and it is powerful, receive my anointing.
The Lord says he is speaking to someone here today he wants to come and receive what he has for each and everyone of you, he says everyone that he is speaking to come and receive.
The time is coming and it shall be here very quickly, saith your Father God, when there shall be thousands, thousands standing like this worshiping me, exalting my name and My Spirit shall be released even more so on that day. For you shall see it and you shall enjoy the presence of me.
..etc. coming until the end days, till I take out my church. So if you want my revival just keep coming with your heart open each week and you will receive more and more he says, the Lord God. So keep hoping for more of his revival each week and stronger.
For if you have seen the unity that I have place within you this day, saith the Lord, oh the unity that you haven’t had since this day, saith the Lord. But I shall uniform my church that they flow as one body, saith the Lord and everything shall be done according to my will, according to my word, saith the Lord.
2-14-16 pm service
For truly the revival fires are burning and it is up to you now whether you want them to burn brighter or whether you want them to die out. Don’t allow them to die out, but shake them, feed them, stoke them, get a roaring fire, because that is what you want, because it is the roaring fire that everyone is going to seek after, everyone is going to come to see. For they can be set on fire by you, for they are going to be hungry, dry, thirsty twigs waiting for the fire to sweep over them, waiting for the fire to move in a mighty way, waiting, waiting and it shall be, oh it shall be, it shall be, it shall be, it shall be, it shall be.
The more you allow fire to burn within you, says the Lord, oh the more the junk that you have been holding on to is released and the freedom that comes in your life my children. The more you allow my fire to burn within you it burns off the chaff, it burns up all the stuff that you don’t desire in your life and it brings freedom, it brings joy, it brings peace. The more you surrender to me, says the Lord, the more of me you have, the less of you there is and the more you are walking with me and in my word the more you will experience the victory in your life like you have never seen before. As you allow my revival fire to burn within your heart, as you allow that cleansing to take place, you will never want to go back to the person you were before because you will find such greater anointing, you will find such greater strength, you will find such greater peace and you will have a joy like you have never experienced before, says the Lord. Therefore, as you allow me to purge and cleanse you, a great, a great change like you have never seen before will take place, says the Lord.
For thus saith the Lord, truly if you love me with all your heart, with all your mind and all your soul the fire shall consume you and shall never go out, saith the Lord. It requires no work just love, love me saith the Lord, and the fire, the fire will continue to burn in you.
For thus saith the Lord, do not slow down, but put the gas petal to the floor, saith the Lord. For what have I told you concerning my services on Sunday night, that they shall be the main attraction, saith the Lord. Remember what I told you in the past, Sunday night shall be the main attraction. So don’t give up, but press in, saith the Lord, press in, stay hungry, don’t give up on the promises that I have given unto you, saith the Lord, for that shall come to pass even this night, saith the Lord.
For truly I have many more things yet in store for you even this day and for the days to come, for I will continue to move upon your behalf week after week after week. For I have said once this last revival starts it would not stop, and therefore, I will continue to move upon your behalf. So do not think that you are just coming to an ordinary service, for you never know how I am going to move. But come expecting, come ready, come ready to be used by me, come ready, saith the Lord, and be open. For truly I desire to move upon your behalf, but if you are not open I cannot move, saith the Lord. So you must be open, be ready and be willing to receive all that I have for you each and every time you come here, come to meet with the Father, for I am coming here to meet with you. For truly God is in this house and there should be no doubt about that. So know that you are coming to the Father’s house, you are coming to meet personally with the Father each and every time you come here, saith the Lord. So come expecting, come believing and come knowing, for a great outpouring of My Spirit is going to take place, saith the Lord.
.. etc. oh I say unto you my children, one of those things that you need even this night. For truly if you believe me that I will move upon your behalf you will not leave here the same way that you came. For it doesn’t matter how many people are gathered together here, for does not my word say where two or three are gathered there I am in the midst of them? But I say unto you, come and receive the things that I have for you, receive your healing, receive your miracle, receive your deliverance, receive your finances, whatever it is you need, saith the Lord, you can receive those things this night, this very night before you go home you can receive those things, saith the Lord. But you must believe that I can move upon your behalf in all of my might, in all of my power even as I have saith that I would do and you must be open to receive those things, saith the Lord. So it is your choice, you can have those things this night, saith the Lord, it is your choice.
The Lord said there is something with your left foot, I don’t know what it is, it is your left foot, there is someone with your left foot, the Lord wants to heal that right now. I don’t know who it is, the Lord said the left foot.
The Lord says there is tingling in the fingers and sometime toes, maybe both, maybe more than one person. Tingling in the fingers and the toes the Lord is going to heal that right now. And on and on and on calling out needs.
2-10-16 pm service
For truly the greatest hour, the greatest hour my church has ever seen is here, is here and there are many things, many things that shall now come to pass for my people who are believing me, who are standing on my promises, who are not backing down, who believe with all their heart and trust me with all their heart. For I shall do great and mighty and wonderful things on their behalf no matter how hard it gets in the world I shall always be there with them lifting them up, encouraging them and taking them through those times. So put all your trust, put all your confidence, believe me, believe me, for when the mark comes it is going to be too late. Build your faith, your trust and your confidence now, for now, now is the time that you need it.
Enter into a real covenant relationship with me, for I am your Lord, I am your God, put all your faith, put all your trust where all your assurance is placed upon me. For truly I will never break my side of the covenant and if you will honor yours you will be in the safest most productive, most bless time as you have ever seen. And the joy, the joy it shall flow from you and touch others round about you and there will be nothing, absolutely nothing that you ask me that I will not do for you.
2-7-16 am service
For truly the Spirit of the Lord is moving mightily, for the fires in the northland their burning revival has come, revival has come. Oh the joy, the joy that shall fill the hearts, oh those that shall come to receive the things that I, their Father God, has for them, oh the power, oh the anointing it shall be awesome. Miracles, signs and wonders, for finally the revival in the northland, the revival in the northland is going on and the world is singing songs pertaining unto it. Rejoice in your heart, make your heart ready, get ready, for great and mighty things shall come to pass.
The Lord God says, if I tell you to say something, if I give you a message the Lord God says, say it, if I tell you to go to the altar the Lord says to do it. The Lord God says people missed out last week, the Lord God says he is here he wants to move upon each and every one of you. For the Lord says if he tells you to do something do it, the Lord God says for his revival is getting hotter and hotter, for the fire is getting deeper and deeper, he says be ready and be ready for what I have in store for you today. For the Lord God says he is ready to move upon each and every one of you.
Therefore, I say unto you, open up your heart, says the Lord, open up and allow me to purge out those things that need to be taken out, saith the Lord, so you can be filled, saith the Lord, filled afresh and new to the top, to the top, saith the Lord, overflowing, purge out, says the Lord.
Once again new songs shall birth, sing those songs, for they are my songs, for they are songs for this hour, they are songs for this time, they are songs for now, saith your Father God. For I shall give them unto you and you shall sing them and multitudes shall come and they shall come singing them, for they shall know them for the Spirit shall reveal it to them.
For the Lord says, start adding chairs, for the people are going to be coming because they are going to see the revival within this church. So start adding chairs to be ready for the revival.
For this revival shall not be of man as the others were that were false. For it shall be my revival, saith your Father God, and I shall move by My Spirit and I shall move in my power and I shall move in my might and you shall see creative miracles, you shall see things that the world has not seen in many years. And oh the joy, the joy, the joy that shall fill your hearts, the joy that shall overflow because I, your Father God, shall be here.
The Lord says, to come expecting to be used, to be used by me, saith the Lord. Don’t think that I am not going to use you, come expecting to be used and you shall be used. Open up yourselves now and be used, be used of me, used of me, saith the Lord.
For those of you who missed out on your healing last week you can still get it, the Lord God says, but you have to be willing to come to him and open up your heart.
For you shall quickly see how there will not be room enough to contain those who shall come. For if you come late you will not find a seat, saith the Lord, so you will begin to come even earlier and begin to prepare for those who shall come that you are ready when they do come that I can use you to speak to them, that I can use you to minister to them. For I have said I shall use even those who are parking the cars to minister unto those who are coming. For there will come such a vast number of people that there are many who are needed to minister unto them. For it cannot be done just by one or two or three or four or five, but I need all who are here, saith the Lord. For I have called you for this specific time and this specific hour, I have called you, saith the Lord. So begin to open up yourselves unto me, begin to allow me to use you in those gifts, begin to allow those gifts to be stirred up in your lives that I can use you in the ways that I desire, saith the Lord. And do not fear them, saith the Lord, for I have given them unto you, I have called you, saith the Lord, I called you for this day and for this hour, saith the Lord.
For there shall come a time when it shall not matter whether it is light or dark, saith the Lord, when you will minister unto those around you through me, saith the Lord. The time shall come when this house shall be filled twenty four hours a day, saith the Lord, and I will have ministers here to minister, saith the Lord. Be ready, be ready, be ready.
Take notice, take notice, for the hungry, the hungry shall come and they will be here hours before you come. They will fill the place to overflowing and you will be mumbling, you will be grumbling because you can’t get in because of the hungry. So when you get hungry you shall be here also, saith your Father God.
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, but you must cast it down, you must speak against it. Raise up a standard this day and stop all attacks that the enemy is trying to do. He is powerless, he is powerless.
For the Lord says, there are people in here who have not been used yet etc..
2-7-16 pm service
For my word is a powerful word that goes out and does the things that it is sent forth to do. I watch over my word to perform it and as you begin to flow in my word, as you begin to know my word and your heart is filled with my word oh the mighty miracles, the mighty miracles that shall come forth. For you shall be enlightened like you have never been enlightened before and my anointing upon you shall be far greater, far greater than anything that you have ever had. For it will be that time, it will be that hour and I shall do a work, oh I shall do a work, a work, a work, a work. Oh the joy, oh the joy that shall fill your heart as you see the dead raised, as you lay hands on the sick and they are healed, as miracles take forth before your eyes, creative miracles, body parts restored, oh what an hour, what an hour, what an hour. Open up your hearts and receive those things that I have for you, for truly they are yours.
Put your expectation high to the Lord, for if you expect leanness, leanness is what you shall have but if you expect increase, increase is what you shall have. Oh I say unto you, set your goal and your aim high, expect great things to take place and you will see those great things take place. Even concerning the upcoming campmeeting what are you expecting, what are you truly expecting and believing for? Put your faith out like never before, put your faith out like never before but then act upon that faith because faith without action is dead. Therefore I say unto you, what are you expecting my children, for if you are expecting increase you will see increase, if you are expecting leanness you will see leanness. So where are your expectations, says the Lord, where are your expectations? Aim high, aim high and aim high, see what I your Father God will do.
For my word declares unto you that the wealth, the wealth of the heathen has been saved up for the righteous and the righteous shall take that wealth and they shall finish the work that I have to do. They shall have more than enough but they shall be only the faithful ones, the ones that will do what I want them to do, the ones that will not hoard it up unto themselves but they will be open and flowing and moving in the gifts of the spirit.
For the drought is over, saith the Lord, the rain is falling let it soak in upon you.
For it is my greatest desire to liberate you to cause you to be free to walk as heirs and joint heirs, to walk as my sons and my daughters, to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, to have the freedom that Jesus has paid for you to have, to be everything, everything that my word says that you can be. For I know the enemy desires to destroy you, but he cannot, and once you learn that he has no power whatsoever, no power whatsoever, then you shall rise up even into a higher realm and you shall flow more so in the spirit, you shall be more powerful and you shall run the enemy off and he shall flee from you for he will fear you. Until you know who you are he doesn’t fear you, he knows the circumstances will turn you in the other direction and you will submit your faith to him and he will try to destroy you. But I love you with an everlasting love, I love you and now it is the end hour, the hour when you should walk in all the fullness of your power, all the fullness of your strength. Everything that I have given to you is at your disposal to use and you can come in that name of Jesus and have the victory. Walk very close, do not be discouraged, do not be down, for you win, you win; do you realize that, you have won and you are the overcomers.
1-31-16 am service
The Lord says you have got the victory right now.
Yes, for truly there is freedom in my presence, saith the Lord, there is freedom from bondage, freedom from oppression, freedom from sickness, freedom from disease, for if you are not free you should be set free today, saith the Lord. For this is the day of being set free, being set free in my presence, being set free to worship me, being set free so you can go forth and do all that I have called you to do for these days and for these hours. So do not hold onto those things that so easily beset you, but throw them off today, let me break those chains of bondage that are holding you back and allow me to fill you to overflowing today, allow me to do a work in your heart and in you life like never before, for truly it is that day and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
For truly I have set you free and the victory march that went along with the song should have been your march, for truly you are free, you are free. You need to realize all that I, your Father God, have done for you, you need to realize who you are, for you are the overcomers, you are the victors, you are the ones that I am going to use for this last great revival. You are the ones that I am going to move through, that is every one of you, you need to get into the boat, you need to get in, get in and flow with me. You need to allow My Spirit to flow freely that I can do all the works that I desire to do. And I shall bless you, I shall bless you coming in, I shall bless you going out, I shall bless you, I shall cause you to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath and multitudes, multitudes shall flock to see you and to hear you and to be prayed for and to be set free. For they are not free, they are not free and many of you are not free, but be free this day, saith your Father God, be free.
So shout unto God with a voice of triumph this day, let others know that you are truly free.
So the Lord God says, remember the devil is a liar, he says remember the devil is a liar, for I can do anything, I can heal you from any sickness, there is no sickness that I cannot heal you from the Lord God says. He says that if you have car troubles just come to me, he says if you feel sick just come to me, he says anything he can do for you. If you need to be set free, come, he shall set you free. The Lord God say, he is here and he loves you with an everlasting love.
For the fire, thus saith the Lord, that I am pouring out is not to keep contained within yourselves, but to be dispersed abroad to all those around you, thus saith the Lord, to bring forth the fire that I have called for this time and this hour. A fire that shall leap and bound that shall devour the enemy in the name of Jesus, saith the Lord. So let that fire burn.
For if you have faith you can move any mountain, you have the faith you can move any mountain in your way in the name of Jesus.
For many times my children forget what my word says, for my word says cast all your cares upon me. For do I not care for you, do I not love you, do I desire to see you blessed and fulfilled in every area of your life? There is nothing too small my children that I do not care about, for I care about each and every single thing, you must give it unto me, says the Lord. For many times my children hold onto the weights, they don’t release them unto me, but I say unto you, release them unto me. For do you not know that I care for you, do you not know that I care for you, for I know every hair that is upon your head, do I not care for you, says the Lord? Oh I say unto you, put your trust in me like never before, trust me with your whole heart, for my word says, why so downcast O my soul? Put your hope in me, put your hope in me, for I am the God that never changes, I am the same yesterday, today and forever. What I did for the children of Israel how I delivered them out of the fiery furnace I still deliver you in this time. Do you not believe this; do you not know this my children? Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and know my word, for I am the same God and I care for you just as I cared for them and I will do for you all that I did for them. Put your trust and your hope in me, for truly I do care for you and I desire that you rise up and become all I have said that you can be, that you be that, you be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, that you walk as the overcomer, that you walk as the conqueror, that you do not walk around with your head hung down. But I say that you walk around with your head lifted high knowing that I, Almighty God, have everything under control and I will provide and I will make a way. For I have given unto you that promise that I am here, that I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I will be with you even to the very end. Oh my children know how much I love you and know that it is my desire that you truly walk with me and that you receive all that I have for you.
For truly the freedom that you are going to begin to feel, the freedom that you are going to begin to operate in, before the foundations of the earth Jesus and I and the Holy Spirit planned this and everything was planned that you could be totally free. But my people operate in sense knowledge, they go by their feelings, they go by the five senses and they do not operate in the faith realm like they should. For circumstances, feelings have nothing to do with faith; faith is independent above and beyond all feelings. Faith believes my word, faith operates in my word, faith overcomes by my word and you shall be like that. You shall be in a higher realm than you have ever been in before and many will sit there and never understand that because they are still operating in sense knowledge faith. But as they get a hold of the true faith then they shall operate as I have said, for I have given unto every man, every woman a measure of faith to profit with. Did you hear that, profit with? That means it will operate, it will do the things that I, your Father God, have said that it shall do and multitudes will come here because of that. Because every one of you will be flowing in that faith, every one of you will be operating in the gifts, every one of you will be calling out things and doing things, every one of you will be able to give them an answer. But not those that operate in sense knowledge faith, for they will have some kind of feeling in order to tell somebody something and they will give them false instead of truth. Oh allow, allow My Spirit to flow, allow it to move in ways you have never seen before and truly, truly you shall be free.
Do not keep your problems bound up inside you, the Lord God says give them to him. He says anything you have within inside you that you are feeling, he says give it to him today and he shall take it in the name of Jesus.
Be not moved, therefore, by what you feel, but when My Spirit moves upon you then move and allow that Spirit, allow My Spirit to do the things that I have called for it to do. For truly I am the head of the church and My Spirit shall teach you all things and you shall walk in a realm that very few have ever walked in, but you shall be all, all that I said you shall be.
For I have set you free, now allow me to move within you.
The Lord God say, there are people who are sick, if you will just give it to him you will be set free from the sickness he says.
1-31-16 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with joy, for it is the joy that gives you the strength that you need, it is joy that lifts you up, it is joy that draws people unto you that you may give them the things that they have need of that they in return can have the joy that you have. For truly my joy is for you, my joy is your strength. Fear not the things that the enemy tries to do, but walk in joy, put a smile on your face, don’t let the devil know that you are down and discouraged, for his angels watch you twenty four seven. Let your heart be filled with my joy, let my peace let my peace overtake you.
For it is a great hour a far greater hour than you realize, for throughout all the universe the anointing, the anointing is flowing in a supernatural way and it is descending down upon you, filling you and filling you to overflowing that you may walk in the fullness of my power, in the fullness of my authority, that you can be the head a joint heir with Jesus. That you can go forth with his strength, with his power, with his ability and do the things that he did while he was here on earth and greater thing than these shall you do because he has gone now to be with me. Be not fearful, but allow, allow my strength, allow my power, allow my anointing, allow my ability to flow through you that you can meet the needs of those who have a need.
1-27-16 pm service
For the enemy tryeth many things but he is unsuccessful, even though it looks like he is successful and yet my word, my word shall be fulfilled, it shall come to pass it will do the things that I said that it will do and there is no enemy big enough to hinder, to slow down or even stop it. It can defeat man if they allow it to, but it has no power, it has no authority, it has no ability on its own, therefore, it uses your ability to defeat you, it uses your ability to defeat others, it uses their ability. So fear not the enemy, but walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, watch, pay close attention to the things that I speak unto you. For many things shall yet take place this week, many things shall come to pass. For truly the enemy is plotting, but the plotting will not be successful only to a point, to the point that the area that the plotting takes place in allows it to happen. Don’t allow things to happen, take your authority, take your ability, stand in your position even as you do concerning the weather here and your weather is always good. Even though you have negative people that want to confess bad weather along with the others instead of taking their authority, learn to use your authority, learn to walk in the victory, learn to be the overcomers.
For if you do what I tell you to do you will not be left behind, but you will be the victor, you will be prepared, you will know what to expect, you will know what to do, you will be safe in me, that is why it is so important that you listen carefully to the instructions that I give you, that you are prepared. Because my word will not go out and return void, my word will do what it is sent forth to do. So remember that my children, listen, listen, pay attention, be prepared, be prepared and the victory is yours.
For over and over and over again when storms come does not man prepare himself before it even arrives, but the foolish one does not and expects that nothing will happen. Will you be like the wise man who prepares before it cometh or will you be foolish and wait till the hour has arrived and then try and prepare only to find that you are lacking everything needed to prepare and you have already missed it? For great disaster comes because man does not prepare himself for it. So my children understand the importance of preparation, understand the importance of getting into my word, understand the importance of spending time in prayer and building up your faith, saith the Lord. For in these days and these hours you need to be prepared for the things ahead, not wait until things happen and then prepare, for you will not have time to prepare then. But prepare now and receive the victory that I have in store for you my children.
1-24-16 am service
For it shall be a glorious hour, an hour so rich in joy, so rich in blessings, so rich in the things that I, your Father God, shall do through you that you, you shall be shouting for joy. Multitudes, multitudes shall flock to you to find out where this joy, where this peace, where this excitement comes from. Speak the words that I give to you, for truly these will be glorious, glorious days. Not for the world, but for my people, for my people shall walk in all the fullness of all the promises that I have for them. They shall be the overcomers such as never have been seen, you have read about them, but you have not seen them, but you shall see them, saith your Father God. For they shall lead the way, they shall be the light of the world and the world is looking for a light, they are tired of the darkness, they are tired of the things that are coming and they are looking, they are looking for the truth. They are looking, they are looking and they shall find, saith your Father God, for the door is wide open. So as they come unto you give them the words that I give unto you, for if you give them the words that I give unto you they shall quickly come into the fold and be part of the fold and grow and grow and grow and grow and the excitement shall spread and spread and spread. This is an exciting hour, an exciting hour, saith your Father God.
The Lord God says, call upon him today, for his power, his winds are blowing, he says, his Pentecostal winds are blowing and the fire is getting deeper and deeper and deeper he says. So call upon him for whatever you need and he will blow upon you and you shall see the healings, the signs and the wonders and you shall see the Holy Spirit come upon you so deep that you have never felt it like that before, the Lord God says. For you have to be open, he says, you have to be open. And he says for the people that are healed you need to tell people so they can believe, he says, so tell people what the Lord God has done for you, he says.
For even in the midst of the strongest storm am not I your Father God not there for you? For I hear you when you call out to me, saith the Lord and I answer and I move upon your behalf in a marvelous and powerful way, but you must call out to me, you must come unto me, saith the Lord. For I am here for you, I am ready to move upon your behalf, I am ready to carry you through these days victoriously. So come unto me this day, saith the Lord, come unto me and see if I will not move mightily upon your behalf, saith the Lord.
For the highways and the byways, saith the Lord, are loaded with those that are hungry, loaded with those that want to know the truth, but they need someone to lead them, saith the Lord. Lead them to where they can eat the finest bread, the cleanest water, water that they will not thirst again, saith the Lord, lead them here, saith the Lord.
The Lord God says, come and he will fill you up to overflowing that you will be able to tell the world that you are a victorious Christian. So come and be filled he said, you better come and be healed. If you have headaches you better come, he said if you have a hearing problem he said come and you shall be healed.
For My Spirit saith the Lord, My Spirit is falling; it is falling on a dry and weary land in a mighty way where no water is. But there is water here, saith the Lord, and I am pouring it out without measure, saith the Lord, come and get that water, saith the Lord, and you shall live and you shall live and you shall live, saith the Lord.
For it shall not be like times in the past, a strange occurrence, saith the Lord, for as I begin to pour My Spirit out more and more and more those who are open will continue to come and they will continue to receive and they will be filled to overflowing and all of their needs will be met that, therefore, they can go forth and be a testimony for me. For truly I am pouring it out, for it is that day and it is that hour. So receive all that I have for you and do not go away the same that you came, but come and receive that you may go filled and having all of your needs being meet so you can be that testimony that you can bring others unto me, saith the Lord. For it will be through those testimonies, through what they see me doing for you, saith the Lord, and as you begin to share those things they shall come receive from me, saith the Lord. They shall come, they shall come, they shall come and they will receive everything that I have for them, saith the Lord.
Etc. suddenly saith the Lord, and now you see that suddenly I am moving, saith the Lord.
It shall not be like those times in the past where it fired up for a short time and then seemed to go out. But you shall see this continue to grow and grow and grow and become even greater until my church is taken out. For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I have told you that now is the appointed time and the appointed hour for these things to begin to come to pass. So expect to see great things, expect me to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way and expect to come and meet with me each and every time you come through those doors. Each and every time when you are in your prayer closet, when you are spending time in my word, saith the Lord, expect a great meeting with me. For truly I will pour out My Spirit upon you in a mighty and powerful way for this appointed time and this appointed hour that I have called into being for here and now, saith the Lord.
If you come to receive I will not leave you out, but if you are open, I will call upon you all, but you must come receive while the door is open, saith the Lord.
1-24-16 pm service
Continue to stir your excitement, continue to stir the spirit that you shake the coals and keep the fires raging, not just smoldering, don’t be content with the brief touch that you got, but realize how much more that I have for you. For you haven’t seen anything yet and it is up to you now to keep that fire raging to continue to pour oil on it, to continue to stoke it, to continue to fan it and encourage those round about to come and watch and see. Oh truly I have so much more for you, I love you so much and I desire to move so mighty, so mighty. For this day you saw vessels being used in gifts that they had not been used in before and you shall see more, for I desire to pour My Spirit upon all flesh that every single one can move and flow in all the fullness of the gifts of the spirit. For there shall be multitudes that come that will need ministering to, that will need help, that will need encouragement, to be uplifted. Oh I say, let your hearts rejoice this night, for I, your Father God, am well pleased.
For even though I told you it would be a short work, I said suddenly it would come and it would continue on until I had taken my church out. So expect me to move upon your behalf, share what I have done with you with others so that they may come receive from me, for truly it is that time and it is that hour. For I love you with an everlasting love my children, and therefore, I have said I am pouring out my Spirit upon you without measure. So come expecting, come with that excitement and surely you will see me move again and again and again and you shall leave from this place refreshed and renewed and ready for the things that shall take place in the coming week. For I have told you that for the world this is a bad time, a time of disaster, a time of destruction, for I have told you that you would see more earthquakes and you have seen more earthquakes. I have told you that the tornadoes would be worse this year and you will see that fulfilled. The hurricanes will be the worse this year and you will see that fulfilled also. For you have seen the crazy weather, for places that do not normally get snow have gotten an overabundance of snow and that too shall cause problems as it melts very quickly, for I have told you all these things my children, but do not be concerned with those things. Only be concerned with the work that is ahead, only be concerned with getting your building up, for you will need that very soon now, saith the Lord. For truly the people will flood in here like you haven’t seen before, for you have seen a few here and a few there, but suddenly you shall see a great influx and you will need that room, saith the Lord. So allow that excitement to continue to build, allow that fire to roar so that it cannot go out, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time of last great revival for my church and it is that time for My Spirit to be poured out, saith the Lord.
Do you eat more than one meal a day; is it normal for you to eat more than one meal every single day? Then don’t be afraid to come to my house even though you had a great service to want more. You should come hungrier and hungrier and hungrier.
For do you hunger and thirst for the things of man or the things of God, saith your Lord? For if you hunger and thirst after the things of God you shall take them with you, but you cannot take those things that you hunger and thirst for from the world or even your own soul could be lost, saith the Lord. But get your fill here and take it with you up there, saith the Lord, where your treasure is.
1-20-16 pm service
Truly, for as you walk close by my side I will continue to reveal things to you that you may see and know and understand the very things that are taking place. Not what man tells you, but what I, your Father God, tells you that you can have clarity, that you can understand. For truly records are being broken every day, things that are going on for two thousand and sixteen proving that it is very lean, but not for my team. For my team shall walk in victory, my team shall be the overcomers, my team shall be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath and they shall go forth to do the things that I, their Father God, have told them that they could do. And when the revival spreads to here, it should already be here, but when it finally spreads to here you will see, for you will see a group of people that come to join with you that will be so on fire you will feel ashamed of yourselves for dragging your feet, for lagging behind, for not pressing into the fullness of everything that I have for you. So be not fearful of the reports that you get, but realize, realize you are the victors.
For when you are born royalty and you do not depart from the family you walk as royalty and all those round about you recognize you and honor you for whom you are. So fear not for I have given unto you royalty, for I have given unto you a new birth, I have made you a new creation above and beyond anything the old was. And you are able to function in everything that I have given unto you that truly you can be that overcomer, you can be that victor, you can be the one that fulfills everything that I said that you could do.
Know what my word has said, know what I have told you concerning these days and these hours, know that you are indeed the overcomer. For you should not be lacking in any area if you know what my word has said, if you are walking according to the promises that I have set aside for you for these days and for these hours. For there is no need to be in lack, there is no need to be in want, for I have made it very clear how to be the overcomer, how to be the victor, how to be the head and not the tail. So walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, receive all the things that I have for you for this day and this hour. For even though it shall be very lean for the world it will not be that way for my church, for I have told you that. But I try to encourage you so that you will walk in these areas that I have spoken to you about, that you may be that one that others can see that you truly are walking in a different realm than they are, that they can come to you and receive of the things that I have for them, as well as they begin to see just how you are doing it, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, so walk according to the blessings that I have for you, walk as the overcomer in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
1-17-16 am service
For it is a great hour, for revival fires are burning, the embers are red hot and the wind is blowing upon them that they will spread and spread and spread. For it is that time, it is that hour, saith your Father God, and whatever, whatever you do following my word I shall bless, I shall bless it coming in, I shall bless it going out, I shall make you the head and not the tail, I shall make you above and not beneath. I shall do all, all that I have promised you that I would do, all I ask of you is to believe me, to trust me, to walk with me, to put your total confidence in me and my word and realize my word is always, always truth. If it is not working it is not me, saith your Father God. Oh, oh notice the things that I have said unto you, wrap them up, wrap them up, bring them in as a fisherman brings in a fish, land them that you may walk in them, that you may enjoy them, that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul is. Dig into my word, dig into my word, put away your doubt, too many of you have doubt, put it away, for that doubt will send you to hell. Hear my word and walk according to my word.
For my love is an everlasting love, God says, for I am here with you, for I will show you my love in the end days, for the time is going to be hard, but if you have your trust in me, the Lord God says, you will get through. The Lord God says, put all your trust in him today and he will move upon you mightily. For those who are sick I will heal he says, for those of you who have got problems with things on your mind, the hurt inside you, the Lord God says, put your trust in him today and he will come upon you and take that hurt from you. The Lord God says, put your trust in God, put your trust in God, let him move upon you today, for he is here and he loves you with everlasting love.
For the stream has gone from a trickle to a raging flood and soon it will be so big it will sweep in everything that is open, everything that is willing and revival shall be so great no one, no one will be able to look and say it is not so. For they shall see it, they may not believe in it, they may not accept it, but they will know for sure it has begun.
Open up your heart and I will come in and move upon you, that is where the revival is going to start, within your heart. For when I move upon you that is when you will feel revival, when you open up your heart.
1-17-16 pm service
For my word is always truthful even though man at times does not believe it. They walk in doubt, they walk in fear, they walk in troubles, they follow the circumstances instead of standing on my word and on my promise. They are moved by circumstances, they are moved by the senses, the things that they feel, the things that they touch, the things they smell, the things they hear, the things that bother them the most instead of standing on my word. For it is my word, it is my word that is truth. Yes, the enemy will fight you, but he also knows you and he watches you and when he sees he is bothering you he fights you even more. But as you learn to look to my word, as you learn to believe my word, trust my word the victories become even greater and you end up being the overcomer ready for the last days that are already here, that no matter what the enemy throws at you, you will walk in victory, you will be the winner, you will never lose. Therefore, I say unto you, trust my word; trust my word, for all I have that I can give to you is my word. I can’t give you strength, I can’t give you power; I can’t even allow you to walk in the victories unless you trust me. It all depends upon trusting me, trusting me and being the winner.
For truly if you are not receiving from me it is not because I have not tried to move upon your behalf, for I have tried and I have tried and I have tried, but yet when you sit by idle and do not do what I have told you to do I cannot move upon your behalf. For you have seen me move over and over again and it seems to grow and then becomes dormant again, not because My Spirit is not here or not moving, but it is because you do not allow me to move upon your behalf. You get complacent, you get comfortable, but I say unto you, rise up, rise up, do not sit by and watch as others receive the things that I have for them when you are in need yourself, and you say, why Lord you are not moving upon my behalf, because my children you have not come to receive the things that I have for you. For I am pouring them out each and every time we meet together in this place, I am here to meet with you, but have you come to meet with me, have you come to meet with the Father, have you come expecting to receive all that I have for you? For I have shown you again this day, regardless who I have spoken to minister, My Spirit is here and My Spirit moves in a powerful way, but it is only able to move if you allow it to. It is only able to move if you come to receive all that I have for you. For truly I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way and you must open up and allow me to move upon your behalf. You must open up every time you come, you must come to meet with me, you must come to receive all that I have for you and truly you shall see the walls torn down. You shall see those circumstances that look so big; you shall quickly rise above them. For truly I have told you I desire to carry you through these days victoriously regardless of what is taking place on the right hand or on the left hand, I have called you to go through, saith the Lord. I have called you to go through, and therefore, I have come here again tonight to meet with you my children, have you come here to meet with me, have you come here to meet with the Father, have you come to receive all that I have for you or will you once again let me pass you by? It is your choice my children, but I desire to move upon you, I desire to empower you. So put all of your trust, put all of your confidence in me and watch how quickly the circumstances shall change, watch how quickly the doors will open and close for you, saith the Lord. For if you are standing saying Lord I need an open door, I am telling you tonight here is an open door walk through, do not look at the circumstances, do not look at the things that man says. For man says you can’t, but I, your Father God, say you can, so rise up, rise up and go, saith the Lord.
Do you understand that when you call upon my name and believe the mountains must crumble, they cannot stand in front of you, but at my name they must fall. Do you know the power I have given unto you in my name? For many of my people know not or understand the power that I have given unto them through my name, that name of Jesus, every knee shall bow every tongue they shall confess that I am Lord and there is nothing, nothing that can stand in my way, nothing. Do you understand that? Nothing, nothing has power over me, I have power over all. There is not a circumstance that is too great that I cannot overcome, no, you may not be able to overcome it because you can’t do all things unless you are walking with me. But I can do all things, do you understand that, me through you can do all things, your strength will fail, but mine will not, walk with me, walk in me. Do you not know that is where you need to be in this hour and this time? Know the power and the strength and the ability that I have given unto you, do not walk short, but when you walk in your own shoes you walk short but when you walk in mine you walk in the power, you walk in the ability, you walk in that strength. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my shoes, says the Lord, walk not in your own strength, but walk in mine, - but when you walk in mine the mountains in front of you they must bow.
1-13-16 pm service
For it is a glorious hour for my church, for my church shall literally walk in all the fullness of all that I, your Father God, have said unto them and they shall be a light, a lamp unto the whole world and many shall come unto you to receive the things that I have said that they would come for. And you shall walk in all the fullness of the blessings that are contained in your son-ships and in your daughters, oh yes, the blessings, the blessings, the blessings. So fear not what you hear in the world, fear not the trouble that you see on the right hand and the left hand, fear not the things that are coming, for they must come, they must come to pass, for my word declares this unto you. Yes, there will be tribulation, but you will be the victors, you remember what I told you, that two-thousand sixteen would be lean but not for my team. My team shall be victorious and those that walk by my side shall be victorious and those that follow my word shall be the overcomers and it shall be a mighty move. For it shall be that last revival and you shall walk in it and you shall be blessed in it and you shall be part of it and they will come and they will come and they will come.
1-10-16 am service
Will you give your all to the Lord, because I gave my all to you, there is nothing I will not withhold from you my children. You must trust me, you must draw close to me, it is the hour to truly surrender your life unto me, to give me your all, to not hold back, but to give it all to me, says the Lord. What is holding you back, what is holding you back today, give it unto me, for do you not know that I care for you and I care for all the things that concern you? Do you not know that I have your best; I have your best in mind? Therefore, I say unto you, know who truly I am, put your trust in me like never before, start out this year by giving me everything, lay it all down before me and see if I am not God and I will do the things that I have said that I will do. For truly this is the time when you need to press in like never before that you do not stand on the sidelines cheering others on, but you are in the race running full bore looking at the finish line not giving up even though times might get hard. Oh, for when the runner runs the race do you not know that at the end he about wants to give up, his stamina is gone, his energy is gone, yet he looks towards that finish line. He looks towards that finish line, he keeps his eyes upon that goal, and as he does strength, strength, strength rises up in his spirit and he finishes the race in front of him. So it is in this hour and this time, says the Lord, as you keep your eyes upon me, even though there shall be struggles on the left and struggles on the right, as you keep your eyes upon me you will find strength rise up like never before. For when your strength is gone, says the Lord, do you not know that my strength is there to carry you through? Do you not know that I will be there with you even to the very end? Therefore, fear not the time or the hour that you are living in, but I say unto you, trust me like never before. Oh I say unto you, run with me like never before, lay aside those things that have hindered you and run, run, run with me, says the Lord. For truly I have great and mighty things in store for you, oh yes, great and mighty things are ahead. Therefore, I say unto you, let go of the weights that are holding you back, let go of the things that are bogging you down and be free in me, says the Lord. For do you not know that this is the hour and this is the time of My Spirit, oh My Spirit shall set you free like never before. Surrender unto me, surrender unto me, surrender unto me and see what your Father God will do for you.
For I, your Father God, am here, I am here for you, he says, open up your heart, he said I have already moved in this place today, he said there is someone here that has had pain, that has had chest pain, you are healed right now in the stripes of Jesus. The Lord God says there is someone here that is tired, that are very weary, the Lord God says I am here to strengthen you. The Lord God says there is someone here that the devil has been throwing stuff at, the Lord God says there is someone here that has been bogged down by them that has had things from the left and things from the right at them. The Lord God says I am here to strengthen you; I am here to take you through the valley right now. The Lord God says, he says trust in me and I will move upon you mightily, for my anointing is here today and I want to touch you.
For I have heard your cry, says the Lord, you know who you are, lay your burdens upon me, says the Lord, cast not yourself before the swine, says the Lord, but come unto me, says the Lord. Come unto me and receive strength, power, says the Lord, come unto me, says the Lord, for I can move mightily upon you, says the Lord. Come unto me, says the Lord.
For you have seen my move in the past and you have seen just how suddenly things can change. You have seen even as the word that I spoke on New Year’s Eve has already begun to come to pass and will continue to come to pass throughout the year. You see over and over again as I speak and my word is fulfilled. For suddenly I have told you my word shall be fulfilled, suddenly I can move upon your behalf today, suddenly the circumstances can change, saith the Lord. For all you have to do is put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me, say Lord, I am giving you my all, I lay all down at your feet today and suddenly I shall move upon your behalf. Suddenly the chains shall be broken, suddenly you shall be free and suddenly you shall receive all that I have for you, saith the Lord.
If you trust in me you are going to have a testimony for the whole world, you are going to come to know me because my testimony is going to be within you. The Lord says, for the people are going to see me within you as you trust in me and you put me first in your life, the Lord God says put me first.
1-10-16 pm service
For surly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to move mightily on your behalf, I desire to strengthen you, to uplift you, I desire to prompt you by the Spirit that you can walk as the overcomer, as the victor that all the things that you do prosper. Oh, how I desire that you, you, you are the leaders that bring the others into the fold that bring them in safely. For, therefore, I have commissioned you and called you, I have appointed you, you are my motley crew, remember, and I desire to do a mighty work through you. I desire to move mightily that all shall know you, for the true people in the spirit they know you, they understand you, they follow you, you have multitudes, multitudes that follow you, more than you realize, more than you even know. But I desire to add many, many more so they can hear the things that you are hearing, that they can be prepared to do the work that I have for them in these last days. So be not surprised when people ask to move here or ask to do this or do that. Do not rush ahead in some areas, I desire for you to move spiritually, quickly, but don’t run ahead, but walk by my side, walk with me, let me show you, let me help you that you can understand, that you can see, that you can walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For this next week coming up shall not be a good week, it shall not be a good week, if you think you have had a bad week, it shall not be a good week, many things shall take place. Watch the stock market, and if you have money hoarded up in there, you are going to lose it, you are going to lose it. Listen carefully, pay attention, place your money where you know that it is safe, for it won’t be long and you won’t find money in the banks for the mark will be here. Russia will have made her move and you will see the things that I have been telling you. But this shall not be a good week, you will hear many things and it will trouble your heart, but remember you go through victoriously. These are the last days and these things have to come to pass, if they don’t come to pass multitudes, multitudes will not be saved.
Oh, the blessings, the blessings that I desire to pour upon my people, not only that they can be blessed, but that they can bless others, that they can work and do the things that are left to do. That those that need to come in can come in, that at times you can even help them. Oh, the work that is ahead, the things that I need to be done. Even though the time is short there is much to do, walk with me, walk with me.
1-6-16 pm service
Let your spiritual eyes be continually open that you can see and understand the things that are taking place, for there is much, much that is going on. Don’t close your eyes, don’t shut off the things that I told you, don’t think that they have been delayed for they haven’t been delayed, they shall be right on time and if you have been listening to the news this week you will see that truly they are on time. Many things, many things are happening, many things are taking place, the red lights are up all over. Walk very carefully, walk in the spirit realm, walk very closely by my side that I can protect you, that I can keep you safe, that I can show you ahead of time the things that will come, the things that will happen. And be ready to run with all your might, for it is that time, saith your Father God, be ready, be ready. For I can move in a mighty way such as you have never known, I can do things that you do not expect and I can do them very quickly. Be ready, be ready, be ready.
For truly like a mighty rushing wave it shall come and it shall sweep across the land even as I have told you before and it will consume those who will allow me to move upon their hearts and their lives. For truly my word will be fulfilled and you shall see all those things come to pass that I said for this day and for this hour. So do not fear, but continue to walk according to my word and according to my promises and allow me to do all that I have said that I am going to do in these days and in these hours. For even though it will be a quick work, it will be a great one, saith the Lord.
For thus saith the Lord, a candle is not lit and placed in a room which is already full of light, saith the Lord, but set in a room that has no light and it can give light, saith the Lord. Therefore, I have placed you here and lit you, saith the Lord, because this area is dark and it needs the light. Shine the light, says the Lord, and go move in the darkness, let the light shine.
1-3-16 am service
For again you see how quickly the weather changes and how quickly it shall change back again, it shall be very confusing throughout the whole winter. For man knows not what to do nor neither do they know what to tell you, so be not controlled by man, but listen to me and know what I have said. For again you shall begin to hear on the news the many tragic events that shall take place and the things that shall come to pass. And remember what I have told you, reread the New Year’s Eve service, go over it, for many are saying things already that I have never said, they are already confused, read it, miss the traps, for there will be many traps and if you are not walking by my side you are not standing with me you will be caught in those traps. I have warned, I have told you and yet many pay no attention to the things that I say. This shall be a very bad year in many, many ways, it should be a victorious year for my church, it should be a victorious year for my people. For I have told you what shall take place, you are not in the dark so walk in the light, walk in the light. And I have said do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together as many are doing, you need to hear what I am saying; you need to be here to be encouraged and uplifted. You need to be here to hear the testimonies of the miracles, the healings and the things that are taking place. If not, the enemy, the enemy shall work on you even harder than before. So be not fooled, be not deceived, but do the things that I, your Father God, have told you to do.
Where have you put your eyes, who are you watching, the world or are you watching what I am doing for you? For I have told you if you believe in me and you trust in me, I will bring you through the hard times, the Lord God says. Trust in the Lord God right now, for I will heal you, I will set you free, you have problems and you have never seen my blessings, come and shed the blood of Jesus upon your life and be set free today. The Lord God says, trust in him and he will move upon you, the Lord God says, you should not be sick, for I have died for you, my blood is shed for you to be set free from sickness, from sin, from demons, you can be set free in the name of Jesus. So believe today, the Lord God says, believe today and come to me and let me set you free. And he says to be ready for camp meeting, for start inviting people, the Lord God says. For I want to move upon each and every person, for it is going to be a time of worship, it is going be time for people have set among each other and talked and let God move. For I will move, for I will heal, I will make people be touched, I will anoint you, for let me move upon you and the camp meeting will be like never before and I will touch you and you will see wondrous things, the Lord God says.
For thus saith the Lord, I will not be mocked, I will do what I have said I will do and you shall see all that I said that I will do. It will happen so quickly that you will not believe what you see, says the Lord. But it will be done and it will be done in my timing and you shall be used of me mightily, says the Lord. So do all that I have called you to do, do not listen to man, but listen to me and go forth. For I have given you the victory and I have set you free to go do what I have told you to do, says the Lord.
For the work that remains to be done shall be a sudden work, I have told you that, many times I have told you that, it shall be a sudden work, things will spring together and come together faster than the roller coaster. Have you ever timed the whole ride on the roller coaster, it is very short, but it is a powerful ride and it shall be a powerful move. So prepare yourself to run, get yourself in shape to run, for the things that I shall do will require you to move very quickly or be left behind.
For truly this will not be a time to sit by on the sideline and watch, for you can easily be left in the dust. But rise up and become all that I have called you to become, do those things that I have called you to do. Run with me, not ahead, not behind, but with me and truly you will see a great victory. For all of the things that I have promised shall surely come to pass, but you cannot see them sitting on the sideline. So get yourself ready and do all that I have called you to do in this day and this hour, saith the Lord.
Has your flame died or are you letting your flame ignite, for the Lord God says, his Spirit is here and he wants to ignite your flame. He wants you to let him move upon you, let your Lord God ignite your flame, not just a little flame but a bonfire.
1-3-16 pm service
For great blessings stand waiting, for I have already ordered according to my word the blessings that shall overtake my church in these last days. For truly it is the last hour, the last hour, it is the last minutes; the last minutes and I shall bless my people as they follow my word, as they walk according to the things that I tell them. I shall bless them not only coming in but going out, I shall prosper them and I shall make sure that they can go through the time victoriously. And I shall speak to them, many of them like they have never known my voice, for truly I shall lead them and guide them, direct them. For it is an evil hour, far more evil than many of my people think. They think that they can just go out and speak my name; they are like Samson, they are going to shake themselves and find no power. But for those that walk according to my word and walk according to my promise I shall be there for them. So draw closer, walk with me, walk with me, for I desire to show you my love, to show you my blessings, to show you my protection, to show you all that I can do for you before you go.12-31-15/1-1-16 New Year’s Eve Service
For truly two thousand sixteen shall be a very lean year, the weather will be so confusing you won’t know whether it is winter, summer, drought or a heat wave. And the drought shall continue to grow, the forest fires shall be even bigger, there shall be more earthquakes in two thousand sixteen than you have seen, oh what a time it shall be, for I have clearly spoken unto you and told you these are the last days. But many are looking for revival, well there shall be revival, but it is still the last days and many things shall be taking place, things you can’t pray away. But if you are walking with me you will be walking in safety, you will be walking in blessings, you will prosper and many shall come unto you to find out what to do, how to do it and I have told you don’t give them the words out of your own mouth, let the Holy Spirit guide you in the things that you need to say. ISIS with not go away until the very last part of the year, but it shall not be the USA that drives them away. Watch, know what my word says, and there shall be terrorist’s attacks, for they cannot be put off, for you allow the terrorists to come in like Trojan horses and they are here and nobody wants to deal with them. And when you get somebody that wants to deal with them, then they all fight against that person and try to drive them out, that somebody that wouldn’t do what they would have done rises up, oh how foolish man is. For man should know my word and when you know my word you see what I have done in the past and what I would still do in the future. For my word has not changed, I have told you that, neither shall it change. Man has changed and man runs this way and man runs that way and they know not nor do they understand what is going on because they look at it in the political realm. Don’t you know the Devil runs the political realm? It is not me, for if I was running it, it would not be in the shambles that it is now, I don’t run that. I have told you over the years who to vote for and my people have not followed what I have told them, they have done their own things and go their own way and then they ask me why God? Well it was their choice not mine. Oh I say wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, it is far later than you think that it is, and if you don’t follow my directions, even though man will tell you it cannot be done, if you don’t follow my directions it will never get done. But by following my directions many things shall be accomplished that would not have been accomplished by doing it man’s way. Oh the shortness of things from food on down, the only thing that is plentiful right now is your gas and that price is down. I told you when that price went down that man should know who the antichrist is. I told you it would not go down until you knew him and yet the church does not seem to know him and yet many people do. And if you had followed my word, you would have known who he was, it would not have been a guess like so many times, it is definitely not Mussolini, it is not Hitler, it is not these that man has said was. You don’t even know who he is because he is a good antichrist at the moment but he will suddenly change and when he does change, then you will know who he is because then he will be the wicked antichrist. But watch the other things that have changed, worship in many places is not like here, the moving of the Spirit in almost all the churches is not like it is here. My word does not go out like it should, my people don’t know how to flow in the gifts of the spirit. But do you think that they would leave the place that they are in and come where My Spirit does move, no, not until there is some disaster. Therefore, there has to be a disaster, there has to be a great shaking in order to wake them up, in order to get them in my church even if they have to drive seventy-five to a hundred miles to get there. As long as the roads are good that is no problem, but some won’t drive five feet, and yet every golf course when the weather is good you will find full or if you look at the football games the stadiums are packed. Oh how sad, how sad, there is no hunger, where is the hunger, where is the pressing into the fullness of the things that I have for you? Are you reaping blessings right now, you should be or are you in a bind? If you are in a bind then you need to look and find out where you are. Read Deuteronomy the twenty-eighth chapter, are you in the top verses or are you in the bottom verses and if you are in the bottom verses it clearly tells you what you are doing wrong. You don’t have to guess, it is worded very clearly in there and yet many people are in the bottom. Could you give unto those that have a need? My word says you should be able to. I want you to picture yourself and see exactly where you are, there are a lot of things that I want to do for you between now and the time the church goes out and that is not a long time off. I want to see you filled to overflowing not only in this building, but in the others, did you catch that, I said others with an “s”. And yet man says it can’t be done, well you are listening to man again; did I say that it couldn’t be done; did I say the time has run out, did I say it was impossible? I said all things are possible through Christ Jesus who strengthens you, are you strengthened, are you walking in the fullness of my power? Can you lay hands on the sick and they can be healed, can you talk to the blind and they can see, can the lame walk, they should be able to, where is your power? I have given unto you all power that pertains unto life, I have given you wisdom, I have given you knowledge, I have given you all understanding, but apparently you don’t know these things. For the enemy has blinded you, you haven’t renewed your mind so your mind says you can’t do this, your mind says you can’t do that, your mind say it is impossible and yet I have never said that. I said all things are possible to them that believe, are you a believer, for you are ready to enter into times that the world has never seen. What you have seen so far is small in comparison as to what is going to take place. At times those that don’t know me and my power will lay on the floor and cry, and say Lord, Lord we are being destroyed, help us, and if they could hear me I would say to them I have already helped you, I have shown you what to do, I have told you what to do. Oh the dark days that are coming, the dark days when your generators will run and when those who have not gotten a generator will wish that they had. When you don’t have enough food for the ninety days that I have told you to have food for, are you going to beg from others or are you going to walk as a King’s kid? Are you going to walk as the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, where are you going to be? I am willing to move mightily on your behalf, I am willing to do all that I have said that I would do, I am willing, I am more than willing but I need you. You have got to do your part, I cannot do your part for you my word is very clear on that, I have told you what to do, but faith without action is dead, “d e a d”, it doesn’t do anything, it will never do anything and it cannot help you in your time of trouble and there shall be times of trouble. But if you are walking by my side you can move the mountain, you can cast out the demons, you can walk on water, you can be everything that I have told you that you could be. There would be absolutely nothing, nothing that was impossible for you to do. For I have given you my promise, I have given you my guarantee and now it is time my children, it is time. Put these things to action, watch what is coming out of your mouth, let my word come out of your mouth, let your mind be renewed by my word that you can speak my word, that you can call those things that be not as if they were and suddenly they are. It is not a long waiting period when it is in your heart, when you speak it forth I move mightily on your behalf to fulfill your word. Sometimes things are not ready yet, it is not time yet, but when it is time it is all going to move suddenly, very fast like a roller coaster, remember I told you that before? And I will tell you that first slope down, everybody remembers that one, it is going to be a ride like that only far greater and more things shall come to pass because I have told you that they shall come to pass. Be not fearful, do not allow fear to come in, for I have not given you a spirit of fear, if you walk in fear then the enemy is going to overrun you. Have you not heard the stories already where they have tried to do something and someone stood on the word and it work, they were not hurt, they were victorious? Oh my people, my people, do you not know how much I love you, do you not know how much Jesus loves you and why Jesus came? Not only to forgive you of your sins and pay the price that you could go to heaven, but that you could live in the more abundant life, that you could live in the overcoming life, that you could be the head and not the tail, that you could do the things that I had said that you could do. Oh, two thousand and sixteen may be lean, but for the team it shall be great, it shall be wonderful, it shall be the greatest year that they ever had. I cannot say years because the economy is going to fall to pieces very quickly, the stock market is going to crash, the mark of the beast is going to come and the antichrist will be in all full power of his wicked nature. Wake up, wake up, wake up.
For if you would look at the way things have been going and escalated even more so than you have seen it escalate over the last six weeks, you will begin to see the pattern that is forming and how things will begin to escalate right on through the year. For I have told you that things would get much worse for the world, for those who are doing all that I have called them to do, they shall be victorious, they shall not go through the same things that the world will go through even though they will see all those things take place, I shall move mightily upon their behalf regardless of the things that shall take place. For my people there is nothing ahead but victory, for we always win, but at times man makes their own decision and chooses to go their own way and therein they run into destruction and defeat because of that. So understand the importance of getting closer with me, for as you narrow down to the final hours you need to be even closer to me, saith the Lord. For you need to be able to hear my very instructions so when I tell you to go this way you go that way and not another, therefore, avoiding disaster. For I have told you already many things shall take place, so won’t you continue to get even closer to me, won’t you continue to spend more time in my word, for it is very important in these days and these hours that you do so. For I love you my children with an everlasting love and I desire for you to be victorious, but you must walk with me, you must walk according to my word. Put all of you trust and all of your confidence in me, choose even today, that regardless of what takes place, your trust and your confidence is in me and you will see just how easy it can be, saith the Lord. For the things that shall take place, the drought, the fires, the earthquake, the seashore disappearing at an even faster rate now than it has been, the fish moving to different parts of the waters that they are not usually in because of what is taking place, the global warming and the El Nino effect that your seeing right now will continue, the changes that shall come that are even happening now that you don’t even realize. For remember I said things would begin to happen before you even got home and it would continue and continue and continue? But do not fear, for I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind, but continue to go forth and do those things that I have called you to do. For truly there is great revival in store for my church, there are great things in store for my people and you shall begin to see those things even more so than you have already. For you are just beginning to see what I am doing for you, for you will soon notice that there will not be any room left here and your building will not be able to be done fast enough. For as soon as you get into that building you will already need to be working on the next one and I have told you this before, but I am reminding you so that you can be ready, so that you can be prepared that you can do all that I called you to do in these days and these hours. For I will fulfill my word that I have spoken unto you regardless of what you think or what you see, my word shall be fulfilled, saith the Lord.
You shall see Babylon fall in twenty-four hours and I have told you how long the revival shall last after, after it has been destroyed. It will be completely, completely destroyed and no life living there ever again and it shall be a vicious attack upon the USA. You will see the great earthquake from the Cascade Mountains in Washington all the way down to Mexico. After the great shaking you will find people who will suddenly rush here to do the things that I want done and they shall be done, they shall be done. So fear not, fear not, for that time is very close and you need to be in prayer now even for New York City on this New Year’s Eve and you should be praising God that he is very merciful. For many other places they are assembling only to drink and get drunk and they wouldn’t know if a bomb went off or not because they are not walking in holiness, they are walking in sin and sin is abounding and the attack on the church is here and now and it shall grow. But do not fear, for I have given you the same power that Elijah and Elisha had. Fear not for they will not dare send troops, they will not dare come down on you, for I, your Father God, shall fight for you, my angels are already here and my angels are already prepared to do warfare if need be. Fear not, fear not, fear not, but walk in the blessings that I do have for you.
The reign, the latter reign I spoke of in my word, the latter reign I spoke of will fall soon, your hearts will be ready to receive all that I have for you. Do not look back to what was done in the past, I will give you a new thing, nothing you have experienced before, new doors will open, new ways of doing things will open. Have your lamps ready, don’t look for what was already done, look ahead for what I am going to do, have your new wineskins ready, ready for me to fill with new wine. You will see the miracles, the healings, people raised from the dead because my presence will be in the house of God. You must seek my presence; my presence is the key, the key to the latter reign.
12-27-15 am service
For the end of this year is fastly coming to pass, the weather all over is so confused that even the weather people do not understand it nor can they understand it, for it has never been like this before. And many things are happening and taking place all of which are signs of the end, clear signs that people cannot mistake, they cannot confuse them. Many are trying to stop it or pray it away or cause it not to come to pass, but there is nothing that they can do, for it is written in my word and my word shall be fulfilled, it will not go out and return void, but it will fulfill those things that I, your Father God, have sent it forth to do. And you shall see many things and I will have many things to share with you New Year’s Eve, things that will shock you, things that will wake you up, things that you shall see take place one by one beginning with the very first of the year. Things so clear man cannot excuse them or cause you to think that it’s just some phenomenon that is taking place, for that is not so, saith your Father, the end is definitely here. Therefore, I ask you to walk very closely by my side, to walk continually in the spirit realm that you can hear, that you can know, that you can see, that you can understand the things that are taking place, that you can be the light of the world, that you can help those that don’t know. For I will open their eyes as you open your mouth and share my word, but don’t share the things that you think that you know, allow My Spirit to speak through you, for you don’t know all that you think that you know. But listen carefully, follow my directions, for my directions shall lead you to victory, my directions shall lead you to be the overcomer, my directions shall help you. And realize what my word say, forsake not, forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, you need to be together. You need to hear what I have to say; you need to know the things that I shall tell you. So be not deceived, be not fooled, do not fall into one of the traps of the enemy, but walk by my side.
Open your hearts, the Lord God wants to come in and touch you, be ready for Camp Meeting this summer, for the Lord God will do mighty things within the Camp Meeting. Be ready for New Year’s Eve service; for the Lord God says be ready, for I will move. The Lord says there is going to be mighty healings, there is going to be many people that come to know him within the next year. The Lord God say be ready in season, be ready out of season, the Lord God is ready to use his people.
For the Lord says, to clean your vessels, keep them clean, polish them up with my word, says the Lord, that I can use you, that I can use you and set people free, says the Lord.
For I have told you that it would be a quick work and yet one of the most powerful that has ever been seen or known to man before. For truly it is the last end time move that I shall bring, saith the Lord and it shall happen suddenly and many shall flood in here to receive the things that I have for them. Do not forget the promises that I have given unto you, do not forget to do the things that I have told you to do, for it is very important in these days and these hours as you draw ever closer to the time I shall take my church out. For truly that is very soon now, saith the Lord, for you see all the signs all around the world and they shall continue to grow and get worse and worse and worse even from what they are right now. For as the New Year approaches you shall see great changes and I shall tell you about all those things that shall come. So come ready, come open, come willing to receive all that I have for you and bring a paper and a pencil so that you can write down some of those things so you do not miss them. And remember you can always go back and reread everything that I give unto you, saith the Lord, for my faithful servants put everything on the web for all to see. But be ready to receive the things that I give unto you, for truly you need to listen very carefully.
12-27-15 pm service
Set your spirits in order that you may be ready for New Year’s Eve service, for I shall show you many things that shall be fulfilled during that year, some before the year is even over. And do not get too excited about the election, for truly these are the last days and no matter who I would tell you to vote for usually you do not listen to me and you put your own person in office. This is why many disasters have come, this is why many disasters have taken place, this is why the world is at that point where it is right now. For I knew this from the foundation of the world, it is not surprising to me, I know it’s surprising to you, but I saw all of you and I know the ministry that I have given all of you, I know the things that I desire to do through you. And we are at that point right now, saith your Father God, when we need to do many of the things that I have told us to do that multitudes, multitudes can come through and receive the orders that I have for them, truly this is an exciting hour for you. Be not fearful, don’t refuse the things that I desire to do, but rather yet walk in the blessings, walk in the blessings that I have for you.
Listen carefully; take seriously the things that I say unto you. For I say them unto you to keep you apprised of what is going to take place in the world that you are not caught by surprise, that you will know and that you will understand and you will be prepared. So listen, take seriously what I speak to you.
12-19-15 am service
For my word shall not go out and return void but it shall do those things that I have sent it forth to do, that means, all the promises that I have given unto you. All the things that declared that I, your Father God, shall do, I will do and I will do it in this time and this hour and I will do it in a way that every eye shall be upon you and people shall flock to you for wisdom, for knowledge, for healing, for deliverance, for it is that time, saith your Father God. For I have spoken and I have spoken and I have spoken, but now it is that time, it is that time, for I shall do all, all that I have said that I shall do. And you shall see it and it shall be a sudden move, it shall be a sudden thing that people shall flock here and you will wish that you had put your building up, for there is yet time, but you are running behind. Therefore, I say unto you, I shall, I shall, I shall do all that I have said that I will do.
Pray for the people that use to go to this church, pray for the lost like never before for the harvest is ripe, the Lord God says. For it is time for my seed of salvation to be passed around, for it is time for my church to build, it is time for my church to be saved, it is time for people within the earth to come back to the Lord God. For it is time for you guys to see me move like never before, for it is time for revival.
It is time, saith your Father, it is time, lay away those idol things that you enjoy doing and do the things that I, your Father God, have told you to do. For do you not see that my house stands undone, is it not time, is not Jesus coming soon, finish it, finish it.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that the world through him should not perish but have everlasting life. Do you really believe today, do you believe that he died for you, if you do you shall see the healings, the glorifying of God within you, you shall see the seed within your kids that you are calling to come to Jesus. For if you really believe you shall see everything I have told you come to pass within your life.
For truly have I not always fulfilled my word unto my people, for even though when the children of Israel were wandering through the wilderness they could not receive the promises that I had for them because of their own doings. Still their decedents received all of the promises that I had given unto them. Throughout my word you see this time and time again, when my word was spoken it did not always come right away, but it was always fulfilled. So you see my children, before my church is taken out of here my word shall be fulfilled. The promises that I have given unto you shall be fulfilled, for my word is always fulfilled. So think more how are you going to do that, don’t worry exactly how I am going to do it, just know that it is getting done. Believe that it is taking place and you will see all the things that I have said that you will see, saith the Lord.
12-19-15 pm service
Let your hearts be open to receive the things that I have for you, for truly I have many, many things for you and I have the anointing that goes with everything that I have for you. For I can raise you up to go forth and do great things in my name, I can raise you up to be exactly what I desire for you to be. And I will do that, saith your Father God, if you will follow me, if you walk closely by my side, if you press into the fullness of everything that I have for you, if you don’t lag behind, if you don’t question the things that I speak to you, that you do exactly as I say, then I can move mightily on your behalf, then I can begin to do the things for you that I desire for you to do. I can move powerfully upon you even as I did Gideon, I can move powerfully upon you as I did on Elijah and Elisha, I can move powerfully upon you even as I did for Moses, yes, I can do great and wonderful things for you and it is that hour for that. So open yourself up to me, let me do what I desire to do for you. Walk with me, walk with me.
12-16-15 pm service
Let your hearts be filled with great excitement for all the things that I am trying to do on behalf of you. For I am trying to bless you, for if you look at Deuteronomy the twenty eighth chapter you are in the blessing part, but the world, the world and America are in the cursed part. So walk in the joy that I have for you, study that so you will know and see the things that are taking place because they are recorded there. I have told you what would come and truly you are seeing them, you are seeing things all over the world. So let your spiritual eyes be open, let your ears be open that you may hear, that you may know, that you may walk and be successful in all that you do.
Don’t hide your light under a bushel basket, for people should be coming to you asking questions, seeking for answers. And if you listen I will tell you what to say to them that their life might be changed, that their names might be written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Listen.
12-13-15 am service
For my word is truth and it shall not go out and return void but it shall do those things that you send it forth to do. But are you sending it forth, are you speaking my word, are you believing my word, are you standing on my word, do you know what my word says? Do not believe all translations because the majority of them are not true, be careful, be careful what you are hearing, for man is not always speaking my words, they are speaking their words and the enemy operates through them and they come against you and yet claim that they are not. But as they come against you or come against my word then they are attacking me, saith your Father. Listen carefully; for I told you this week you would see many new things develop and you have, it has gotten worse. You cannot even call false, false any more, you cannot stand for the truth as you once could stand for the truth. For the enemy has got his roots in there and because the roots are in there he hinders my work. So know what my word says, operate in my word and walk according to my word. And again this week, yes, again this week you shall see other things take place that are not mine.
Where are you putting your trust, where are you putting your trust, are you putting your trust in God today? You need to put your trust God because doctors they miss diagnose people each and every day, for your Lord God can heal you and he knows your heart. You need to put your trust in God, he says to put everything in him and trust in him each and every day and you will be healed. You will see many signs and many wonders, you need to let your miracle of God work upon your hearts today, you need to let God come in and open up your heart so I can move. My Spirit has already been here today and I have moved within the worship, for I will keep moving, I will touch each and every person here.
For the light of my word is shining brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter and the more word you have hid in your heart the more others will come unto you seeking answers, seeking direction. Many should have come to you during the last week and more shall come now.
The Lord God says pray for the children, for the devil starts trying to attack. The devil has no ground on the children because the Father God is here to protect his children.
12-13-15 pm service
For it shall be a blessed time for my people as they walk with me, as they learn and draw closer and as My Spirit moves upon them even though there is turmoil all around them, trouble on every side like my word says. Yet they shall walk in victory, they shall be comforted, they shall be strengthened, they shall be loved and they shall be blessed. They shall be blessed coming in and blessed going out, they shall be the head and not the tail, they shall be above and not beneath. For it shall be a glorious hour, a glorious hour if you are walking close by my side, if you hear my voice, if you know my word, if you hide my promises in your heart, it shall be a glorious hour, a glorious hour.
Do not be concerned as you continue to see the persecution upon my people growing greater, for they shall begin to push even harder than ever before. They make new laws that are not good in that sense, but that really comes against you my people and my church. But do not be concerned, for I have given unto you my word and I have given unto you my promise that I shall take you through these days victoriously. There will be times when you will need to call fire down from heaven, but I have given unto you that power and authority and all you need to do is stand upon my word and you shall be victorious, you shall be the overcomers in these days and these hours. Know my word like never before, have it sown so deep within your heart that nobody can steal it from you, saith the Lord, that even if they took your Bibles that you would still have my word because you have sown it, and therefore, it shall produce a great harvest, saith the Lord. So do not be concerned with the things that you even hear this week, for my word tells you what shall take place in these days and these hours. And I have given unto you my word that you are going through these days and these hours victoriously. So do not fear, but walk and be bold as My Spirit says to be bold, saith the Lord.
12-9-15 pm service
Have you seen all the things that I told you would take place already this week and yet it is only the beginning? You are in the last days, and therefore, you shall see many things taking place as you approach that day when you shall be caught away. But let it not trouble your heart, let there not be fear, for I have told you over and over and over I will take you through this time victoriously. But the enemy he will try to get you down, he will discourage you, he will cause you to draw back, if he can, that you can lose everything, don’t do that but press in. Press into the fullness of all the things that I have for you, for I love you and I desire to bless you, I desire to prosper you, I desire to do good for you, for you are mine and I will watch over you and protect you and keep you safe.
For let my light shine brightly that those round about you can see it that they will come into the safety of the fold, that their names will written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life. For you are the light of the world and by now, by this time in the week, people should have already come to you. If not be in prayer, begin to believe for those to ask you that you can help them that they may be saved and not lost.
12-6-15 am service
For in the natural realm the world is spinning and looks very confusing and very crazy, but in the spiritual realm you can understand according to my word the things that are taking place. And I told you a week ago that this week here would be even worse than the week before, but again, again you shall see more things next week because of the time, because of the hour, because of where you are many things shall take place. Tonight, tonight the light comes on, the light comes on and it comes on your spiritual being and it will draw men unto you and they will begin to ask you questions, the door will be open that you can win them, that you can bring them into the safety of the fold. So walk very closely by my side, listen to the Spirit that dwells within you that he may show you, that he may instruct you, that he may encourage you and lift you up and keep you safe. For it is an hour that you need to walk in the safety, stop looking for the little, little things, stop looking for the little things because the devil has your eyes on the things that just hinder you and trouble you. But let your eyes be upon me and upon my word, let your eyes upon the things I am doing that I may move mightily on your behalf, that I may bring in all the things that I have told you that I would bring in, that I might fulfill every promise, that I might equip you to be safe in this hour.
You have your victory today, you have the victory in your heart, you have the victory in your healings today, you have the victory in your life, you have the victory in every aspect of your life. Because the Lord God says, if you have it in your heart you have the victory, you need to open up let God come in and move upon your heart. And for the church that is not preaching my word bad times are here, you need to start preaching my word out there, for the Lord God is coming soon. You need to preach my word, you need to let the healings be done, you need to let God move upon each and every person. Today you need to start preaching the word churches, you need to let God move and you need to let the Holy Spirit come down and fill you.
For many of my people have allowed their candle go out, it is time for them to relight that candle within them, that candle, so that they can burn bright for me. For I have given unto them the ability, the power, yes, I have given unto them what they have need of to be that light to others. It is time for you to open your mouth and to share with others around you what I, your Father God, have done for you that they may come and receive that love that I have for them. They are hurting, they are dieing and they need to know me their Savior just as you have come to know me, says the Lord. Oh, I say unto you, rekindle the light that is within you that you may shine the brightest that you have ever shown before. For now is the hour for the souls to come in, now is the time for the harvest to come in my children. Therefore, I say unto you, to rekindle within yourself that fire that I put within you a long time ago, for it is not gone it just needs to be rekindled, says the Lord. Now is the time, now is the time, rekindle that light, that fire that is within you, says the Lord.
12-6-15 pm service
Let your spiritual ears be open especially during this next week and the weeks afterwards. Hear my voice very clearly, very plainly, if you don’t know how, press in or ask that you may walk by my side, that you may walk according to my counsel, that you may walk in my wisdom and my knowledge. For this is an hour when you will need to hear and obey, for there will be many times that will arise that shall not be like it ever was before and you need to know my voice, you need to walk very closely to my side. I desire to bless you, I desire to prosper you, I desire to make you wisdom and knowledge unto those that come and seek and ask. Don’t think of what you are going to say, but allow me to put my words in your mouth that you may speak forth my words that they may walk in the victory that is there for them, for it could be a matter of life and death. So know my voice, hear what My Spirit has to say and walk according to that. Listen carefully; be obedient, for truly this is the hour when we need to be obedient.
For the days of action are ahead, plant the poles, put the sides on, don’t pour the cement, but wait, and as the money flows in then you can continually walk ahead and never stop. And when you have finished it shall be completed and paid for.
Know what my word has said concerning the days and the hours you are now living in, know the importance of this very day as I have already told you that tonight, tonight I will light that candle, tonight suddenly the light switch will come on and all at once people will begin to question the things that are talking place. For there are many that believe that they would never see things like this come to pass in their lifetime, but that they were for another time and another generation, but they are beginning to realize that they are for this hour and this generation. Be ready to give an answer, be ready to speak my word to them, not your own words as I told you before, but my words, those words that I, your Father God, give unto you. For even this very week you shall run into this, you shall run into those who are asking, be prepared to give them my word, saith the Lord. For truly the day and the hour are short and there is a great harvest to be brought in and I am stirring forth the hearts at this moment that they begin to wonder and question the things that are going on and they will come and ask. So be ready, be ready, be ready.
12-2-15 pm service
Let my words be fresh in your mouth, let your heart be filled with the things that I have told you, that you can be the overcomers that I have told you that you could be. Let your ears be open to the things that are going on around the world that you can see exactly where we are at and what is going on and how quickly my Son Jesus will return. Do not be fooled, but it is time to be red hot, on fire, it is time to be wide awake and pressing forward, it is time to do those things that I have told you to do.
Did not I tell you that you would continue to see things take place this week and have you not seen things take place even right in your own country? For there are many things that going on and taking place, but yet very few people even realize the lateness of the hour. Do you realize the things that are taking place; do you understand the things that are taking place? For if you have been in my word and studied you would clearly understand the things that are taking place, you would clearly see my word being fulfilled even as I spoke it in times of old by my prophets. You would know exactly where you are, you would know exactly what was coming and what you would see yet. For there is much yet that you have not even seen that shall take place. For continue to watch this week, for the week is not over yet and so shall you continue to see my word being fulfilled, saith the Lord, for it is that hour and it is that time. So do not fear those things, but walk as the overcomer, walk as the victor and know that I, your Father God, am taking you through these days victoriously, saith the Lord.
Let there not be discord amongst the brethren, yet walk together in unity, be one in the word, be one in the Spirit, be one in my army.
For truly a three-fold cord is not easily broken, and so you see my children when you walk together in unity, you become stronger because you are all becoming one. And, therefore, when you go against the enemy there is no way possible that you can be defeated even though there is no way anyway, understand that you are a strong force that cannot be stopped, saith the Lord.
You win, you are not one of those that gets defeated, trodden down or put out of the game. You shall win, you shall win. So run to the war, don’t run away from it, run to the war.
11-29-15 am service
For I say unto you, keep your eyes upon the news, your spiritual eyes, your spiritual ears let them be open let them be operating that you can hear behind the scenes the things that are taking place, that you can be alert, awake. For many things are taking place that the average Christian is no longer seeing, and yet they should be seeing, they should be aware of these things, for truly they are clear signs that the end is here. You need to be walking very closely by my side, you need to be listing to the things that I am saying, you need to be watching and seeing the things that the Bible says shall come to pass. For truly they are coming to pass, they are in operation now; they are not coming into operation they are in operation now. Watch, watch, be aware that you can walk in victory, for I have given you total victory during this time. I have made you the overcomers, I have made you the head and not the tail, I have made you above and not beneath and if you are listening and watching you can walk in all the things that I have told you to walk in. And people shall flock unto you to find out what is going on and you can lead them to me and their names shall be written down in the Lamb’s book of life and they shall be safe, they shall be safe. But watch, look, listen, for the hour, the hour is late.
For the mountains in your life I can remove them today the Lord of God says. No matter what it is, I have more strength, I can do anything within, the Lord God says. If you have anything upon your life that you needs removed, whether it is sickness, whether it is money, whether it is hurt the Lord God says, just come to him and press into him he can remove it.
Be not fearful of the warfare that you shall encounter and come forth, for you are the victors, I have told you that you are the victors, you are the overcomers, you win, you win, if you read my book you win. You are not one of those that gets defeated trodden down or put out of the game, you shall win, you shall win. So run to the war, don’t run away from it, run to the war.
11-29-15 pm service
For truly the battle is yours, for I have given that unto you, for it was won by your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost which is your captain, which is your leader, which is your guide shall lead you victorious in that battle. So fear not, for there shall be a battle a mighty battle for those who don’t know who they are in Christ Jesus, for those that don’t realize they are already the victors, they are already the overcomers, that nothing, nothing absolutely nothing that the enemy can bring against them can defeat them or stop them or slow them down. For you are the ones that I have chosen, you are the ones that I have called, I have put my mark upon you, I have put my anointing upon you, I have filled you with My Spirit. Now go forth, go forth and do all that I, your Father God, have told you to do.
11-25-15 pm service
My heart is filled with thanksgiving of the praises that you sing unto me, for exalting my name and lifting higher than all others. And I give unto you my praise and my worship and I know that your hearts are filled with questions concerning the things that are going on throughout the whole world and I give you those answers. If you go and read and study, truly even your own fulfillment page and your prophetic word, you will see that I have already answered these things and told you these things and I have said unto you the things that shall come. And now you are hearing war, war, war, war, not yet, but it is very close and yet those that are crying it, it is coming out of their mouth and it shall come to pass because of the things that they are saying. Are you praying, are you annulling their words, are you casting them down or do you just ignore the things that are being said and reap the harvest of what they sow? Or are you sowing the harvest that you desire to reap, which are you doing? For truly I have taught you that if you sow what you sow you shall reap, for I do not fail to hear, but I hear and I answer. So know the things, because as the week goes on, the things that you hear are going to get worse and worse and worse. Isn’t it time that they hear the good news, isn’t it time that they hear how to get victory, isn’t it time that they learn how to be the overcomer and how are they going to learn if nobody tells them? Fill your mouth with my word, saith your Father, let my words come from your heart, let their be hope, let there be hope.
For truly I have told you that these are the days and the hours that my word shall come to fulfillment, the words that I have spoke even as my prophets of old foretold would come for this time and this hour. Even the very things that were locked away that you now are seeing and understanding are for this time and for this hour. So do not think it strange by the magnitude of the things that are taking place nor how quickly they come to pass. For just as quickly as you see my word being fulfilled you shall also see those things being fulfilled that I have told you personally and that I have spoken over your church and over this ministry, you shall see all those words come to fulfillment very quickly. So do not allow fear to come in, do not allow doubt to come in, but continue to stand upon my word and stand upon my promises, continue to speak forth my word and watch as my word changes the very circumstances that seem to be so great. But really circumstance are not so great, for I am the God that is above all circumstances and my word is the word that is higher than any other word, saith the Lord. For truly as you stand upon my word you shall see those things come to pass. So fear not, fear not, fear not, for things will continue to get worse before they get better, but truly you will go through this time victoriously and then I shall take you out before I pour out my wrath upon all those who are left, saith the Lord. So do no fear, but walk in victory knowing that I, your Father God, am carrying you through these days victoriously, saith the Lord.
There are great days ahead for those that believe my word, for those that stand on my word, for those that will not be moved, there are great days ahead. And the blessings shall be far greater than anything that you have ever seen before.
11-22-15 am service
For there are so many things taking place, so many hearts that are growing cold and beginning their falling away and know it not and yet the signs are so clear. I have told you for the last two weeks to watch what is going on and surely even a blind man could see the things that are taking place and understand exactly where we are, does that not tell you anything? Is your heart so filled with fire that you want to press forward into the fullness of all that I have for you? Do you draw back because of the circumstances or the cares of the world when they have become so much better? Oh I say, the lukewarmness that my word declares shall take place just before my Son returns for you can be clearly seen. The falling away, the falling away has a big sign on it, those that are falling do not read the sign, but those round about them can see very clearly the change. Oh the joy that could be in their life, oh the peace that could be there, the overcoming strength, the knowledge that only I can give unto you, the wisdom, it is all there, it is available. And this next coming week in going to be far worse than the last two weeks, does that tell you anything, or are you listening to those that think you have another five years or ten years and the tribulation hasn’t even started and yet they admit the horses are riding in the sixth chapter. Oh my children, my children I love you with an everlasting love, I desire for you all to be safe, I desire for you to all be overcomers, victors, but you have to walk by my side, you have to be walking in the spirit, you have to be listening and not following the enemy that is trying to deceive you. But walk in the truth, walk in the truth, for my truth is set before you and only you can depart from it.
My children have you been so accustom to the saltiness of the salt wherewith I have salted you that you do not realize its value, saith the Lord? For I have placed you upon a rock and it is a big salt rock, saith the Lord, and if you don’t partake of that rock how are you going to salt the earth? For I say unto you, eat that salt for it shall salt those around you and they will see how good it is and they will come to my Son Jesus and Jesus can set them free, saith the Lord.
For there are many things that you need to hold up in prayer, to intercede on their behalf. You have the Thanksgiving Day parade; you have other events taking place around the world. You need to be wide awake, you need to be listening to the Spirit, you need to be doing your part as a watchman on the wall, praying and interceding that the enemy has no crack even to move through, that there is nothing but victory.
11-22-15 pm service
Let your spiritual ears be open that I can guide you, that I can protect you, that I can keep you safe that you can hear the things that I am saying to the church. For this is an important hour, an hour when all these things that you are seeing and hearing seemly going bad and they shall continue to go that way. For most men do not really want to serve me nor do they want to follow what I say to them, but they go their own way and because they go their own way they fall into a trap, they fall into a pit, they are snared and taken captive. But if you walk by my side I shall lead you safely through everything that is coming. For you shall see that this week shall be far worse than the other two weeks put together. I am trying to wake up the world, I am trying warn the world, I desire for them to come into the safety of the fold before everything begins to happen and that is not far off. So listen, listen as the Spirit talks to you, listen as the Spirit guides you and you shall be the overcomer.
For in the natural your eyesight cannot see very far, but if you are like an eagle you can soar way above everything and see the enemy before he ever gets here. Be like the eagle.
For truly great is he that is in you than he that is in the world. For truly I am greater than anything that the enemy can rise up and bring against you. For there is nothing that he can bring against you that you cannot defeat. For the enemy has already been defeated, he has no power or authority over you only that which you give to him. So do not allow him to come against you, do not allow him to have victory over you, but rise up in your power and authority that I have given unto you for these days and these hours. For I am holding nothing back from you, saith the Lord, that is why you can even call fire down from heaven in these days and these hours. For truly it is the end hour, saith the Lord, and you know exactly where you are and soon I shall come for my church then my wrath shall be poured out on all those who will not accept me, saith the Lord. But in the mean time, there is work left to be done, there is work that needs to be accomplished. So do not sit by and be idle, but rise up and go forth and do all that I have called you to do, rise up and defeat the enemy, for you have all power and authority over him. Rise up and take the land that is before you, even though the circumstances look too great I am greater than all those circumstances and I have said that is your land. So, therefore, go and take it, saith the Lord, go and take those promises that I have said that are yours. Do not sit by and allow the enemy to keep defeating you, but rise up, rise up, rise up, for truly the victory is yours.
11-18-15 pm service
For did I not tell you what this week would be like and you have only gone through the first three days, there are many things yet ahead that you shall see, that you shall hear. And if you pay close attention, if your spiritual ears and eyes are open you will understand far more than you have understood before and you will know above and beyond any doubt that the last days truly are here, that the time is running out. I would say, set your house in order, make sure that your loved ones are safe in the fold. Help those round about you that they may see and know and understand, for you would not want them to miss the catching away of the church. Prepare yourself; make yourself ready, for truly the days are very, very short. And even though many are confused and many do not understand what is going on, many try to place this in the twentieth chapter of the book of Revelation and you have just studied that and you know that is not the place because that is during the thousand year millennial reign, the church is already gone and received their reward and come back. Be not fooled by what they are saying and know what my word says and realize that the time is far later than they recognize or realize. But walk, walk in the hope, walk in the hope, walk in the joy, walk in the peace, walk in my blessings.
Walk in unity; shake down the grates and blow on the embers so that the fire will be ablaze. Put some more wood on it, get on fire, for if you are not on fire how can you get others, especially those that are soaking wet, how can you get them to catch the fire, to burn, to burn? For truly it is the hour when miracles, signs and wonders should be taking place, when people should be shouting and dancing and praising God but many are still asleep.
For truly it is an hour where there should be joy in my house, there should be peace in my house. For truly I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promise, I have given unto you my power, my authority, my ability, my strength. Everything that I have I have given it unto you my children to use, to use in these days and these hours to help bring in the harvest, to walk victoriously in these days and these hours, to be the overcomer in these days and these hours. For all you need to do is speak forth my word, for truly if you do that those things shall surely come to pass. For my word always comes to pass it never goes out and returns void but it always comes to pass. So speak forth my word, speak forth my word to the lost, speak forth my word to those who have need of miracles and healing and deliverance, for truly there are many who have needs, saith the Lord. For it is that time and it is that hour for the harvest to be brought in, it is that time of that last great revival that I have spoken to you about time and time again, it is that time and it is that hour. So begin to get excited about what I am doing, begin to be excited about what is going to take place, allow that excitement to fill you to overflowing knowing that each and every day I am going to move upon your behalf and every time you are in my house you are going to see a mighty powerful move of My Spirit like you have not seen before. Expect those things to happen, call them into being and you shall see those very things take place, saith the Lord. For truly it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
11-15-15 am service
Be not fearful for I am always with you, call upon my name and I shall answer you. For it is not a time to walk in fear, but it is a time to walk in total trust, trusting me knowing that I will always watch over you, that I will always protect you, that I will always care for you, that I will speak to you and tell you the things that you should do that you do not need to walk into any trap, but you will always know exactly what is going on. It may be a dangerous hour to the world, but not to my church, for I watch over my church, I protect my church, I keep my church safe. Stay in my word, know my word, let your total trust be in me and you shall walk in the victory.
There is nothing too hard for me to do when you trust me, when you keep your eyes upon me, oh but the circumstances they seem great when your eyes are not upon me and my word. The enemy runs wild when you do not walk in my way and when you do not walk in my word. Draw close to me like never before, it is not an hour to try to do things on your own, for without me you can do nothing, says the Lord, but through me you can do all things. Do you not know what my word has declared; do you not know what I have said? Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, be the overcomer that I have called you to be, be more than the conqueror that I have made you. Do you not see, do you not know who I have said that you are and I have made you who you are? Rise up like never before, it is time for my church to rise up and become all that I have said that it can be. For I have given to you everything that you have need of, yes, I have given you everything you have need of to walk victoriously in this time and this hour. Take up the tools that I have given to you and use them, for I have given unto you the ability, I have given unto you the might, I have given unto you the strength, do you not know this my children? Therefore, walk with me, walk with me, know my word, for there is no mountain too big for me to move. Therefore, I say unto you, know who you are in me that you can truly rise up and walk in the fullness of what I have said and created you to be.
11-15-15 pm service
For again we have seen a very busy week, but you shall see even a more busy week this coming week and you will notice that it seem like things will continue to grow worse and get bigger as we go along. But let not fear enter into your heart for we are the overcomers, we are the victors and we will go through this in great victory. So press closer, come into my word, bathe in my word, slumber in my word, fill yourself with my word. For if you are weak the enemy will overcome you, but be strong in my word, be strong in the power of my might, be strong as I have commanded you to be strong to be the overcomers, to be the victors, to walk even as I walked when I was on the face of this earth. Be filled with my power, with my strength, my ability, for truly the days are short and the hours are swift and you will see things going by so quickly. Do not plan too far ahead, for you may have to change your plans suddenly, but be open to My Spirit that you hear My Spirit when it talks to you, for when you hear My Spirit when it says no don’t go, don’t go and when you hear My Spirit when it says stay there, stay there. Don’t be foolish and think that you can do it on your own, without me you can do nothing, but with me all things are possible and you can be the victor that I said you can be. So be not fearful but watch, listen and learn.
Remember that you are the victors, remember that you always win in the end regardless of how bad it may look; regardless of how bad the circumstances may seem at that time you are always the victors. I have given unto you my word; I have given unto you my promise that you shall go through these days victoriously. For these things do not have to come nigh you dwelling if you are open and listen to My Spirit when it speaks to you, if you do the things that you are commanded to do. For truly it is that time and it is that hour for some of these things to come to pass, for you are in that end day, that last hour, saith the Lord, the time when my word says all thing will come into fulfillment. So do not allow them to bring in fear, do not allow them to bring discouragement, but know that Jesus is coming soon. Know that there is little time left, but yet there is a great harvest to be brought in and I need you my people, I need you to bring in that harvest, saith the Lord. For truly I have made you the overcomer so that you could stand in these days and these hours so that others would come to you because they see that you are able to stand, that these things do not affect you. And they will come to you for miracles, they will come to you for healing, they will come to you for deliverance and they will come to you for wisdom, for I have told you these things time and again. So do not allow the things that take place here and there to affect you, be in prayer, know that I have said these things must come and walk as the overcomer that I have created you to be in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
Remember that I have given you two dates, be in prayer concerning these dates, be diligent with the things that I give you to do. Do not be slackful, do not just walk as if I have not said anything, but take heed to the words that I say, pay attention and do the things that I have told you to do and there will be victory on your side.
11-11-15 pm service
Arise and stand strong, arise and press into the fullness of all that I have for you, let my strength fill your life; let my power consume you that you can walk in that power twenty-four-seven. Oh that you will walk according to my word and my promise, that you will not draw back any further, but press forward into the fullness of the things that I have for you that you can reach the goals, the desires, the things that I have spoken to you concerning you.
If it were not important I would not speak to you to get into my word, I would not tell you to get into my word, I would not tell you to pay attention, to listen when I am speaking to you. What I tell you is for your benefit, for your benefit in these end times that you will know what to expect, that you will know what to do, that you will know what to say to people when they come to you. So get into my word, listen when I talk to you, be in my church when the doors are open so that you may hear and listen, unstop your ears, listen, listen and listen carefully every time that I speak to you.
Divert your attention to me, do not be as a young child that sometimes does not hear and does not hear and does not hear because you speak over and over again. But rather be the attentive one that hears the first time when I speak and does what I have called you to do and said of you to do. For the hour, yes, is an important hour for my children to be walking and following after me. Not only just following, but doing what I have asked them to do. For when I call you to prayer it means to go to prayer down on your knees so that someone’s life might be spared, that someone might be saved. Oh I say unto you, it is important that you do hear me and that you listen to what I speak unto you. For sometimes my children say, oh it doesn’t make a difference, it doesn’t matter, but yes it does, says the Lord. For as you obey me you walk in my ways, and yes, there are things that do not take place in the world because of the prayers that have gone up. So I say unto you, be faithful, continue to be faithful when I speak to you, for this is such a dark hour, a dark hour in the world and oh the prayers of my saints that are needed. I say unto you, listen to me, follow after me and hear my words when I speak them unto you. Do not forget them, but keep them in front of you, be a wise one, be my watchman as I have called you to be. For it is that hour and it is that time where my true church needs to rise up like never before, yes, they need to rise up like never before and to become the strong men that I have called them to be, strong in my might and in spirit and in my power.
11-8-15 am service
For as you stand on my word and as you believe I move mightily on your behalf. I cannot move on doubt, I cannot move on unbelief, but if you believe I can move, there is absolutely nothing that I cannot do and I have said ask and I shall do it, therefore, I shall do it. So let not the fears or the cares of the world overtake you causing you to draw back. Let not your hearts be hardened by the move of the evil spirits that are working in this day, for remember when you were lost, remember when you did not walk with me? For there is none, absolutely none, saith your Father God, that were not in sin, for my word declares that all, all, and yet at times people forget that and they look upon their own righteousness which is as filthy rags, for their righteousness shall do nothing but it is the righteousness that I give unto them, that I give unto them that makes them righteous. Therefore, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, do not let the enemy cause you to draw back, to give up, to go the other way, they are just his plans, they are not my plans. My plans are for you to be victorious, for you to be overcomers, for you to be giants, for you to go forth and do exploits in my name, for you to win the lost and bring them in, for you to see and understand the things that are taking place that you can explain to others. Walk, walk according to my word, for as you see my word then you will understand it, for your faith shall be great. So enter into the depths of my word that you may walk as a giant that the enemy will flee when you come, that you will be able to see into the spiritual realm and help those that have need. For everyone, everyone should be walking in victory, everyone should be healed, everyone should be the overcomer, for Jesus paid that total price that you would never have to pay it. But you have to know it in your heart; you have to believe it, for you can only receive those things that you believe. Believe, believe, believe.
For thus saith the Lord, there are many sitting here today that I cry out to on a weekly basis, says the Lord, and you know who you are and yet you do not come forth that I can touch you that I can heal you, that I can make you whole. For there is a cleansing within you that needs to take place, saith the Lord, and then shall you be healed and then shall you walk freely as I have caused you to be free, yet you let the weights carry you around, saith the Lord. Listen to me, says the Lord, and come to me today, says the Lord, be set free, come to me.
Learn from the eagle, for he flies above all storms, he does not get grounded by the devil, nor does he eat the food that others have eaten. He catches his fresh, he takes it to the high places and feeds his young ones, and when he sees that they are big enough and strong enough, he pushes them out of the nest that they can fly and soar in the skies. He sees the storms a far off coming and he flies above them, he does not run and hide, he does not put his head in the sand like the ostrich, no, he is the king of all birds. Be like him learn from the eagle.
11-8-15 pm service
For it shall be another week when the headlines in the news shall show you many things, many things that are transpiring, many things that are coming to pass, they will be very clear again. If you watch, if you listen, if you look you should be able to understand each and every one of them, if you don’t, it is time to press into my word, press into my word. For I have told you the things that will come and if you miss some of these it will be very, very hard on you. But walk in the victories that I have given you, for truly I have made you an overcomer.
For the initial thrust of My Spirit, says the Lord, that shall come upon you very quickly now, shall set you back in your seats, but as you get moving you shall be able to move very freely, says the Lord. For it will become normal to you to operate in the realm which you will be operating in, says the Lord, and you will be ministering freely, says the Lord, in My Spirit abundantly.
Do not fear the things that shall come to pass, but know that it is that time and it is that hour. So watch very carefully as the things unfold this week, as I have told you already, be ready to give an answer to those when they come to you. For truly I am moving in a mighty and powerful way, many are seeing the things that are taking place and they are beginning to realize how close the end is. There are many yet that are still asleep, but they shall come awake very quickly, saith the Lord. So be watchful and be ready to move when I say to move, be ready to give an answer when those come to you to ask, but as I have said before, give unto them my word not your own. For it is my word that shall move the mountains, it is my word that shall cause the blind eyes to see and deaf to hear, it is my word, saith the Lord. So share with them my word that I shall give unto you, for truly it is that time and it is that hour for my word to be fulfilled, so do not fear, but be ready, saith the Lord.
For thus saith the Lord, I have set your course and I am the one that blows on your sail, says the Lord, the Holy Spirit has your rudder and you shall go where I tell you to go, says the Lord, and you’re going to the other side as my servant has spoken unto you. You will go to the other side and you will do the things that I have called you to do, says the Lord, and then shall you be with me, says the Lord.
11-4-15 pm service Scribe note: Recorder did not record the word given. So I asked the prophet for a word from God as to what happened. Spirit shared, One battery is bad and didn't take a charge, low power cause it not to record.
11-1-15 am service
For my word is sharper than any two-edged sword dividing clear to the marrow and separating the flesh from the spirit that you might walk in the fullness of all the things that I have for you, that you walk not in the fleshly realm, but you walk in the spirit realm that you are aware of the things that going on in the world, that you are aware of exactly where you are and what is taking place. For much of my church, sad to say, is asleep and they shall be caught asleep by the enemy when the enemy comes and they shall fall into the traps and many will die because they know not what time it is nor what hour it is. But those that walk in faith, those who know me they shall know the things that are transforming throughout the world and they shall walk in my might and they shall walk in my power and they shall walk in my ability and the enemy will flee from them, even their leader Satan shall flee and they shall walk in safety, they shall not fear the things that take place. Therefore, I say, press into the fullness of all that I have for you, become all, become all that I said that you could be, that you can be the overcomer, that you can be the victor.
For thus saith the Lord, the bread that you eat in secret shall be manifest in the light, says the Lord. So, therefore, partake of my bread, says the Lord and what is manifest shall bring the victory in your life, says the Lord. Don’t partake that which the devil gives unto you, but eat which I have given unto you my Son Jesus Christ, says the Lord. Eat my bread; be manifest in the light, the works that my Son Jesus has done you shall do if you eat my bread, says the Lord.
Allow me to be your everything, allow me to be your all in all, for truly I have everything that you have need of, saith the Lord. I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promise that if you would seek me first and you would call upon my name that I would answer. For truly I desire to carry you through these days victoriously, I do not desire that you are in lack, I do not desire that you are in want, but you must believe what my word says, saith the Lord, you must put all of your trust, all of your confidence in me. You must follow me, saith the Lord; you must not follow the ways of man, for his ways lead unto destruction but my ways lead to everlasting life. For I love you with an everlasting love, I desire for you to be victorious in these days. So continue to draw closer to me, continue to put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me, for truly I will do all that I have said that I would do, saith the Lord. For I have given unto you my word, and therefore, I will fulfill my word, saith the Lord, so continue to trust in me.
For my ways are not the ways of man, and therefore, man becomes confused at times because they look into the fleshly realm and the ways of man are the fleshly realm. But if they look into my ways they look into the spiritual realm and then my word makes clarity unto them that they can understand, that they can understand. For it is clearly given unto them that they may know and walk in my truth.
11-1-15 pm service
For it is a great hour, an hour when I am pouring out My Spirit without measure, an hour when I am moving in a mighty way. Even though the world is growing darker and darker and things throughout the world are getting bad, real bad, yet I am moving. So look for my moves, are you seeing my moves, are you watching me as I move in a mighty way? For really that end time revival is here, walk in the fullness of it, shout, praise God, dance, move forward, for I have much, much for you to do yet.
So will you be as the ten children who saw the circumstances and could not look past them to receive the promises or will you be like the two who saw all that I said was theirs and they believed it with all their heart and with all their might. For truly I have given it unto you, saith the Lord, regardless of how big the circumstances may look, I am the God that is above all circumstances, so claim those things that I already said are yours. For truly I have great victories in store for you even this night, saith the Lord, if you will but receive what I have for you. For I have already given it unto you all you need to do is just receive it, receive it this night, saith the Lord, receive it this night.
For the best is yet to come, for I have saved up for you blessings, blessings such as man has never seen and I shall pour them out without measure, without measure I shall heap them up. And you shall go forth and miracles, signs and wonders shall follow you and your light shall be so bright that they will come from the north the south the east the west, they will come unto you to receive what I have for them.
For it is like a farmer who has received a bumper crop and as he continues to fill all his vessels with what he has harvested they continue to pour out and pour out and pour out until there is no more room left to contain it and yet it is still pouring out, saith the Lord. For that is what I desire to do for you my children, I desire to pour it out, but it is not going to stop, it is going to continue to pour out, to pour out, to pour out, to pour out, to pour out, saith the Lord, to pour out. For truly great are the things that I have for you my children, great are the things that are in store for you. So just receive all that I have for you, receive all that I have for you, for truly it is great, it is great, it is great.
10-28-15 pm service
So let your hearts be filled with joy, draw strength from me that you have my strength and continue to watch the many things that are taking place that you may zero in your prayers in the right way. For I have given you victory over this time, victory over this area, I have given you the ability to speak forth my word to call those things that be not as if they were, to call those things in that you need called in. Be not fearful, even though there seems to be a lot of things to be fearful over, they will not affect you so be not fearful. But draw strength from me, stay in my word, know my word, speak my word, don’t be wishy-washy, be steadfast, unmoveable. Stand; stand when you have done all, stand, that shall be the battle cry for this hour.
For my word is truth and my word will not go out and return void if you stand, if you believe my word and stand on my word it shall come to pass. Let my word fill your heart, meditate upon my word, don’t listen to things that bother you, but stay in my word, stay in my word.
Walk as the victor, walk as the overcomer, walk as the head and not the tail, for if you already believe you are defeated and defeat is in your mind then defeat is what you shall have. But if victory is what you believe and victor is how you act then victory you shall have. For it is a time and hour where you should put on the whole armor of God, do not leave any part off, for to leave one part off is to leave a door open for the enemy to come in and attack you. For I have created you to be the overcomers in these days and these hours, I have already given you the victory. So regardless of what the enemy tries to throw at you remember that you have already been given the victory over him. So put him in his place, saith the Lord and do not allow him to come in and steal from you, do not allow him to come in and bring defeat. For truly I have told you that I would take you through these days victoriously, and therefore, I will uphold my word unto you. So don’t accept defeat, don’t accept lack, don’t accept want, for those things are not of me, saith the Lord. For I have said ask and you shall receive, for there is no lack, there is no want in my house, saith the Lord. So walk as that overcomer, walk as that heir and that joint heir to the throne of Almighty God, receive all the things that I have for you in these days and these hours and go forth victoriously doing all that I have called you to do. For truly there is much to do in this hour, saith the Lord, and I need you, saith the Lord, I need you. So walk according to my word and according to my promises and receive all that I have for you so I can use you in a mighty and powerful way in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
10-25-15 am service
For truly I shall come and I shall come quickly, for all the signs throughout all the world are pointing towards that at the moment and if you have been watching the news and reading the news you will see event after event after event that points towards my quick return. The war that is going on in Israel right now, the Palestinian flag flying over the United Nations and them claiming that Jerusalem is theirs, the stock market, even though it just climbed to a new high shall fall to a new low, the many things that the enemy is trying to do are clear. The king of Jordan has made his stand and soon, very soon a new sprit shall enter into him. All these signs have been clear and all these signs have been in national news, not here in the United States, for they play it down and they keep it very quiet. But if you listen and watch you can see the signs and know above and beyond any doubt that I shall come quickly now.
Prepare your hearts, says the Lord, not only for the things that shall take place in the world, but I say unto you, for the things that will take place in the church. Your hearts need to be prepared and they need to be ready. How do you prepare, says the Lord, you prepare by getting into my word, by knowing my word, by having my word within your heart, by meditating on my word day and night by not just doing it once in a while but every day, day and night meditating on me and my word and the things that I have said. For therein shall you find great joy and peace and contentment, you will not live in fear, but yes, you will live in peace and contentment that I have given you, the peace that passes all understanding. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare your hearts, prepare your hearts, prepare your hearts for great and mighty things are going to take place both in the world and in my church and you need to be ready, says the Lord.
Take my word from my book and get it into your mind and meditate upon it, speak it out of your mouth until it gets into your heart that your heart is filled with my word. For my word will be your sword during these last days, my word will be your defense in these last days; my word will be your victory. So know my word, know my word, stand on my word, speak my word.
For truly greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world and know that it is not of your own might or your own power or of your own strength, but it is through my might and my power and my strength that I have given unto you. So do not try and do it on your own, but do it through me, saith the Lord, do it through my word, for as you speak forth my word it shall quickly come to pass. For in that time when you need me most and you call out to me, I will answer you, for at times you can even call fire down from heaven if need be, saith the Lord. But speak my word, let it come forth out of your mouth and great things will be accomplished because of that, but if you try and do it of your own might and your own power you will fail. For it is through me, saith the Lord, it is through me that the victories and the battles are won. So put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me and truly I will carry you through these times victoriously. Look to me for your help, for I am the one that will help you in these days and these hours. For man will not have the answers that you need, but I, your Father God, have all the answers that you need in these days and these hours. So look to me, look to me, look to me and truly you will see just how easy it can be, saith the Lord. For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to take you through these days victoriously. So put all of your trust, put all of your confidence in me and I will move mightily upon your behalf, saith the Lord.
10-25-15 pm service
For truly the enemy is under your feet, you need not fear him, you need not to flee from him, all you need to do is arm yourself with my word. Speak my word and he will flee from you, for I have told you to resist the devil and he will flee from you, I didn’t say for him to resist you and you flee, but you resist him and he will flee and you will walk in the victories that I have for you. For I have many victories, many victories for you, many victories even though the days are short you have shall many victories ahead, many victories ahead. And many shall come unto you, for they will see your light, and as they see that light shining brightly, they shall come to you and they shall ask, they shall ask you for an answer. Be in that spiritual place that you can open your mouth and my word shall come pouring out and it shall minister unto them and deliver them and set them free that they might go forth and do the things that I, their Father God, have told them to do. So be not fearful, be not fearful, but arm yourself with my word, arm yourself with my word.
Let your spiritual eyes and ears be open at all times, watch be a good watchman on the wall, know what is going on around you. Try the spirits and see if they be of me or not, know, know the things that I have said that you may walk in that victory that I have for you, but you cannot do it if you shut your eyes and close your ears.
Be watchful of the rest of this week, for you are still in that twenty-day period that I have talked to you about. Keep your eyes open and watch the news as things are taking place. For if you do not see anything taking place, dig a little deeper. For I have told you that each and every day events are taking place that all point to my soon return, that all show you the signs of the times you are living in. For not always does your news post these things, for they keep some things hidden, so it is best to watch news from overseas at times to pick up on some of those things that your news leaves out, watch and be in prayer. For even though these things must come to pass for this day and this hour, they will bring fear to many, but they should not bring fear to my church. For my church should be expecting to see these things take place because they know it is that time and it is that hour. And I have told you that I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. But you need to be ready to give an answer to those who come, for I shall give you the word to give to them. For I have told you that it is not your own word but it is my word, saith the Lord, it is my word you shall speak forth and as you speak forth my word you shall see those things come to pass. You shall see it bring about great change. So continue to be open, be ready, for if you are not ready I cannot use you, so be ready, saith the Lord.
10-21-15 pm service
Let the words that I speak out of my mouth strengthen you and lift you higher, for much evil is taking place throughout the world and many things are taking place. Learn to lean upon me, learn to trust me, learn to hear my voice and know my voice, don’t follow another’s voice but hear my voice and follow my voice that you can be the victors and the overcomers. For at the moment many things, many things can be done that later will not be able to be done, but many good things are happening as well as the bad things, be able to tell and distinguish between the two. Know, know and walk in the full confidence that I have given to you, the full assurance knowing that I will watch over you, I will protect you, I will keep you safe, I will take you through this time victoriously if you will let me, if you will let me.
For many people are saying many things, not knowing, not knowing the things that have taken place just in August alone, and therefore, they are trying to put off the return of my Son Jesus even farther down the road. Do not be deceived, do not be deceived, for I have shared with you, I have shown you and I have told you.
For even some say this is just a short spell and it will quiet down after some time, but that is not what my word says, saith the Lord. For truly it shall only continue to get worse and worse as man does not look to me for their wisdom and knowledge, but they run after their own thoughts and ideas, they run after their own agendas, they run after those things that are not of me, saith the Lord, but I have warned you of these things so that you would be victorious. I have told you to get into my word so that you are not deceived. For there are many false fables out there today, many thing that people could get deceived by if they are not walking with me the way they should be. Spend more time with me, saith the Lord, spend more time talking with me that I can show you the things that shall take place, that I can give you clearer direction. For I love you with an everlasting love, and I desire for you to go through these days victoriously regardless of what is taking place, I desire for you to be victorious in these days and these hours. For I love you my children, I love you.
10-18-15 am service
So let your hearts be filled with joy, for I am doing many things on the behalf of those that are believing me, that are trusting me, I am moving mightily on their behalf. For I desire to bless them, I desire to heal them, I desire to deliver them that they can be overcomers in these last days, that they can become all that I have called them to be. Yes, truly even though the days are very evil and many things are taking place throughout the world I am still moving mightily on behalf of my people, on behalf of those that love me and follow me. They are obedient and I am doing great and mighty things on their behalf.
For I say unto you, a word spoken in due season, oh how sweet it is, saith the Lord. How many words have you been given, how many words have you been given that you have not spoken to others, have not opened your mouths? For a word in season spoken, oh how sweet it is, saith the Lord, oh how sweet it is.
For my word is not a mystery nor has it changed from the beginning of time, for my word is always the same. Even though man may change it, even though man may add to it, even though man may take away from it my word is always the same. So if you read my word, obey my word then the blessings come, then the victories come, then you become the overcomer, so remember my word is truth.
For the way of the wise is walking according to my word, for the ways of the victor is also walking according to my word. For when your heart is filled with my word when you open your mouth my word comes out and when my word comes out it will not go out and return void, but it will do those things that it has been sent forth to do. Man cannot stop it, even the devil cannot stop it, and therefore, you become the overcomer, you become the victor, you walk in the perfect word that I have given unto you. You are not like the heathens that do not walk accord to my word, you are not like those that have not set a guard at their mouth and their mouth runs over and they receive things that they do not want because it has come out of their heart, for out of the heart the abundance of the mouth speaketh. For my word is truth and my word cannot go out and return void, it must, it must fulfill the things that I have said. But what man sees is those that do not believe my word, speaking my word and nothing happening because there is no, there is no faith there, there is no belief there, there is no trust there. Trust me with all your heart, set your mind upon my word, for the days are very evil and many things are taking place that most have not even looked for and yet the news media is saying it is the worse they have ever seen it. Where are you my children, are you walking according to my word, are you hearing the things that are going on, do you know where we are and do you know how short the time really is?
10-18-15 pm service
For it shall be another week just as the week that you have had and you shall hear from near and you shall hear from far, you shall hear from all over the things that are taking place that all point to the quick return of my Son Jesus Christ for his church. It shall be so plain again, so obvious again you can’t miss it, for every place you turn you shall find things that pertain to that, things that are more clear and not always from the church. For the church seems to be sleeping, but it is time for the church to wake up and realize the things that are taking place. For as they realize the things that are taking place they shall walk in the victories that I have for them, they shall be the overcomers that I said they should be and they will not be afraid of anything that does come.
Fear ye not this day, says the Lord, but rather trust me, for am I not your God, am I not your Father and will I not take you through these days ahead victoriously? There is nothing that you need to worry about, for have not I taken care of you in the past and will I not take care of you in the future, for my word is true, it is steadfast, it does not change? Therefore, I say unto you, stand upon my word, stand, stand, stand, for in this hour, yes, I have called you to be that overcomer, more than a conqueror, and you cannot do that unless you are standing upon my word and walking with me. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, says the Lord, for yes, you shall see great things take place in the world but you are not of this world, you are mine and I will keep you safe, I will protect you, I will provide for you. Therefore, I say unto you, do not be concerned nor have fear come within your heart, but rather trust me, for I am your Father and I will see you through, I will take you, yes, I will take care of you no matter what comes. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, know what I have promised, know what I have said that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you my children.
For I have created you to be the overcomer, I have created you to be the victor; I have created you to walk in the light and not the darkness, for I have created you to show my light to others. For in times like these when many are questioning what is going on you can speak to them my words. For truly a seed planted in due season shall surely produce much fruit and I have prepared ground for that seed to be planted, saith the Lord. So when the opportunities arise and they shall arise, even as many have come up already and my servants have spoken my word to them, so as those opportunities arise speak forth my words, not your own words, not your own thoughts, not your own ideas, speak forth my word and watch as that seed is planted and that seed grows and produces much fruit, saith the Lord. For it is the time of the great end time harvest, it is time for all that harvest to be reaped, saith the Lord. It is that time and I have been preparing you for that day and hour. So do not fear the things that are going on the right hand or on the left hand, for I am carrying you through these days victoriously. But be ready, be ready to give an answer when you are called upon, saith the Lord, be ready to speak forth my word and truly you will see it produce much fruit, saith the Lord. For it is that time, it is that hour and I have prepared you even for this very hour, saith the Lord, that my work might be accomplished. For it is that time, it is that time, so go forth and speak my word, saith the Lord.
10-14-15 pm service
For as we come close to the end of the first three days, by now you have seen many things take place, you have seen headlines that I know you could not believe, some jumping the gun like a Russia and the United States at war, not yet but close. Oh, the things that I told you would take place, the things that I said watch. For you need to know and understand what is taking place or others that jump the gun like that one newspaper will send you panicking with fear, fleeing to the mountains to hide and it is not that time, saith your Father God. For I have told you I shall take you through this time victoriously, if you don’t know that word, look it up. I did not say you would be in defeat, I did not say you would be in fear, I did not say for you to flee. Know my word, stand on my word, speak my word, for my word coming from your mouth out of your heart shall bring you the victories that you need. Let not the things that are taking place cause fear, I have told you this, but I have also said watch that you shall know what is happening.
For my word is very clear and very powerful, and I have promised to give you understanding, clarity to open the blind eyes to remove the reprobate mind if you ask that you may see and understand, that you can cease from doing foolish things that you should not be doing, that you look in my word studying it very carefully that I can give unto you insight that you can help others. For if you don’t know how will you be able to help others?
Study Ezekiel thirty seven and thirty eight, for that is where you are at this moment. But before Russia can march upon Israel they must remove America from the picture first, for it is that time and it is that hour. Some say Psalm eighty-three, but I say no, for Psalm eighty three was already fulfilled and the rest does not come until after the thousand year millennial reign. For it is important to understand what my word says, for if one really gets in and studies that, they shall not miss it. For if you get in and study allow me to bring you understanding, allow me to speak to you, allow me to show you exactly what is to take place. For I have hidden nothing from you, saith the Lord, for I have opened the books that were closed and I have said all you need to do is get into my word and you will find the answers. For if you are looking for an answer you can find it in my word, saith the Lord. For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire for you to be victorious in these days and these hours. Do not fear the things that shall take place even though in the natural they seem disastrous. Know that I, your Father God, have already warned you that these things would take place and do not allow them to bring fear, for fear is of the enemy. For I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. And I have given unto you my word and my promise that I would carry you through these days victoriously, saith the Lord. So get into my word and study and see what my word has said, then you shall have a clear understand of what is to take place, saith the Lord.
10-11-15 am service
Harken to my voice and listen carefully, for during the next twenty days many earth shaking things shall take place. So let not your hearts be filled with fear, for I have not given you a spirit of fear but put your trust in me and realize that I have spoken over and over and over and over concerning these things and now is the time, saith your Father God. So let your spiritual eyes be open, let your spiritual ears be open, listen and know and understand the next twenty days, the next twenty days.
Who shall you fear when God is on your side, for you have nothing to fear, for I am always with you, no matter what comes along your path I will carry you through. Know my word, know what I have said, trust in me, trust in me like never before, draw close to me, know that I am here, I am always here. Even though sometimes you may think I am not here, God doesn’t hear me, yes I do, but it is an hour to draw close. It is an hour to follow after me, to make sure that you are walking the straight and narrow, that you are not looking to the left or to the right, but that you are keeping your eyes and focus upon me. For at times it is so easy to get distracted, at times it is so easy to get bogged down by the things of the world. Allow this not to happen, but I say unto you, rely upon me, says the Lord, allow me to be your everything, your all in all, come unto me and trust me like never before. For as you rest in my word you shall have the peace, you shall have the joy, you shall have the love that fills your life. Oh, come unto me, come unto me, for do you not know that I am all that you have need of? I am everything that you need. Therefore, trust me, rely upon me, know who I am, for truly I am the God that does not change, I never fail, my word is the same yesterday today and forever. Know who I am, says the Lord, that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you.
For even though I have pleaded with man, and I have pleaded with you here, many have not paid any attention neither have they listened. But during the next twenty days their eyes shall spring open, they will wake from their slumber and they will call out, they will call out to me, they will call out to me and then they will begin to see what is happening.
For truly my word is the same, it is the same yesterday today and forever, so the things that have been recorded in my word they shall surely come to pass. For I have spoken to you concerning these days and these hours and the things that you would see and the things that had to come to pass and truly it is time for those things to come to pass, saith the Lord. So do not fret these next twenty days in that sense, but watch, watch, watch and be ready to give an answer when many shall come running looking for an answer. For truly those who have been asleep shall be awakened, they will need answers because they do not understand the things that are going on because they have not been paying attention as you have been paying attention. So be ready to give them an answer when they come, be ready to give them my word, not your own, and continue to stay open to me and I will carry you through these days victoriously, saith the Lord. So fear not for I am with you.
10-11-15 pm service
Again, I say unto you, watch the next twenty days, let your spiritual ears, your spiritual eyes be wide open. For you need to know, you need to understand and most of all you need to see the things that are taking place. The world shall see it, therefore, my church should be able to see it and understand it and walk in the victories that I have given unto you. For if you miss these what other things will you miss that shall now come to pass. So be on high alert, pay close attention and know and know what is going on.
For these next twenty days it is not just one event that you are looking for, but it is the things that shall take place each and every day. As you watch them on the news you will say, wow Lord, you were right and as peoples eyes are open they shall come to you and they shall ask and you shall give them my words, not your own. For it is very important that you keep your eyes open and keep your spirit open so you can be hearing my voice at all times. Do not fear these things, but be aware of them as I said to you this morning, but know that I am taking you through these days victoriously. But I have said that these things would now come to pass because of the day and the hour you are living in, therefore, it is time for those things to come into fulfillment. For you have already seen some of what is going on, but it shall continue to grow worse and worse and worse until the time that I take my church out, saith the Lord. For it is that time, it is that hour, understand that very carefully my children. For I love you with an everlasting love, I desire to take you through these days victoriously, but you must follow after my word and after my promises and do the things that I have told you to do. Then you shall be the overcomer, then you shall be the victor, and oh, a great victory it shall be, saith the Lord. For I love you my children, I love you.
For I am the Lord your God and I laid before you directions, many directions you have missed already, don’t miss these, don’t miss these. For these directions that I give to you tonight, they shall cause you to be the overcomers, the victors, they shall cause you to have the answers that others, others will need. You cannot stand there and say I don’t know because if you don’t know then you need to come and know me, you need to come and find me first.
10-7-15 pm service
Let your spiritual ears be open to the truth, for there are many fables, many of them that are going forth now sent out by the devil to confuse you, to cause you to be slack and to back off and not get ready. Be not deceived, for I am not mocked and my hour and my minute and my second shall come to pass just as I have promised and my church shall leave here and those left behind will not have a second chance even though man is telling them they will have, be not deceived, but press in, press in. For if you look carefully at the signs all around about you, you can see above and beyond any doubt that the time is running out fast, running out fast. Even the news bears witness to this and at times the news seems to know more concerning what is happening than my church and that never should be. So open your eyes, allow your spiritman to come alive and hear the things that the Spirit is saying to the church. Make yourself ready, make yourself ready, make yourself ready, for darkness, outer darkness shall come upon the face of the earth.
For many are not listening to my words, they think we have lots of time, lots of time. They don’t listen to what I say, they don’t believe what is coming forth, they are on their own agenda, they are doing their own things and their eyes are being blinded, their eyes are being blinded by the evil one. It is time my church woke up, it is time my church woke up, it is time my church woke up.
For do you not know the signs of the season that you are living in, for every season there are always signs and if one would really look carefully they would see the signs everywhere. They would see how the United States continues to poke at the bear who will soon strike back, for I have already told you that would come to pass. They would see how all the nations have lined up themselves under the ministry of the antichrist who too shall soon see the deadly head wound and the evil spirits when he shall become terrible, saith the Lord. For these are only a few of the signs that I have said you would see. For if the blood moons weren’t enough, if the weather patterns weren’t enough, what will be before you wake up, saith the Lord? Will destruction take place before you realize what is going on only to realize it is too late and you have been caught up because you have gotten entangled by the enemy? For truly it is that time and it is that hour and you shall continue to see my word come to pass, you shall continue to see those things being fulfilled that I have said would be fulfilled. Be not ignorant to the things that are going on, do not put my coming off five or ten years, for if you do that you will be left behind, saith the Lord and as I have said over and over there is no second chance like many teach. For as it was in the days of Noah when the door was shut, the door was shut and all who were not in the ark perished. But I have made a covenant with the Jews for those who shall make it to the mountain I shall protect them through those last few years. Only those are the ones who will really make it through, saith the Lord. So don’t become caught by that lie either, but make yourself ready, prepare yourself and be ready for my coming, for truly I am coming very soon.
10-4-15 am service
For when spiritual eyes are open and your spiritual ears can hear my voice, you walk in total, total victory, no defeat if they are obeying my word, if they are walking according to my promise, for at times you have seen it in others, you can see the very same thing in your life. Then the devil who is working so diligently will not be stealing from you, will not be causing problems that you do not know how to conquer, how to defeat, how to win. For I have given you a total recipe, a total recipe but man’s negative minds get in the way and they say, well I don’t know if I can really do this, who is man but a liar? I am not a liar, saith your Father God, I speak the truth and if you will do the things that I, your Father God, have said unto you, you shall be all, all that I have said that you could be. For I desire that you be blessed, I desire that you walk in victory, I desire that you see what the enemy is doing and what is going on right now. Don’t be like the news media in total confusion; don’t be like those that claim to be Christians who have never received my son Jesus Christ as their Lord. Oh, they are faithful in their churches, but they do not know him, so how can they be filled with the Spirit, how can they follow him. Wake up I say, wake up and hear, hear what my word has to say, for the end is standing right at the very door and most don’t see it, most don’t recognize it, oh how foolish, how foolish. Draw closer to me, draw close to me that you may know, that you may see, that you may hear, that I can bless you, I desire to bless you, I desire to keep you in victory, I desire to make you the winners. Not just hanging on with everything that you have got to make it until I take you out. For did the children of Israel leave Egypt with nothing? I don’t expect you to leave here empty handed either, be victorious, be overcomers, be what I have said you could be.
Do not all the promises contained in my word belong to you but do you even know what they are? For how can you know what I have promised you if you are not into my word, if you have not gotten it into your heart? For I say unto you, as you get a hold of those promises and really get a hold of those promises you shall begin to call those things forth and shall begin to receive all of those things that I have for you. For I have promised that I would bless you coming in and going out, for I desire to move mightily upon your behalf in these days and these hours regardless of the things that are taking place in the world. For they are not for you but I do have great and mighty things in store for you. Get a hold of my word, get a hold of my promises, walk as the overcomer in these days and these hours, walk as a King’s kid, as an heir and a joint heir to the throne of Almighty God. For truly that is who you are and as you really begin to take a hold of that you shall enter into those blessings, saith the Lord, for truly I desire to bless you in these days and these hours. So walk according to my word and according to my promises, receive all that I have for you in these days and these hours. For I love you my children, I love you and I desire to bless you in a mighty way in these days and these hours.
Oh, the darkness, the darkness, the darkness that shall quickly come upon the face of the earth. But the good part is they shall be looking for the light, and if you are truly the light, they shall come unto you and they shall seek your face and call upon your wisdom and knowledge and you shall give them my wisdom and my knowledge, but if you don’t know you can’t give to them what they have need of. So allow My Spirit, allow My Spirit to speak for you and talk for you and give unto them the things that they have need of. For darkness, darkness, utter darkness is coming upon the face of the earth.
10-4-15 pm service
Be not fearful of the things that must come to pass, for I have given you my word and my promise that I shall take you through this time victoriously. I did not say defeated, I did not say down and cast out but victoriously, if you will walk according to my word, if you do the things that I have told you, you will find that I have already gone ahead before you and made a way where it looked like there was no way. But there has been a way from the foundation of the earth, it has always been there, you just at times don’t see it but it is there. And you can walk in the victories, you can walk as the overcomer, you can pray and your answers can come to pass, some instantly. You can win souls and bring them into the safety of the fold, you can do all things, all things that I have told you that you can do. So don’t allow fear to come in but be strong in me, be strong in my power, be strong in my might. For truly you are my heirs and I love you with an everlasting love and I desire for you to be everything, everything that my word says you can be, for truly you shall be.
Do not fret or fear but rather put your trust in me, for I am the same God that parted the waters so that my children could walk on dry ground. Is there anything that I won’t do for you my children? Oh I say unto you, nothing is too difficult for me, all it takes is following me, trusting me and believing my word. Faith and action is what one must have to truly receive all that I have said that they can have. For there was no water parted until Abraham listened unto my instructions, until Moses listened unto my instruction and lifted up the rod then the waters separated. So do you need to listen to my instructions and as I give unto you those instructions I shall lead you and I shall guide you, as I have said I will not leave you my children, I am here with you all the time. Therefore, I say unto you, draw close to me that you might hear my instructions for this hour and this time, that you might follow after me like never before. Do not be one who will wander in the wilderness, but be one who hears my voice and follows after me and does what I tell you to do. For therein shall you have great blessing, therein you will have great peace, you will have contentment, you will have everything that you have need of. Therefore, I say unto you, focus on me, says the Lord, focus on me, focus on me, for as you focus on me your eyes will not be lead astray but they will keep right on the goal that is set right in front of them.
For the way that I have for you may seem like it is a rough way, a hard way and yet it is a victorious way. For every little bump jars you into line that you become even more powerful. Every little attack makes you wiser and greater that you have the wisdom and knowledge that you need to give to others, so the way is a beautiful way. So let your trust, let your confidence, let your ability be in my ability, in my trust. For I have never lied to you and I have never failed, so walk very closely by my side, for as you do you shall become aware of this now like you have never been aware of it before.
9-30-15 pm service
For truly many things have already taken place this week, many important things that at times people don’t look at or listen to and yet they should. For if they are a watchman upon the fence they are watching, they are preparing, they are ready to do the things that need to be done during these last hours. For only those that are laborers, those that are working shall be blessed coming in and blessed going out, they shall be the heads and not the tail. They shall go forth and do the things that I have told them that they should do and they shall reap the harvest and the harvest shall be great. So set your eyes like flint, let your ears hear in the spirit realm that you may see and know and understand. Look for the answers, for if you don’t know them, find them, find them, there in my book, read what my book says. For those are the instructions that I personally gave unto you that you could be an overcomer, that you could walk in victory, that you could be the head. Do that, for those that do that shall be blessed.
Do you not see, do you not know, do you not understand the importance of all the things that are taking place even right now. For they are recorded in my word that these things would have to come to pass at the appointed time and at the appointed hour, saith the Lord. For I have told you that you are in that appointed time and in that appointed hour. For even though many things that take place will not be good in that sense, oh the greatness that I have for my church. For truly this a time of revival like never seen before, for this is the final countdown before I take the church out, you might call it a grand finale and as always the grand finale is always better than anything before that. So know that regardless of what takes place know what I, your Father God, have told you, you shall see. I have said to call those things into being that be not as if they were and they shall be. Even in your own lives call those things into being, saith the lord, for they shall come to pass much quicker if you call them into being. For I have said that my word shall come to pass much faster now because of the lateness of the hour. So, therefore, when you speak it forth out of your mouth know in your heart that it has already come to pass and you shall surely see those things, saith the Lord. For I love you with an everlasting love, I desire to bless you in ways you have not been blessed before, I desire to open the windows of heaven and pour out such a blessing upon you that you cannot contain it. But you must prepare yourself for that, you must speak forth my word and allow not negative things to come out of your mouth, for they will only destroy and tear down the things that I am trying to do for you. For the devil is working even harder than he has ever before to make those things come to pass that he desires. So, therefore, speak forth only my words and watch them come to pass very quickly. For you will not have to wait five or ten years for them to come to pass, in fact you do not have to wait one or two months for them to come to pass. For as you begin to speak forth my word you shall watch those very things come to pass even in days and hours, saith the Lord. So speak forth my word and allow me to move upon your behalf, for truly that is what I desire to do in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.
For the bear was poked once too often and in clear view on television he shook his finger and a few days later he made his bold statement, oh how foolish, how foolish man is. For I have warned them, I have spoken to them, I have told them the things that would come to pass and they just ignore it, they ignore it and now and now they shall reap the harvest.
9-27-15 am service
For millions and millions of people shall have their eyes upon the moon as the moon begins to turn to blood. They will watch and they will realize that this is a sign unto all of them of the lateness of the hour and many more signs shall take place in rapid succession waking up the whole world that truly these are the end days and they are not going to be delayed another eighteen years, they are not going to be delayed another seven years. So listen and watch and take note of the things that I have said unto you, for I have given you dates, I have given you times and I have told you the things to expect, but many do not believe that. For their minds already are being turned over to a reprobate mind and they cannot distinguish good from evil, for my word says it shall be like that in the last days. And many will have the excuse as well, I am getting tired of waiting, if my disciples were still living how tired would they be, for they expected me even in their day. It is always supposed to be that way that people will make themselves ready, if you are ready you don’t worry when it shall take place, for you are ready, you are ready.
For my word is forever true, it does not change, it does not lose its interpretation, for it remains steadfast. And if you believe in your heart and you speak forth my words out of your mouth you shall call those things that be not as if they were and they shall come to pass. But you have got to believe it in your heart, and not your mind, but in your heart, for out of the heart the abundance of the mouth speaketh and many things are being called into being that you do not want, you do not desire, for you have not set a guard at your mouth. Beware; beware, for things are happening far faster now then twenty years ago.
For the kingdom of Satan is darkness and he desires darkness, complete darkness. So until my time comes to call you out my children let my light shine forth in you that he cannot have that total darkness. But let my light shine that it comes through you and destroys all the works of darkness. So let my light shine I say, shine, shine, destroy the darkness in Jesus name.
For I say unto you my children, if you be filled with My Spirit how shall you be used lest you allow me to flow through you, to flow through you as a wind instrument, says the Lord. How can you hear without My Spirit flowing through you and moving you and hit the notes that I call you to do, says the Lord. Be used of me, says the Lord
9-27-15 pm service
Let there be great hope in your heart, not the worldly type, but the confident expectation, for my word never goes out and returns void and it will, it will bring forth those things that it has been sent forth to do. And truly I have spoken loud and clear to the whole world and the world has heard what I have said, but they have not listened, many have turned their hearts cold. But when I say something will take place, it will take place; many times I give them fifteen days after the warning. So if things do not happen just as you expect them, do not allow that to bother you, but keep your eyes on my word, keep your eyes on the things that I have said, not what man has said, but what I have said and be not moved, for my word is truth.
For the devil is a liar and he has always been a liar, he uses fear and he tries to deceive you. I have not given you a spirit of fear, I have made you overcomers, I have made you victors, I have made you those that can walk on him and trample down his demons and stop the things that he is trying to do. So be not fearful, be not fearful, for if you are fearful then you open a door wide that he can use and he will come against you and you will need to call out to me or it shall be disastrous.
Do not fear the hour that you are living in, you need to put your hope and your trust in me and know that I will give you everything that you need and I will supply, I will provide. But you must know my word, you must know that I have said I will never leave you nor will I forsake you, I will be with you to the very end. Know my word my children, do not walk in fear of the things that are going to take place, but rather walk in the faith that I have given unto you, the faith that sees the end results and knows that I am coming soon. Walk close to me like never before, walk close, walk close, walk close. Remember that I have not given you a spirit of fear, but I have given you that sound mind. Walk in my word and know what I have said, for there are many troubling things that shall take place, but you need not to walk in fear, but you need to walk in my peace, you need to walk in my joy and you need to walk in my love because that is what I have given unto you. Know me my children that you truly know all of the things that I have provided unto you that you can walk in them, that you can walk in the fullness of all that I have said. For that is my desire that you walk in the fullness of what I have given unto you, says the Lord.
Behold I have appointed a watchman and it is that time and that hour oh watchman to declare, to declare the word of the Lord. For the hour of appointed has come. Therefore, declare the word of the Lord, declare the word of the Lord as I have appointed for this time and this hour oh watchman. For truly it is your time now, saith the Lord.
9-23-15 pm service
For my word spoken from your lips is more precious than pure gold, more precious than rubies, for it shall bring into your life the things that you call it to do and you shall walk in the blessings and the joy and the peace that I have given unto you. And even though many terrible things are about to happen you shall go through them victoriously, you shall be a light to the whole world and many shall come, they shall come by day, they shall come by night, but they shall come. And they shall receive what you have for them and that shall prepare them to go forth and do the things that I have for them to do, for it is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father God. So do not allow anything to distract you, to cause you to go a different direction, to cause you to walk in unbelief not knowing, not knowing or understanding what the word of God says. Get into my word and know it, know it, for my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Know my word.
Do not become so busy you cannot do my work, that you cannot do the things that I have called you to do, that you cannot prepare yourself in the way that you should be preparing yourself. But do the things that I have said, rest in me, let your confidence be in me, let your strength be in me, be prepared.
For truly does not my word say that a thief comes at an hour when you least expect it and yet if you are prepared it affects you not? So it is for my people, for those who are prepared for the day and the time and the hour. It shall not catch them by surprise, for they are waiting, they are expecting it, but don’t be one who is unaware of what is taking place, don’t be one who is caught off guard. For truly the signs are clear and if one really pays attention and lines them up with what my word has to say they could see the truth. For they are not lining it up with what man says, but they are lining it up with what my word says. For I have said to know my word, I have said to measure up everything with my word, for if you would do that you would not be lead astray. But you must know my word, you must allow me to speak to you that I can give you the direction that you have need of so that you be not deceived in these days and these hours. For many come to deceive, for this is the hour that I have spoken to you about, this is the very last hour and you shall hear of more fables that shall arise. But know what I have told you would take place; know that the things that I have said that will come to pass are coming to pass very quickly now. For the destruction of Babylon in a twenty four hour period is coming very quickly, I have told you about that, I have warned you concerning that and I have told you to pray. Be not caught off guard when that takes place, for I have told you to be ready, I have told you to prepare and I have told you to watch. For very soon now that shall come to pass, saith the Lord.
9-20-15 am service
Be strong in the Lord and the power of my might, for I have given unto you all power, all authority, all ability to go forth and do everything that I have said that you could do. The enemy will oppose you and the enemy will tell you that you are wrong, but remember he was a liar from the very beginning. He has no power, he has no authority, he has no other ability than that which you give to him. Give no power to him, give no authority to him, give no ability to him, but stand in your rightful place as an heir to the throne of Almighty God. Stand in my strength and my power and my ability and go forth to do great and mighty things that the world may see and know and understand that truly there is a God, that I have delegated my power and my authority and my ability unto you that you can go forth in my place and do the things that I, I your Father God, would do. Be not fearful of the things that are transpiring, the things taking place or the foolishness of those that do not know what is going on and do not know what to do. For as you watch in any area of life anymore, they do not want what is right they want what is evil, be not like them, but establish righteousness that others can see and walk in that righteousness even as you are walking in that righteousness. For they shall come unto you and they shall seek you for miracles, signs and wonders. Speak my word, not your words, but speak my word, call things that be not as if they were done already and they shall be and I shall be glorified because of the things that you do.
For those that walk according to my word shall speak my word, miracles, signs and wonders shall follow the words that they speak and man shall see them and those that have no miracles, signs or wonders following them are not speaking my word. They don’t know my word, they don’t understand my word and they do not flow in the gifts, for if they knew my word they would flow in the gifts and the power would automatically follow them and these signs they would see because I have said so. So walk, walk according to my word.
So take the sword that I have given unto you, saith the Lord, run it through my oil and aim higher, aim higher, says the Lord. Speak my words, keep that armor on, anoint it with that oil I have given unto you, the Holy Ghost and go into the battle, says the Lord, don’t retreat but go forth.
Do not allow the cares of this word cause you to take your eyes off of me, saith the Lord, but allow me to lead and guide your every step. Allow me to guide you each and every day through all the things that you do, allow me to speak unto you that you may go forth and accomplish those things that I have called for you to do. Even though it may not line up with your own agenda, lay your own wants and cares aside and set yourself fully upon my course that I have for you. For truly I desire to use you in a mighty and powerful way in these days and these hours, but you must walk with all of your trust in me, you must allow me to have total control, saith the Lord. For truly I know the things that shall take place before you do, I know when you should go here and when you should go there, I know when you should speak and when you shouldn’t. So allow My Spirit to lead and guide you, for truly I have a great work in store for you in these days and hours. For many shall flood in here to receive the miracles and the signs and the wonders, for they will not be elsewhere for I have told you that before, so many shall flood in here. So you need to be ready, you need to allow me to use you, for truly they are coming very soon now, saith the Lord, very soon now, are you ready? For it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.
9-20-15 pm service
Let my word fill your heart that you
may speak my words whenever you have a need, whenever the enemy confronts you,
whenever you feel down, speak my word. For
as you speak my word your heart shall be filled with joy and you shall be the
overcomer and the enemy shall be defeated.
So fear not the things that are coming now, the things that shall be
seen week after week after week. But
stand strong in my word, stand strong in my word and let your mouth be filled
with my word, that you can speak forth my word, that you can speak forth the
things that you desire, that you can call the victories and you can bring
defeat to the enemy.
Know the importance of being
established in my word, says the Lord, but even when Jesus was tempted the
only thing he spoke was my word. Be
reminded of this, says the Lord, of the importance of my word and all the
power that it has, for when my word is spoken the enemy has to leave, he does
not have any grounds to stay around, but he has to leave according to my word. Know the power and authority that I have given unto you my
children through my word, to the name that is above all other names.
Know what my name can do, know the power behind my name and know that
there is nothing that I will withhold from you my children, for do you not
know that I have given you all things, all these good things that you can
enjoy? Oh I say unto you, know
who I am, know what I have given unto you, for truly I am your Father and I
desire that you walk in the perfect path that I have provided for you, one
that is filled with great joy, one that is filled with peace, one that is
filled with contentment, one that is filled with love.
Oh I want you to know my love like never before, that you truly know
that I have given all, that you can have everything and that more abundantly.
Draw close to me like never before, for the hour is late and it is
time, it is time, it is time to know, to know my very heartbeat, to know my
very desire. Therefore, I say,
draw close like never before that you do not miss out, but that you are right
there, right there enjoying all that I have given unto you to enjoy for this
hour and this time.
The spoken word will bring miracles, signs and deliverance; the spoken word will lift you up when you are down. The spoken word will bring peace into your life; the spoken word will bring victories into your life. That is why it is so important that you know my word that you may speak my word and oh the results that you will have.
I have designed for my word to function far faster in these last days than in the days before. There were many things that needed to take place and at times some things had to wait until it was the proper timing for them. But now that all those promises are being fulfilled, and there is not much on my calendar, I can move much faster on your behalf. So be careful, watch, be careful the words that you speak, let them be my words, let them be my words and I shall bring them to pass.
9-16-15 pm service
Let your spiritual ears be open, listen carefully to the things that are said, for man shall say many things but they are not the things that I, your Father God, have said. They are the things of an active mind, over active and they know not what the truth is, and therefore, they speak forth things they know not. But you know my word, you know the moving of My Spirit, therefore I say unto you, be not deceived but know the things, know the things that I have told you, know the dates that I have told you. For the other dates that man is saying do not amount to anything, they are nothing to be concerned over. But listen carefully to my word and follow all the teaching that you have had and you shall walk in the truth that I have given unto you. Be not fearful, for fear is not of me, I have not given you a spirit of fear so be not fearful but know the truth and walk in the truth and speak the truth and you shall be the victor, you shall be the overcomer and you will not fail or fall, just walk in my word.
[ Prophetic Word ]